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For mesh generation, ciclope requires pygalmesh, a Python frontend to CGAL. Follow the installation procedure for CGAL and Eigen. After that, install pygalmesh with pip or conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pygalmesh

After installing pygalmesh, you can install ciclope using pip. The flag [all] will install optional dependencies needed to run full pipelines and examples.

pip install ciclope[all]

Some examples will require DXchange. You can install it with:

conda install -c conda-forge dxchange


To verify your installation checkout this repository and run the tests with the command:

cd test
python -m unittest -v test_ciclope.run_tests

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to ciclope follow the installation steps below:

Create and activate a virtual environment for development:

conda env create -n ciclope
conda activate ciclope

Clone (or fork and clone) the git repository:

git clone

Navigate to the repo folder and install the package using pip:

cd ciclope
pip install .

Or install the package locally for development with Flit:

flit install --symlink

Build instructions

Build package:

python -m build

Upload to pypi:

python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*

Uninstall the existing build:

python -m pip uninstall ciclope