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File metadata and controls

200 lines (161 loc) · 9.82 KB

PROCEDURE makes in total three passes through transcript annotation to arrive at the final genome wide annotation.

In the first pass, for every distinct gene_name attribute in GTF file we store all of the corresponding features from the GTF input file (i.e. all exons, and also all start and stop codons in case of coding genes).

In the second pass, we define the six types of genomic features. Features can be overlapping at first.

  • upstream genic regions
  • 3'UTRs
  • CDS
  • introns
  • 5'UTRs
  • downstream genic regions

In the third and final pass, we go through the list of features and resolve ambiguities of overlapping features using following principles:

  • Any exon outside of outermost start codon is labelled utr5p, outside of the outermost stop codon is labelled utr3p and middle exons are labelled simply exon.

  • If exon overlaps with an intron, we label such region exon.

  • Upstream and downstream regions of any gene are initially defined in the second pass as 1 kb up- and downstream. During the third pass regions that receive final upstream and downstream annotation can be shorter than 1kb: if we detect that the upstream region of geneA overlaps with utr5p, utr3p, exon or intron of geneB, then only the non-overlapping fraction of the upstream regions of geneA is going to be labelled upstream in the final annotation. In the extreme cases the upstream and downstream recieve length of 0 nt. For example, this can happen when geneA is located within a long intron of geneB and the intial 1 kb upstream and downstream regions of geneA happen to be entirely contained within the long intron of geneB.

Definition of exonic and intronic regions

Exons are defined in the first pass from the information in the input GTF file. Regions between consecutive exons are all labelled as intron in the second pass. Some exons will be re-labelled into utr5p and utr3p in the second pass. Note regions of introns (or sometimes entire introns) lose intron label in the third pass if an overlap with exonic features is detected.

Definition of UTRs

UTR features of coding genes are defined in the second pass after we store coordinates of all exons, start and stop codons. In the second pass we select a single start and a single stop codon position per gene. Then, these two selected positions are used as stable reference points for assigning UTR annotation to exon features of all transcripts of that gene. When gene encodes multiple transcript isoforms that differ in positions of start and stop codons, we choose the positions of the outermost codons as the reference points. Exons, or parts of exons, that are outside of the reference points receive utr5p and utr3p labels, while middle exons remain with exon label. In case of non-coding genes, i.e. genes without start_codon and stop_codon entries in the input GTF file, all exons remain with the exon label.

Definition of upstream and downstream regions

Upstream and downstream regions are defined as 1kb regions outside of outermost exons in the second pass of the program. They will be contracted in the third pass if overlaps with genic features is detected.


Input data is passed to via three arguments. Command line flags for passing these arguments to the program, and description of input format is given below.

-g or --genomeFile "path/to/file with chromosome names and lengths"

To correctly annotate regions outside of genes (i.e. regions that recieve intergenic label) it is required to know chromosome lengths. This file consists of lines with two tab-delimited fields. First field is chromsome name, the second field is chromsome length.

Example of input genome file for Drosophila melanogaster dm3 genome assembly:

chr2L       23011544
chr2LHet    368872
chr2R       21146708
chr2RHet    3288761
chr3L       24543557
chr3LHet    2555491
chr3R       27905053
chr3RHet    2517507
chr4        1351857
chrM        19517
chrU        10049037
chrUextra   29004656
chrX        22422827
chrXHet     204112
chrYHet     347038

Note: given that we have the genome sequence file in FASTA format, the table with chromosome names and lengths can be generated with

-t or --gtf "path/to/transcript annotation in GTF fromat"

Input transcript annotation is required to be in GTF format GTF description. GTF RefSeq transcript annotation can be obtained via UCSC Table Browser.

In the default GTF file only exon, stop_codon and start_codon features are important. Other features (such as CDS) can be present in the GTF input file, but they are ignored by Things like intron are inferred based exon position.

For it's function of per-gene annotation of genomes, requires presence of the gene_name attribute in the input GTF file, since annotation is done on a per-gene basis. Unfortunately the default RefSeq GTF table as obtained from UCSC does not include gene_name attributes, to these attributes have to be added. Also, since we are interested in discriminating between types of non-coding RNA (snoRNA, miRNA, lincRNA and etc.) we mannually curate annotation of non-coding RNAs in the default GTF files. Description of these procedures is in curating_RefSeq_GTF

Fortunately, however, the relationship between RefSeq transcript_id and gene_name field is preserved when UCSC Table browser is instructed to output all fields. Therefore it easy to supplement the GTF table with gene_name attributes via Perl snippet

In later stages of the analysis, performed by we distribute reads between overlapping genes. Overlaps of two protein coding genes are treated differently from overlaps of protein-coding and non-coding genes (this is because some highly abundant non-coding RNAs are artifacts of cloning see documentation for summarize_features). Therefore we manually curate GTF files from UCSC Table browser and add gene_type attribute to each feature (e.g. protein_coding, AR_miRBase_hairpin, and etc.). The curation of the UCSC RefSeq GTF files is described here.

Example input GTF file with added gene_name and gene_type attributes:

chr1    mm10_refGene    exon    3421702 3421901 0.000000    -   .   gene_id "NM_001011874"; transcript_id "NM_001011874"; gene_name "Xkr4"  ; gene_type "protein_coding";
chr1    00RM00000000    exon    3428386 3428449 .   +   .   gene_id "NR_RM:SRP"; transcript_id "NR_RM:SRP"; gene_name "NR_RM:7SLRNA_dup1"; gene_type "AR_SRP";
chr1    00RM00000000    exon    3529769 3529806 .   +   .   gene_id "NR_RM:tRNA"; transcript_id "NR_RM:tRNA"; gene_name "NR_RM:tRNA-Gly-GGA_dup1"; gene_type "AR_tRNA";
chr1    mm10_refGene    CDS 3670552 3671348 0.000000    -   0   gene_id "NM_001011874"; transcript_id "NM_001011874"; gene_name "Xkr4"  ; gene_type "protein_coding";

The gene_type attribute is concatenated to gene_name attribute via # character in the output file.

How we make sure that gene names are unique

Since uses gene_name attribute as a key in a dictionary to store exon information, it is a problem if several genes share the same name. Luckily, the UCSC RefSeq GTF file contains transcript_id attribute that is strictly unique per-chromosome: when copies of the same sequence present as different genes on one chromosome in the GTF file they are distinguished by _dupN suffix. Therefore, we reasoned that the easiest way to make sure that gene_name attributes are unique, simply moves _dupN suffix from transcript_id onto gene_name whenever the suffix is present.

When we manually curate the GTF file and add some non-coding transcripts to it (description of curating procedure is here), we make sure that gene_name is unique to start with by adding _dupN suffx to the gene_name straight away.

Conservative extension of gene boundaries belonging to certain gene_type categories

During the first pass of, every genic feature on any non-coding gene belonging to selected gene_type categories is expanded by 25 nt from both ends. Currently this procedure is performed for AR_miRBase_hairpin, AR_snRNA, AR_snoRNA.

This extension of features of non-coding genes is done since during subsequent counting stage (counting is performed by we really do not want to count any of the reads overlapping with non-coding genes as if they belong to a coding gene. Therefore we artificially expand coordinates of features of non-coding genes by 25 nt. Note, that even though both exon and intron may originally expanded, only exon features remain expanded in the final output, since exon trumps intron during the third pass of when ambiguities of overlapping features are resolved (see PROCEDURE section above for more details).