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Keep Gauge and plugins upto date

Gauge and it's plugins are released periodically. It is recommended that you update regularly to get the latest bug fixes/features.


It is recommended that you update gauge before updating plugins. The latest versions of the plugins may not be compatible with older version of gauge.

To update gauge, follow instructions of the package manager if you've used one. Ensure that gauge is updated using the same source it was originally installed from.

gauge update --check # check for all available updates.
gauge update <plugin> # updates <plugin> to the latest compatible version.

Keep Visual Studio Code and gauge-vscode upto date

Microsoft releases new versions of VS Code periodically, and it is recommended to keep the software upto date. Ensure that gauge-vscode extension is also upto date. You may choose to enable auto update of VScode extensions.

Install Langauge extensions for VSCode

Gauge extension for Visual Studio Code helps author gauge specifications, and has language features that are relevant in doing so. However, it does not have the capabilities to analyze the implementation langauge (i.e. Java/C#/javascript etc.) So it is recommended that you install and use these language plugins.

Some suggestions:


Gauge installation via NPM (npm install @getgauge/cli -g)

Error message:

{ [Error: EACCES: permission denied, open 'bin/gauge'] errno: -13, code: 'EACCES', syscall: 'open', path: 'bin/gauge' }


If npm was invoked with root privileges, then it will change the uid to the user account or uid specified by the user config, which defaults to nobody.


Set the unsafe-perm flag to run scripts with root privileges.

For example run the following command:

npm install -g @getgauge/cli --unsafe-perm

Execution (Run Gauge specification)

Validation failure warning

Error message:

[WARN] Validation failed. The following steps have errors


This error occurs if the step implementation for a particular step does not exist.


  • Add the step implementation for the failed step.

  • Ensure that the cases match between the step and the corresponding code in the implementation file.
    The code for the step in the step implementation file is case sensitive.

Failed to start a runner


Failed to start a runner. Compatible runner version to 0.0.7 not found


The language plugin is not compatible with the Gauge version installed on your system.


Run the following command:

gauge install language_name

For more information about plugin installation, see :ref:`install_plugins`.

Too many open files


Error: too many open files


The upper limit to the number of open files is low.


  1. Increase the upper limit by adding a command ulimit -S -n 2048 to your ~/.profile.
  2. Log out and log in again for the changes to take effect.

Gradle unable to execute Gauge specs, despite adding GaugeTask


* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'INDYGauge'.
> Could not get unknown property 'GaugeTask' for root project 'INDYGauge' of type org.gradle.api.Project.


This error occurs when Gradle is unable to recognize the GaugeTask.


Use the fully qualified name for GaugeTask as shown below:

task customGauge(type: com.thoughtworks.gauge.gradle.GaugeTask) {
    gauge {
        specsDir = 'specs'
        env = 'default'
        tags = 'tag1'
        inParallel = true
        nodes = 4
        additionalFlags = '--verbose'

Parse errors


The following is an example of a Parse error:

[ParseError] hello_world.spec : line no: 25, Dynamic parameter <product> could not be resolved

List of various Parse errors:

Parse Error Gauge Execution Behaviour
Step is not defined inside a concept heading Stops
Circular reference found in concept Stops
Concept heading can only have dynamic parameters Stops
Concept should have at least one step Stops
Duplicate concept definition found Stops
Scenario heading is not allowed in concept file Stops
Table does not belong to any step Ignores table; Gauge execution continues
Table header cannot have repeated column values Marks that specification as failed; Gauge execution continues for other spes
Teardown should have at least three underscore characters Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Scenario heading should have at least one character Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Table header should be not blank Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Multiple spec headings found in the same file Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Scenario should be defined after the spec heading Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Could not resolve table from file Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Spec does not have any element Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Spec heading not found Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Spec heading should have at least one character Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Dynamic param could not be resolved Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Step should not be blank Marks that specification as failed; continues for others
Duplicate scenario definition found in the same specification Marks that specification as failed; continues for others


Parse errors occur if the spec or concept files do not follow the appropriate guidelines necessary for writing a spec or concept.


Ensure that the spec and concept files follow the appropriate guidelines.
For more information about how to write a spec, see :ref:`specs`.
For more information about how to write a concept, see :ref:`concept`.

Validation Errors

Validation errors are those for which Gauge does not run the scenario when the error occurs.


Step implementation not found

The following is an example:

[ValidationError] login.spec:33: Step implementation not found. login with "user" and "p@ssword"


This error occurs if the spec file has a step that does not have an implementation in the language runner used for the Gauge project.


Add the appropriate code in the step implementation file.


Duplicate step implementation

The following is an example:

[ValidationError] foo.spec:11 Duplicate step implementation => 'Vowels in English language are <table>'


This error occurs if the spec file has a step that is implemented multiple times in the projects.


Ensure that the duplicate instances of the step implementation is removed.


gRPC issues


Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system

Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v67-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v57-darwin-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
Original error: Cannot find module '/Users/someone/.gauge/plugins/js/2.3.4/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/node-v67-darwin-x64-unknown/grpc_node.node'


gauge-js uses gRPC to communicate with Gauge. The package gRPC has native bindings. When Node is updated, gauge run fails due to binary incompatibility with the newer version.


Run npm rebuild in PLUGIN_INSTALL_LOCATION\js\PLUGIN_VERSION directory.


Perform the following steps:

  2. Run npm cache clean -f.
  3. Install the plugin again by running gauge install js.

For more information about plugin install location, see Plugins Directory at :ref:`install_plugins`.

Gauge Python

ImportError: No module named getgauge


ImportError: No module named getgauge


pip module getgauge is not installed.


Install the getgauge package by using pip as follows:

[sudo] pip install getgauge

ImportError: No module named step_impl.<file_name>


ImportError: No module named step_impl.<file_name>


This error occurs in versions lower than Python 2.7 and versions lower than Python 3.2.


  • Use Python versions other than those in which the error occurs.


  • If you cannot use other Python versions, create step_impl/ file.

VS Code

Language client is not ready yet


getgauge package is not installed.


Install getgauge package by running the following command:

[sudo] pip install getgauge

Gauge could not initialize. For more information see Problems ...


Gauge language server launched ok, but gauge runner crashed for some reason.

The root cause for the above can be due to multiple reasons. Some of them are:

  • Check the 'Problems' view to identify possible errors.
  • If project is using java with maven/gradle, ensure that gauge-java versions in pom.xml/build.gradle are latest and match the gauge-java version installed. (run gauge -v to verify.



Environmental issues can be specific to individual setup and hence is not exhaustively documented. These are general guidelines to diagnose these.

  • Ensure dependencies for the runner are installed and accessible. Ex - For a java project a supported JDK is installed and JAVA_HOME, PATH is set correctly.
  • Permissions are set appropriately.
  • Gauge writes log files honouring the log level set. Set --log-level debug to see additional information.