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App for analysis and synthesis of multi-input multi-output control systems

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NOTE that the app has not been tried extensively in more than 10 years, so, you might find some glitches.

MIMO Tool is a toolbox for MATLAB® (it works fine in every version from 5.3 until 7.8) developed with the aim to offering a complete toolbox for continuous time MIMO linear systems analysis and robust control synthesis.

The main idea behind this tool is allowing the user to perform, without leaving the visual interface, every step of the typical MIMO control system design:

-) Modeling -) Open Loop System Analysis -) Control System Synthesis -) Closed Loop evaluation -) Controller Optimization / Simulation

An HTML help file is accessible within the program.

This toolbox was developed within the Department of Electrical Systems and Automation (DSEA), University of Pisa, under the supervision of prof. Mario Innocenti, Massimo Davini was the main developer of the visual interface, Giampiero Campa was the main developer of the underlying routines.

IMPORTANT, this toolbox requires the following: -) Control Toolbox -) LMI Toolbox (then moved into Robust Control Toolbox) -) Mu-Tools toolbox (then moved into Robust Control Toolbox) Robust Control and Optimization toolboxes allow more functionalities when present, but are not strictly necessary to run the program.

Giampy, June 2002