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Bundle Configurations

A command bundle is a set of related commands that, when installed in Gort, may be executed by users from any connected (and allowed) chat service. A bundle configuration specifies which binary to execute, and who may execute the commands (i.e., which users with which permissions).

A Minimal Bundle Configurations

A minimal bundle configuration looks like the following:

gort_bundle_version: 1

name: my_bundle
description: "Does bundle things"
version: 0.1
image: ubuntu:20.04

    executable: [ "/bin/date" ]
    description: "Displays the current date and time"
      - allow

The name, description, version, gort_bundle_version and commands fields are all required. Let's go over what these do:

  • gort_bundle_version is the version of Gort's bundle system that your bundle was built for. The current bundle version is 1, which is used through out the rest of this document.
  • name is the name of your bundle, which also serves as the namespace under all of the bundle's commands are installed. In this case the date command's fully-qualified name is my_bundle:date.
  • description is a short, one-line description for your bundle. This will be printed along with a list of all installed bundles when a user runs the !gort:help command.
  • version is the semver version number of your bundle. If you want to install a new version of bundle then you first need to uninstall the old one.
  • docker specifies the Docker image that contains all of the bundle's commands. Limit: one image per bundle.
  • commands are a map of zero or more commands that can be invoked in the bundle, and their associated executables. The command name, as defined here, will be the command invoked by users; it doesn't have to match the name of the binary.


Commands are possibly the most complex component of the bundle config.

As an example let’s look at an excerpt from the config for an ec2 bundle.

    executable: [ /usr/local/bin/ec2_find ]
    description: Finds an AWS EC2 instance
      - must have ec2:view

Here you can see the command name, "find", under which are nested several fields.

  • executable points to the command script or binary that's to be run when the command is executed. Optional. If omitted, this defaults to the image's specified ENTRYPOINT.
  • description is a short, one-line description for the command. This is the info that will appear along with a list of commands when a user runs the help command.
  • rules is a required list of strings that define what permissions are required to run the command. In this example, the ec2:view permission is required. See :doc:`permissions-and-rules` to learn more about rules and their construction.


Most commands require permissions to run. Permissions are specified by in the bundle config as a list of strings at the top level. Here is another excerpt of the ec2 config as an example.

gort_bundle_version: 1

name: ec2
description: Manage EC2 instances and related services
version: 0.4.0
- view
- destroy
- create


In this example, three permissions are defined. When being referenced in a command rule a permission's fully-qualified name must be used: e.g., ec2:view or ec2:destroy.

Documentation fields

There are a number of fields dedicated to rendering help output via the help command, both for the bundle and the command.


The following documentation fields can also be used at the top level of a bundle configuration:

  • long_description is a separate section for a longer form description, which can include things like what configuration is required, how commands should be used, and more details about the underlying implementation.
  • author is where the bundle author can leave their name and email address if a user needs their contact information.
  • homepage is a URL for the bundle, typically a GitHub repository.


The following documentation field can also be used in each command configuration:

  • long_description is a long-form description used to explain details of a command that don’t fit into other sections like an explanation of required arguments or about the structure of the output.

Bundle Installation

Command bundles can be explicitly installed using gort bundle install. Bundles can only be installed this way by an adequately-privileged user (an administrator or other user with the gort:manage_bundles permission), and are disabled by default.

See :doc:`managing-bundles` for more information on how to explicitly install command bundles.

A Complete Bundle Configuration Example

Below is a complete example of a bundle configuration. In fact, it's the default bundle used by Gort to install the gort bundle (minus a few commands, cut for brevity).

gort_bundle_version: 1

name: gort
version: 0.0.1
author: Matt Titmus <>
description: The default command bundle.
long_description: |-
  The default command bundle, which contains the administrative commands and
  the permissions required to use them.
  Don't change or override this unless you know what you're doing.

  - manage_commands
  - manage_groups
  - manage_roles
  - manage_users

  image: getgort/gort
  tag: v0.9.0

    description: "Perform operations on bundles"
    long_description: |-
      Allows you to perform bundle administration.

        gort:bundle [command]

      Available Commands:
        disable     Disable a bundle by name
        enable      Enable the specified version of the bundle
        info        Info a bundle
        install     Install a bundle
        list        List all bundles installed
        uninstall   Uninstall bundles
        yaml        Retrieve the raw YAML for a bundle.

        -h, --help   help for bundle
    executable: [ "/bin/gort", "bundle" ]
      - must have gort:manage_commands

    description: "Displays version and build information"
    long_description: |-
      Displays version and build information.

        gort:version [flags]

        -h, --help    help for version
        -s, --short   Print only the version number
    executable: [ "/bin/gort", "version" ]
      - allow

    description: "Provides information about a command"
    long_description: |-
      Provides information about a command.

      If no command is specified, this will list all commands installed in Gort.

        gort:help [flags] [command]
    executable: [ "/bin/gort", "hidden", "commands" ]
      - allow