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brainCloud Unity Examples

This repository contains example Unity projects that make use of the brainCloud client — an excellent place to start learning how the various brainCloud APIs are used!

These projects are meant to be used as code examples and references. Feel free to use our code as an example for your own code. All projects, unless stated otherwise, make use of Unity 2022.3.

Note: These projects will not work outside of the box without proper set-up of a brainCloud app. Additionally, several projects also require you to set up a project on a platform backend, such as the Google Play console or Apple Developer portal.

Copying an example via brainCloud Templates

Some of our examples are a bit more complicated and require brainCloud dashboard side configurations. These examples include Authentication, BombersRTT, SpaceShooterWithStats, and TicTacToe.

Create a new app using a template of one of these examples:

  1. In Unity select brainCloud > Settings from the menu

  1. In the brainCloud Settings window, login to your current account or signup for the first time

    • Note: brainCloud is free during development!
  2. With your team selected, select -- Create New App -- and check Create using Tutorial template

  3. Select the template you wish to use

    • If using the SpaceShooter example, select the SpaceShooter template

  1. After creating the new app, you can review the imported data on the brainCloud dashboard
    • The SpaceShooter example imports stats which can be viewed on the Design > Cloud Data > User Statistics page


Authentication has been updated with a new look! Check out the Authentication for more information. This example will be updated as new features and authentication methods are added to brainCloud.


An example demonstrating the Chat service on brainCloud, which works on apps making use of brainCloud RTT.

Be sure to enable RTT on your app in brainCloud in order to test the example properly.


This example showcases the One-Way Match and Playback Stream services in brainCloud. Check out the Clashers for more information.


This example is a real-time multiplayer game implemented using brainCloud. brainCloud provides the backend services for storing data, as well as the Matchmaking service and brainCloud's Relay Multiplayer server.

Go to the SplashScreen scene and run it to test it out in the editor!

For more information, check out the BombersRTT file.

Enable Hosting

This form of hosting requires our plus plans, so to entirely run the example on your copy, you will need to enable the DEVELOPMENT PLUS plan or higher. Find the option on the Team > Manage > Apps page, and click [Go Live!].

Compiler Flags

  • DEBUG_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logs via GDebug Class
  • STEAMWORKS_ENABLED - Enable Steam SDK integration, must have the steam client open on a desktop to use via the editor
  • BUY_CURRENCY_ENABLED - Enable store product purchasing – PC / Mac / Standalone builds require the STEAMWORKS_ENABLED flag


New example showcasing how to use brainCloud to faciliate connections between users and a server. Check out the Invaders for more information.

Push Notifications & Marketplace

This example showcases how to push notifications through brainCloud using the Firebase Messaging plugin for Android and Apple Push Services for iOS. It also showcases brainCloud's Marketplace features for In-App Purchases. Check out the Marketplace for more information.


An example that showcases the Matchmaking and Relay services in brainCloud.

To set up lobby types as a Global Property, in the brainCloud server portal, navigate to Design > Cloud Data > Global Properties:

  1. Press the + on the right side to create a new Global Property
  2. Name and Category can be set to what you prefer
  3. Ensure Type is set to String
  4. Value should look like the following JSON:

RelayTestApp is set up to look for the word Team in the lobby types, so if you want to test Team Mode in the example app, ensure your lobby type has the word Team in it. It will otherwise use Free For All mode by default.

Disconnect/Reconnect Feature

You can follow the example code on how to reconnect a user that lost connection. There are also disconnect buttons that can be brought up:

  • Logout and disconnect everything (RTT, Relay, and wipe any authenticated info)
  • Re-initialize and Re-authenticate to then join back to the same room the User was disconnected from

There is also a button to just disconnect the RTT connection and reconnect only RTT. To set this up for your app, go to your lobby settings under Design > Multiplayer > Lobbies and add {"enableDisconnectButton":true} to the Custom Config for your lobby.


The Getting Started With Unity video uses the Space Shooter example as a backing project.

Go to the BrainCloudConnect scene and run the game to test it out in the editor!

Find more information, including the video itself, here:


Showcases brainCloud's Async Multiplayer and Cloud Code services.

Open up the Start - TwoPlayer scene to see it operate in side-by-side action, or build the Start - OnePlayer scene and run two different instances of the game to test it out!

For more information, see the TicTacToe file.

For more information on brainCloud and its services, please check out brainCloud Learn and API Reference.