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SlickGrid & DataView Objects

ghiscoding edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

In some cases you might want a feature that is not yet available in Slickgrid-Universal but exists in the original SlickGrid, what should you do? Fear not, we got you covered. Slickgrid-Universal exposes the SlickGrid Grid and DataView objects through Event Aggregators, these objects are created when Slickgrid-Universal initialize the grid (with attached()). So if you subscribe to the Event Aggregator, you will get the SlickGrid and DataView objects and from there you can call any of the SlickGrid features.

export class MyApp {
  columnDefinitions: Column[];
  gridOptions: GridOption;
  dataset: any[];
  isAutoEdit = true;
  gridObj: SlickGrid;
  dataViewObj: SlickDataView;

  attached() {
    this.dataset = this.loadData(500);
    const gridContainerElm = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>(`.grid3`);
    this.sgb = new Slicker.GridBundle(gridContainerElm, this.columnDefinitions, { ...ExampleGridOptions, ...this.gridOptions }, this.dataset);

  /** Change dynamically `autoEdit` grid options */
  setAutoEdit(isAutoEdit) {
    this.isAutoEdit = isAutoEdit;
    this.sgb.slickGrid.setOptions({ autoEdit: isAutoEdit }); // change the grid option dynamically
    return true;

  collapseAllGroups() {

  expandAllGroups() {


There's already all the necessary information on how to use this on the Wiki - Grid & DataView Events page, so I suggest you to head over to that Wiki page on how to use the SlickGrid and DataView objects

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