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Official Sentry SDK for SvelteKit

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SDK Status

This SDK is currently in Alpha state and we're still experimenting with APIs and functionality. We therefore make no guarantees in terms of semver or breaking changes. If you want to try this SDK and come across a problem, please open a GitHub Issue.


Currently, the minimum supported version of SvelteKit is 1.0.0.


This package is a wrapper around @sentry/node for the server and @sentry/svelte for the client, with added functionality related to SvelteKit.


Although the SDK is not yet stable, you're more than welcome to give it a try and provide us with early feedback.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Ensure you've set up the @sveltejs/adapter-node adapter

  2. Install the Sentry SvelteKit SDK:

    # Using npm
    npm install @sentry/sveltekit
    # Using yarn
    yarn add @sentry/sveltekit
  3. Create a sentry.client.config.(js|ts) file in the root directory of your SvelteKit project. In this file you can configure the client-side Sentry SDK just like every other browser-based SDK:

     import * as Sentry from '@sentry/sveltekit';
       dsn: '__DSN__',
       // For instance, initialize Session Replay:
       replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1,
       replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0,
       integrations: [new Sentry.Replay()]
  4. Add our withSentryViteConfig wrapper around your Vite config so that the Sentry SDK is added to your application in vite.config.(js|ts):

     import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
     import { withSentryViteConfig } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
     export default withSentryViteConfig({
       plugins: [sveltekit()],
       // ...
  5. Create a sentry.server.config.(js|ts) file in the root directory of your SvelteKit project. In this file you can configure the server-side Sentry SDK, like the Sentry Node SDK:

     import * as Sentry from '@sentry/sveltekit';
       dsn: '__DSN__',
  6. To catch errors in your load functions in +page.(js|ts), wrap our wrapLoadWithSentry function:

     import { wrapLoadWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
     export const load = wrapLoadWithSentry((event) => {
  7. In your hooks.client.(js|ts) or hooks.server.(js|ts), you can wrap the handleError function as follows:

     import { handleErrorWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
     import type { HandleClientError } from '@sveltejs/kit';
     const myErrorHandler = ((input) => {
       console.log('This is the client error handler');
     }) satisfies HandleClientError;
     export const handleError = handleErrorWithSentry(myErrorHandler);
     // or alternatively, if you don't have a custom error handler:
     // export const handleError = handleErrorWithSentry();

Known Limitations

This SDK is still under active development and several features are missing. Take a look at our SvelteKit SDK Development Roadmap to follow the progress:

  • Performance monitoring is not yet fully supported. You can add the BrowserTracing integration but proper instrumentation for routes, page loads and navigations is still missing. This will be addressed next, as we release the next alpha builds.

  • Source Maps upload is not yet working correctly. We already investigated some options but uploading source maps doesn't work automtatically out of the box yet. This will be addressed next, as we release the next alpha builds.

  • Adapters other than @sveltejs/adapter-node are currently not supported. We haven't yet tested other platforms like Vercel. This is on our roadmap but it will come at a later time.

  • We're aiming to simplify SDK setup in the future so that you don't have to go in and manually add our wrappers to all your load functions and hooks. This will be addressed once the SDK supports all Sentry features.