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This is your new Kedro project for the spaceflights tutorial, which was generated using Kedro 0.18.13.

Take a look at the Kedro documentation to get started.

This is an example of using kedro and kedro-airflow plugins together to generate dags out of pipelines that can run on GCP Composer.

Main additions/changes relative to spaceflights starter

The main artifacts/changes here are:

  • templates/ - this is the template for the kedro-airflow to generate a DAG using GKEStartPodOperator. All the magic of this example is defined there.
  • conf/base/airlow.yml - this is the configuration file for the kedro-airflow plugin. It defines the airflow specific configuration and provides the key values for jinja to fill in the dag template. It is loaded by ConfigLoader, so templating works there as well.
  • conf/base/catalog.yml - this is the catalog configuration file. It required to define all inputs and outputs for the node 1-1 mapping scenario, as all node are executed on separate nodes then. There's also MLflow integration and registering the model as an artifact. I also added airflow_xcom export to GKE specific path of mount point to communicate MLflow run id to other nodes.
  • conf/cloud/mlflow.yml - the setup of MLflow tracking server. It is used by kedro-mlflow plugin to connect to our MLflow server.
  • src/spaceflights/pipelines/airflow_xcom - simple pipeline to retrieve or start MLflow run id and then export it using Airflow xcom mechanism. This node is treated specially in the template to exclude it from the pipeline and
  • src/spaceflights/ - special class that uses kedro-mlflow class template as request header provider to authenticate with GCP. Its service account should be the same as the one bound to workload identity k8s service account (in airflow.yml).
  • airflow_dags - where dags get generated.
  • src/spaceflights/ - addition of tags verification code
  • src/spaceflights/airflow_utils - utility module for the DAG template

Additional features:

  • grouping nodes for execution within the same process/pod using tags with special prefix (here: airflow:)
  • assigning k8s machine specification (memory/cpu requests/limits) for nodes based on special tags (starting with machine:)


To comment shortly about required environment setup for Airflow Composer and describe usage of the plugin.


I am skipping setup here and requirements install. You can find that below in "how to install dependencies" section. On the GCP side you need to create Composer environment and configure it to use GKE cluster. You can find the details here: In our setup you also need to configure workload identity for the cluster to be able to access MLflow server. Workload identity by default is already enabled so follow from there:

In this example I added k8s service account airflow-ml-jobs and the same namespace and bound it to gke compute default service account. I've made a separate service account for composer and made sure that it can access MLflow by adding it to data-scientists group within our platform's terraform:

Additionally you might want to add more dependencies for Airflow Composer environment, like mlflow. You can do it on many ways. For example like this from requirements.txt:

gcloud composer environments update ENVIRONMENT_NAME --location LOCATION --update-pypi-packages-from-file requirements.txt

This is different requirements.txt than the one in the Kedro project. They are dependencies that our jinja template uses. For reference, we could use the following dependencies here:


All but mlflow should be already present there.


Update conf/cloud/catalog_globals.yml with bucket name to store intermediate data. For demo purpose we re-use the same bucket as was created for dags storage. You can find the bucket name with commands below. Disclaimer: here we keep all catalog entries for all intermediate steps, however should we want to only upkeep nodes in grouped versions, we can delete entries that would be necessary to communicate between them, as MemoryDataSet can be used in this scenario.

First, you need to build & upload docker image of this, for example (you need to point to your own docker image registry):

kedro docker build && docker tag spaceflights-airflow && docker push

Then generate the DAG:

kedro airflow create -j ./templates/gke_operator.pytpl --env cloud

Then we need to upload the DAG to Composer's bucket. You can do that either through UI or CLI. When using CLI you can use the steps below. List composer environments in given location:

LOCATION=europe-west1; gcloud composer environments list --locations $LOCATION

Figure out which bucket is your dag bucket, fill COMPOSER_ENV from last step:

COMPOSER_ENV="test-environment"; export DAGS_PATH=$(gcloud composer environments describe $COMPOSER_ENV --location $LOCATION --format "value(config.dagGcsPrefix)")

Then copy the DAG from airflow_dags to your dag bucket. Also include DAG's local dependencies which is utils module.

gcloud storage cp airflow_dags/ $DAGS_PATH
gcloud storage cp -r src/spaceflights/airflow_utils $DAGS_PATH/airflow_utils

Lastly, you can trigger the DAG from Airflow UI. You can find the DAG name in the file name of the dag file. You can also trigger it from CLI or define triggering schedule in params.

Rules and guidelines - continuation of Spaceflights Readme

In order to get the best out of the template:

  • Don't remove any lines from the .gitignore file we provide
  • Make sure your results can be reproduced by following a data engineering convention
  • Don't commit data to your repository
  • Don't commit any credentials or your local configuration to your repository. Keep all your credentials and local configuration in conf/local/

How to install dependencies

Declare any dependencies in src/requirements.txt for pip installation and src/environment.yml for conda installation.

To install them, run:

pip install -r src/requirements.txt

How to run your Kedro pipeline

You can run your Kedro project with:

kedro run

How to test your Kedro project

Have a look at the file src/tests/ for instructions on how to write your tests. You can run your tests as follows:

kedro test

To configure the coverage threshold, go to the .coveragerc file.

Project dependencies

To generate or update the dependency requirements for your project:

kedro build-reqs

This will pip-compile the contents of src/requirements.txt into a new file src/requirements.lock. You can see the output of the resolution by opening src/requirements.lock.

After this, if you'd like to update your project requirements, please update src/requirements.txt and re-run kedro build-reqs.

How to work with Kedro and notebooks

Note: Using kedro jupyter or kedro ipython to run your notebook provides these variables in scope: catalog, context, pipelines and session.

Jupyter, JupyterLab, and IPython are already included in the project requirements by default, so once you have run pip install -r src/requirements.txt you will not need to take any extra steps before you use them.


To use Jupyter notebooks in your Kedro project, you need to install Jupyter:

pip install jupyter

After installing Jupyter, you can start a local notebook server:

kedro jupyter notebook


To use JupyterLab, you need to install it:

pip install jupyterlab

You can also start JupyterLab:

kedro jupyter lab


And if you want to run an IPython session:

kedro ipython

How to convert notebook cells to nodes in a Kedro project

You can move notebook code over into a Kedro project structure using a mixture of cell tagging and Kedro CLI commands.

By adding the node tag to a cell and running the command below, the cell's source code will be copied over to a Python file within src/<package_name>/nodes/:

kedro jupyter convert <filepath_to_my_notebook>

Note: The name of the Python file matches the name of the original notebook.

Alternatively, you may want to transform all your notebooks in one go. Run the following command to convert all notebook files found in the project root directory and under any of its sub-folders:

kedro jupyter convert --all

How to ignore notebook output cells in git

To automatically strip out all output cell contents before committing to git, you can run kedro activate-nbstripout. This will add a hook in .git/config which will run nbstripout before anything is committed to git.

Note: Your output cells will be retained locally.