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An edit server written in python, compatible with TextAid and other similar google chrome extensions. The purpose of which is to edit a browser's textarea in an external text editor (like vim, emacs, etc...)

Runs on port 9292, or whatever port you pass in (see --help) Listens on the local interface only. Editor command is defaulted to gvim -f, but will use ARGV instead if you give it any (non-optional) arguments.

Incremental file editing:

Supports incremental editing, which requires a version of the chrome plugin released after 2010-10-24. If you find your textareas never update after the first time you save the file in your editor, your version is too old. You can use --no-incremental to revert to the old behaviour.

Tech details

The incremental editing uses two HTTP headers, "x-file" and "x-open". "x-open: true" means the editor has not finished, and another request should be made immediately. "x-file: FILENAME" (returned from the server) provides the value to be provided as the "x-file" request header for the subsequent request. if "x-file" is not "true", the editing has finished and no more requests should be made.


an edit server compatible with TextAid and "Edit with Emacs" chrome extensions







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