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File metadata and controls

206 lines (146 loc) · 8.12 KB


First, create a repository with a global configuration file that you or your organization will be using. The repository should contain dp.yml.tmpl file looking similar to this:

    template_name: my-first-template
  username: YOUR_USERNAME

Thanks to the copier, you can leverage Jinja template syntax to create easily modifiable configuration templates. Just create a copier.yml file next to the dp.yml.tmpl one and configure the template questions (read more at copier documentation).

Then, run dp init <CONFIG_REPOSITORY_URL> to initialize dp. You can also drop <CONFIG_REPOSITORY_URL> argument, dp will get initialized with an empty config.

Project creation

You can use dp create <NEW_PROJECT_PATH> to choose one of the templates added before and create the project in the <NEW_PROJECT_PATH> directory.

You can also use dp create <NEW_PROJECT_PATH> <LINK_TO_TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY> to point directly to a template repository. If <LINK_TO_TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY> proves to be the name of the template defined in dp's config file, dp create will choose the template by the name instead of trying to download the repository.

dp template-list lists all added templates.

Project update

To update your pipeline project use dp update <PIPELINE_PROJECT-PATH>. It will sync your existing project with updated template version selected by --vcs-ref option (default HEAD).

Project configuration

dp as a tool depends on a few files in your project directory. In your project directory, it must be able to find a config directory with a structure looking similar to this:

├── base
│ ├── dbt.yml
│ ├── bigquery.yml
│ └── ...
├── dev
│ └── bigquery.yml
│── local
│ ├── dbt.yml
│ └── bigquery.yml
└── prod
    └── bigquery.yml

Whenever you call dp's command with the --env <ENV> flag, the tool will search for dbt.yml and <TARGET_TYPE>.yml files in base and <ENV> directory and parse important info out of them, with <ENV> settings taking precedence over those listed in base. So, for example, for the following files:

# config/base/dbt.yml
target: env_execution
target_type: bigquery

# config/base/bigquery.yml
method: oauth
project: my-gcp-project
dataset: my-dataset
threads: 1

# cat config/dev/bigquery.yml
dataset: dev-dataset

dp test --env dev will run dp test command using values from those files, most notably with dataset: dev-dataset overwriting dataset: my-dataset setting.

dp synthesizes dbt's profiles.yml out of those settings among other things. However, right now it only creates local or env_execution profile, so if you want to use different settings amongst different environments, you should rather use {{ env_var('VARIABLE') }} as a value and provide those settings as environment variables. E.g., by setting those in your config/<ENV>/k8s.yml file, in envs dictionary:

# config/base/bigquery.yml
method: oauth
dataset: "{{ env_var('GCP_DATASET') }}"
project: my-gcp-project
threads: 1

# config/base/k8s.yml
# ... Kubernetes settings ...

# config/dev/k8s.yml
  GCP_DATASET: dev-dataset

# config/prod/k8s.yml
   GCP_DATASET: prod-dataset

target and target_type

  • target setting in config/<ENV>/dbt.yml should be set either to local or env_execution;
  • target_type defines which backend dbt will use and what file dp will search for; example target_types are bigquery or snowflake.


You can put a dictionary of variables to be passed to dbt in your config/<ENV>/dbt.yml file, following the convention presented in the guide at the dbt site. E.g., if one of the fields of config/<SNOWFLAKE_ENV>/snowflake.yml looks like this:

schema: "{{ var('snowflake_schema') }}"

you should put the following in your config/<SNOWFLAKE_ENV>/dbt.yml file:

  snowflake_schema: EXAMPLE_SCHEMA

and then run your dp run --env <SNOWFLAKE_ENV> (or any similar command).

You can also add "global" variables to your dp config file $HOME/.dp.yml. Be aware, however, that those variables get erased on every dp init call. It is a great idea to put commonly used variables in your organization's dp.yml.tmpl template and make copier ask for those when initializing dp. By doing so, each member of your organization will end up with a list of user-specific variables reusable across different projects on its machine. Just remember, global-scoped variables take precedence over project-scoped ones.

Project compilation

dp compile prepares your project to be run on your local machine and/or deployed on a remote one.

Local run

When you get your project configured, you can run dp run and dp test commands.

  • dp run runs the project on your local machine,
  • dp test run tests for your project on your local machine.

Project deployment

dp deploy will sync with your bucket provider. The provider will be chosen automatically based on the remote URL. Usually, it is worth pointing dp deploy to a JSON or YAML file with provider-specific data like access tokens or project names. The provider-specific data should be interpreted as the **kwargs (keyword arguments) expected by a specific fsspec's FileSystem implementation. One would most likely want to look at the S3FileSystem or GCSFileSystem documentation.

E.g., to connect with Google Cloud Storage, one should run:

echo '{"token": "<PATH_TO_YOUR_TOKEN>", "project_name": "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>"}' > gs_args.json
dp deploy --dags-path "gs://<YOUR_GS_PATH>" --blob-args gs_args.json

However, in some cases, you do not need to do so, e.g. when using gcloud with properly set local credentials. In such a case, you can try to run just the dp deploy --dags-path "gs://<YOUR_GS_PATH>" command and let gcsfs search for the credentials. Please refer to the documentation of the specific fsspec's implementation for more information about the required keyword arguments.

dags-path as config argument

You can also list your path in the config/base/airflow.yml file, as a dags_path argument:

dags_path: gs://<YOUR_GS_PATH>
# ... rest of the 'airflow.yml' file

In such a case, you do not have to provide a --dags-path flag, and you can just call dp deploy instead.

Packing and publishing

The built project can be processed to a dbt package by calling dp publish. dp publish parses manifest.json and prepares a package that lists models outputted by transformations, saving it in the build/package directory.

Preparing dbt environment

Sometimes you would like to use standalone dbt or an application that interfaces with it (like VS Code plugin). dp prepare-env prepares your local environment to be more conformant with standalone dbt requirements, e.g., by saving profiles.yml in the home directory.

However, be aware that most of the time you do not need to do so, and you can comfortably use dp run and dp test commands to interface with the dbt instead.

Clean project

When finished, call dp clean to remove compilation-related directories.