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Try Agora

Demo of Agora Voice Call.



The Real-Time Engagement Platform for meaningful human connections.

Where to see

Most of code are in public/main.js. Find main() there.

More details

Check out the official documentation.

Try this

  1. Clone or download this repo, and npm ci
  2. Set up your Agora account with a project (app) for free
  3. Copy public/secrets.example.js into public/secrets.js, and fill it
  4. OK then npm run start

Try with friends

You can temporarily share your localhost over ngrok to the internet.

  1. Set up and npm run start
  2. Open another terminal (most likely Ctrl+T-ish)
  3. npm run serve:proxy
  4. Share the HTTPS URL to your fiends

Please make sure you share HTTPS URL. It does not work over HTTP protocol.

Trouble shooting

Errors on load

AgoraRTCError NOT_SUPPORTED: enumerateDevices() not supported.

AgoraRTCError WEB_SECURITY_RESTRICT: Your context is limited by web security, please try using https protocol or localhost.

→ Run on localhost, or on https://. This happens when it's on http://.

Error on join

AgoraRTCException AgoraRTCError CAN_NOT_GET_GATEWAY_SERVER: dynamic use static key

→ Set token. Document says it's like optional, but you need it actually.

AgoraRTCError INVALID_PARAMS: Invalid token: . If you don not use token, set it to null

→ Set token in your secrets.js. It should be left empty.

Choose server failed, message: AgoraRTCError CAN_NOT_GET_GATEWAY_SERVER: dynamic key expired, retry: false

→ Renew token. Expired. About 24 hours?

AgoraRTCError CAN_NOT_GET_GATEWAY_SERVER: invalid token, authorized failed

→ Make sure the token is generated with exactly your channel name

How to get token?

Here you go:

Or follow the document: Generate a Token

Error on publish

AgoraRTCError INVALID_OPERATION: Can't publish stream, haven't joined yet!

→ Invoke client.join() first.

Error on somebody's leave

TypeError: Cannot read property 'remove' of null

→ Check if the element exists.

The document describes to delete an element which is the result of document.getElementById(user.uid), but I didn't find where the element is created.