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Releases: getsaf/shallow-render


19 Apr 19:44
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#106 Fix for EntryComponents without selectors not rendering properly (thanks @kreatemore)!


19 Apr 19:45
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#103 Fix a couple of hanging jasmine spys (thanks @kylecannon)!


05 Apr 20:09
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Jest 🎉

Now with official support for Jest!

Thanks to @kreatemore for the PR and @kylecannon for the issue.


30 Mar 17:24
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Recursive Partial Mocks!!!

You can now provide partial mocks for component inputs and service mocks everywhere!

type Car = {
  year: 2000;
  vin: string;
  engine: {
    cylinders: number;
    displacement: number;

Before v8.0 you could provide a partial for the top-level properties only. This means you'd have to specify a FULL engine property, even if your component only needs the cylinders property, geez!):

shallow.render({bind: {car: {year: 2000, engine: {displacement: 5, cylinders: 6}}}});

Or even worse, you'd have to hard-cast stuff! 😧

shallow.render({bind: {car: {year: 2000, engine: <Car['engine']>{cylinders: 6, whoops: 'this slipped through!'}}}});

With v8.0, it's partials all-the-way-down!!

shallow.render({bind: {car: {year: 2000, engine: {cylinders: 6}}}});

This works with service mocks too:

shallow.mock(CarService, fetch: () => ({year: 2000, engine: {cylinders: 6}}));

Assert on outputs without referencing the instance

Shallow#render now returns an outputs object. The outputs object only allows referencing the EventEmitter properties of the test component that have been marked with @output.

it('emits "FOO" on button click', async () => {
  const {find, instance} = await shallow.render();
  find('button').triggerEventHandler('click', null);

  expect(instance.mySelectOutput.emit) // <-- ☹️ Boooo accessing the instance!!

We can avoid the use of the component instance like this:

it('emits "FOO" on button click', async () => {
  const {find, outputs} = await shallow.render();
  find('button').triggerEventHandler('click', null);

  expect(outputs.mySelectOutput.emit) // 😎

-- or, if you want to get weird with it --

it('emits "FOO" on button click', async (done) => {
  const {find, outputs} = await shallow.render();
  outputs.mySelectOutput.subscribe(value => { // 🤔
  find('button').triggerEventHandler('click', null);


08 Mar 16:49
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There was an issue found by @ike18t where components that were rendered with no template (eg: shallow.render({bind: {label: 'foo'}})) would not accept changes when fixture.detectChanges() was called.

It seems to be a limitation of TestBed and the solution is to always wrap components in a host component.

This release wraps all template-less renders in a host component which now means all renders have a host component.

Possible Breakage

If your tests use template-less renders and access the component directly via fixture.componentInstance, this will break those tests.

If this affects you, change the test to grab the instance property off of the shallow rendering instead of fixture.componentInstance. This is the preferred method with shallow tests.


Bad fixture usage

it('uses fixture instead of instance', async () => {
  const {fixture} = await shallow.render();


Corrected version

it('uses shallow instance correctly', async () => {
  const {instance} = await shallow.render();



26 Feb 14:19
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Fix for double-mocking #90


31 Dec 15:11
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14 Dec 14:59
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Fix for issues #81, #82, #78, #60

There's a feature that I have while mocking components that attempts to "correct" for components that do not have a selector defined (because the TestBed JIT Compiler bombs when it sees such a component).

Here's the function that applies the "correction".

It looks like the selector I used to correct with was a tag selector and apparently, that breaks the EmptyOutletComponent mocking because I think it's trying to generate an open and close tag for the component dynamically. I switched the selector to a css-class selector (prefixing it with a .) and it seems to have solved that template parse error!!! Wooo!!!! This has been bugging folks for a while! I've got a PR (#82) up with the fix.

Here's the line that fixes it!

I should note that just because this bypasses that explosion, it's still recommended that you use the RouterTestingModule in your tests. This fix will just address the red-herring error message that is currently seen when mocking the RouterModule directly.


05 Dec 16:57
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Ease up on module matching for replaceModule.

Addresses some issues discussed in #60

Namely, this makes replaceModule(FooModule, FooTestingModule) replace all ModuleWithProviders that have FooModule specified at their ngModule property get the replacement.

You can now use shallow.replaceModule(RouterModule, RouterTestingModule.withRoutes(testRoutes);. Before this change, it was much more complicated to use test modules.


26 Oct 02:45
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Support Angular 7!

Disallow APP_INITIALIZERS in Shallow test modules. See #72 & #73