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This app can be used as both a static website and a Chrome extension. It generates an index.html and a handful of JavaScript and CSS files for the website and a manifest.json for the Chrome extension. The extension replaces your browser's "new tab" page with the static website.


First: ensure you have NodeJS installed. Run node -v in the terminal to confirm.

Globally install bower and grunt: npm install -g bower grunt-cli

  1. git clone this repository
  2. npm install to install Grunt and its dependencies
  3. bower install to install the source libraries
  4. grunt to build and launch the development server


Grunt Targets

  • grunt build: compile sources (Coffee, Sass, templates) from app/ to dist/
  • grunt devgrunt: compile source and launch a development server that watches changes and reloads the browser
  • grunt minify: optimize and obfuscate compiled source files for production (run grunt build first)
  • grunt dist: build and minify source code in dist/, copy production assets, and launch a static production preview server
  • grunt deploy: upload production source to the GitHub Page

Common Workflow

Generally, you'll run grunt dev (or simply grunt for convenience) while you develop. This command launches the development server which watches for changes to source files and recompiles and reloads intelligently.


create SVG elements with Backbone.Views






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