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Gidalti Lourenço Junior edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the shortcut_creator wiki!

FAQ (Frequent Asked Questions):

How to run this code?

Download or clone the code, preferably from the releases page (, extract the code somewhere in your computer, open a terminal/console, go to the place you extracted it and then type:

  • if you are on a Linux computer:
    • You can also give "execution permission" (chmod +x to the file and double click it (works on my computer 😄).
  • if you are on a Windows computer:

Is there any requirement?

It requires Python (2.7, 3.5 or higher) installed on your computer.
There is no specific hardware requirement.

Does the application have any dependency to run?

Yes. It depends on GTK+3.
The best way to acquire it for Linux is by following the instruction in this link:

IMPORTANT: this application has no effect on Microsoft Windows at all. Maybe you will be able to run it but not to make it work as it was designed to make use of Linux file structure to create desktop and dashboard shortcuts only.
For Windows, the best option by far is to use:
The installer gives you a lot of options and packages. It may be difficult to know what to select. Select only the bare minimum: GTK, Pango and I think it is enough. Otherwise, try different selections until you get it.

By the time this application was created and added here in Github, there was no PIP package available for GTK3. The Pygobject package is not working as expected as it needs a lot of preconditions to be met in order to function well.
The one available on PIP was only for GTK2.

Does this application cost anything?

No. It is entirely free and it will be forever. You can also distribute it at will for free.
You cannot charge any amount of money for this application for just distributing it as it is.
You are free to modify and study the code.
If you modify it, you have to distribute it under GPLv3.0 license too.

I clicked on Help > About and now I am stuck

Just press Escape (ESC) button to close the about window.

I've found a bug!

Report an issue at the issues tab of Github's project page:
Try to be as detailed as possible.

Clone this wiki locally