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Previous: Spinning up Worker Nodes

Installing Essential Cluster Services

We have reached an important milestone: we have fully configured all the VMs in our Kubernetes cluster. No more direct access to the VMs should be necessary to perform further setup. From on now, we should be able to do everything using kubectl, and other tools that use Kubernetes API under the hood.

However, in order to run typical workloads (i.e. a web server, a database, etc.), we need to install some essential services:

  • Cluster-internal DNS server
    This DNS server will allow pods in the cluster to refer to services and other pods using their names rather than IPs.
  • Persistent volume dynamic provisioner
    Workloads that use persistent storage (e.g. databases) typically store their data on volumes backed by some external storage (e.g. a disk array, cloud persistent disk etc.). Worker nodes' disk drives should generally not be used for that purpose, because pods can be moved between nodes. We need something to simulate external storage in our deployment.
  • Service load balancer
    Kubernetes Services can be configured with type LoadBalancer, making them have an external IP and become available to the external world via a load balancer (typically, a cloud load balancer). We need something to simulate this in our local deployment as well.

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Make sure you have completed the previous chapters and have all the necessary packages installed.


Installing a service or workload on a Kubernetes cluster ultimately boils down to creating an (often large) set of Kubernetes resources with the Kubernetes API, and waiting for the cluster to synchronize itself to reflect the desired state expressed by these resources.

One of the most popular tools to automate this process is helm. Helm bundles kubernetes resources in packages called charts. A chart is conceptually similar to a DEB or RPM package, except the "operating system" that it is installed on is the entire Kubernetes cluster. Upon installation, a chart can be customized with parameters, called values. This way helm can be used to install an entire distributed service with a single command. There are several public chart repositories available, and we can choose from a plethora of pre-packaged charts for popular software.

Helm is a pure client utility. It runs fully on the client machine - the same where you would invoke plain kubectl. Kubernetes itself does not care or know that something was installed using Helm.


coredns will serve as the cluster-internal DNS service. Let's install it with helm:

helm repo add coredns
helm install -n kube-system coredns coredns/coredns --set service.clusterIP= --set replicaCount=2


Note the --set service.clusterIP= option. This must be consistent with the DNS address specified previously in kubelet configuration.

Let's see if it works by inspecting pods with kubectl -n kube-system get pods -o wide. coredns may take some time to start. Ultimately, you should see something similar to this:

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP         NODE      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
coredns-coredns-967ddbb6d-5wtdr   1/1     Running   0          80s   worker0   <none>           <none>
coredns-coredns-967ddbb6d-j5m4z   1/1     Running   0          80s   worker2   <none>           <none>

You can also look at the Service object with kubectl -n kube-system get services:

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE     SELECTOR
coredns-coredns   ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   4m38s,,k8s-app=coredns

You can also run helm install with the --wait option.

NFS dynamic provisioner

The next thing we need is something to simulate external storage.

When a pod needs persistent storage, it defines a PersistentVolumeClaim, optionally also specifying a StorageClass. Storage classes typically correspond to different throughput, latency, replication characteristics and price of the underlying storage. The PersistentVolumeClaim is then picked up by a dynamic provisioner, which creates a PersistentVolume for it. The way it happens and the way this volume is mounted to the requesting pod is a pure implementation detail. Kubernetes hides this under an abstraction called Container Storage Interface (CSI).

Our implementation of persistent storage will be provided by nfs-subdir-external-provisioner.

Using it, we'll expose a single directory on the host machine via NFS. The dynamic provisioner will then create a subdirectory for every PersistentVolume.

Setting up NFS on the host machine

In the toplevel project directory (kubenet) on the host machine, create a directory to be exported via NFS:

mkdir nfs-pvs

Now, let's append an entry to /etc/exports file to export this directory:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/exports
$(pwd)/nfs-pvs -network -mask -maproot=$(whoami) -alldirs


This command is assumed to be invoked from the parent directory of nfs-pvs (i.e. kubenet). Also note that this line is appended to /etc/exports (the -a option) so be careful not to invoke it multiple times. If you need to correct something, just edit the file with sudo nano or sudo vim.

Enable NFS with:

sudo nfsd enable

(or use sudo nfsd update if nfsd is already enabled)

Installing NFS client on worker nodes

In the beginning of this chapter, it was claimed that we won't need to configure VMs directly anymore. It was a bit of a lie. Even though we're going to install the dynamic provisioner using helm, it won't work if worker machines don't have an NFS client installed. So, go back to SSH for worker nodes and invoke:

sudo apt install nfs-common

or persist it in cloud-init/user-data.worker:

  - nfs-common

Installing the dynamic provisioner

Install the dynamic provisioner using helm:

helm repo add nfs-provisioner
helm install -n kube-system nfs-provisioner nfs-provisioner/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner \
  --set nfs.server= \
  --set nfs.path=$(pwd)/nfs-pvs \
  --set storageClass.defaultClass=true


This is assumed to be invoked from the parent directory of nfs-pvs (i.e. kubenet).

To test if it worked, let's check StorageClass definitions with kubectl get storageclass. The output should be:

NAME                   PROVISIONER                                                     RECLAIMPOLICY   VOLUMEBINDINGMODE   ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION   AGE
nfs-client (default)   cluster.local/nfs-provisioner-nfs-subdir-external-provisioner   Delete          Immediate           true                   14s

Testing the dynamic provisioner

Let's see if external storage works by installing something that needs it. In our case, this will be Redis:

helm install redis oci:// --set replica.replicaCount=2

Redis will take a while to spin up. You can see it happening with kubectl get pod -w. Ultimately, if everything is fine, you should see something similar to:

redis-master-0     1/1     Running   0             80s   worker2   <none>           <none>
redis-replicas-0   1/1     Running   0             80s   worker1   <none>           <none>
redis-replicas-1   1/1     Running   0             38s   worker0   <none>           <none>

Let's see persistent volumes with kubectl get persistentvolume

NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                 STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-8e5f64b5-af57-4fe5-9ec8-8342c1914bb8   8Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/redis-data-redis-replicas-1   nfs-client              4m31s
pvc-93c2115d-a6f7-4e59-a41b-fbef620613f3   8Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/redis-data-redis-replicas-0   nfs-client              5m8s
pvc-9de54e35-b9c2-48fa-b92a-c365ef3dff5e   8Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/redis-data-redis-master-0     nfs-client              5m8s

Finally, let's see them in the NFS exported directory:

$ ls -l nfs-pvs
total 0
drwxrwxrwx  3 rjghik  staff   96 Oct 26 17:51 default-redis-data-redis-master-0-pvc-9de54e35-b9c2-48fa-b92a-c365ef3dff5e
drwxrwxrwx  4 rjghik  staff  128 Oct 26 17:52 default-redis-data-redis-replicas-0-pvc-93c2115d-a6f7-4e59-a41b-fbef620613f3
drwxrwxrwx  4 rjghik  staff  128 Oct 26 17:52 default-redis-data-redis-replicas-1-pvc-8e5f64b5-af57-4fe5-9ec8-8342c1914bb8


Kubernetes Services can be exposed to the external world using load balancers. In addition to cluster-internal IP, a Service of type LoadBalancer gets assigned an external IP. In a real cloud environment, traffic to this external IP is handled by a load balancer, before being forwarded to Kubernetes cluster. Exactly how LoadBalancer-type services are synchronized with the load balancer is an implementation detail specific to a particular cloud platform and its integration with Kubernetes.

We don't have a true load balancer in our local deployment, but we can simulate it. In fact, we have already done it for the Kubernetes API - the gateway VM serves this purpose. Can we do something similar for LoadBalancer-type services?

In principle, we could imagine an implementation that would configure Service external IPs as virtual IPs on the gateway machine, just like we have done it manually for the Kubernetes API. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an implementation like this available (likely because this is a very "educational" scenario that doesn't happen in the real world very often).

We'll use a different method instead, implemented by the MetalLB project. In this approach, one of the worker nodes takes the role of a load balancer and assumes the ownership of external IPs of LoadBalancer-type services. In case this node fails, another node takes over its job. This way the load-balancing node is not a single point of failure.

Let's install metallb:

helm repo add metallb
helm install -n kube-system metallb metallb/metallb --wait --timeout 5m

Now we need to configure it with some additional Kubernetes resources:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: lb-pool
  namespace: kube-system
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: lb-l2adv
  namespace: kube-system
    - lb-pool

Note the allocated range for Service external IPs ( It's important for this range to be within the local network of the VMs, but outside the DHCP-assignable range. This is why we have previously configured it to be very narrow.

Testing MetalLB

Let's create a simple HTTP echo service, similar to the one from previous chapter:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: echo-lb
    app: echo-lb
  replicas: 3
      app: echo-lb
        app: echo-lb
      - name: echo
        image: hashicorp/http-echo
        - containerPort: 5678
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echo-lb
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: echo-lb
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 5678
      targetPort: 5678

After a while, you should see an external IP assigned to it:

$ kubectl get svc echo-lb
NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
echo-lb   LoadBalancer   5678:32479/TCP   72s

Try connecting to it from your host machine:

$ curl

And this way the service has become available from outside the cluster!


In this chapter we, have installed essential services necessary to run typical workloads:

  • a cluster-internal DNS server
  • a dynamic storage provisioner
  • a load balancer for Kubernetes services

Next: Siplifying Network Setup with Cilium (optional)