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Fix issue #23 and bug from issue #24
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giovaniceotto committed Feb 1, 2019
1 parent 07a6e1a commit 8a915f7
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 73 deletions.
130 changes: 57 additions & 73 deletions nbks/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2286,6 +2286,7 @@ def processNetCDFFile(self, windData):
# print('AAA - Start Processing File')
# Check if date, lat and lon is know
if is None:
raise TypeError('Please specify Date (array-like).')
Expand All @@ -2310,41 +2311,22 @@ def processNetCDFFile(self, windData):
'u_wind': 'u',
'v_wind': 'v'}

# Get data from file
# Get time, latitude and longitude data from file
times = windData.variables[self.translator['time']]
lons = windData.variables[self.translator['longitude']][:].tolist()
lats = windData.variables[self.translator['latitude']][:].tolist()
levels = windData.variables[self.translator['level']]
windUs = windData.variables[self.translator['u_wind']]
windVs = windData.variables[self.translator['v_wind']]
geopotentials = windData.variables[self.translator['geopotential_height']]
g0 = 1
g0 = self.g
geopotentials = windData.variables[self.translator['geopotential']]

# Find time index
timeIndex = netCDF4.date2index(, times, select='nearest')

# Convert times do dates and numbers
inputTimeNum = netCDF4.date2num(, times.units)
fileTimeNum = times[timeIndex]
fileTimeDate = netCDF4.num2date(times[timeIndex], times.units)

# Temporary prints
# print('Time index: ', timeIndex)
# print('Input Num: ', inputTimeNum)
# print('Input Date: ',
# print('File Num: ', fileTimeNum)
# print('File Date: ', fileTimeDate)

# Check if time is inside range supplied by file
if timeIndex == 0 and inputTimeNum < fileTimeNum:
raise ValueError('Chosen launch time is not available in the provided file, which starts at {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}.'.format(fileTimeDate))
elif timeIndex == len(times) - 1 and inputTimeNum > fileTimeNum:
raise ValueError('Chosen launch time is not available in the provided file, which ends at {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}.'.format(fileTimeDate))

# Check if time is exactly equal to one in the file
if inputTimeNum != fileTimeNum:
warnings.warn('Exact chosen launch time is not available in the provided file, using {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} UTC instead.'.format(fileTimeDate))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2390,80 +2372,82 @@ def processNetCDFFile(self, windData):
if latIndex == 0 or latIndex == len(lats):
raise ValueError('Latitude {:f} not inside region covered by file, which is from {:f} to {:f}.'.format(, lats[0], lats[-1]))

# print('Longitude: ', lons)
# print('Before Lon: ', lons[lonIndex - 1])
# print('Input Lon: ', lon)
# print('After Lon:', lons[lonIndex])
# print('Latitudes: ', lats)
# print('Before Lat: ', lats[latIndex - 1])
# print('Input Lat: ',
# print('After Lat:', lats[latIndex])
# print('AAA - Start Getting Wind, Height and Levels')

# Determine wind u and v components and height
windU = []
for i in range(len(levels)):
# Bilinear interpolation based on
x, y =, self.lon%360
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]
# Get pressure level data from file
levels = windData.variables[self.translator['level']]
# Get wind data from file
windUs = windData.variables[self.translator['u_wind']][timeIndex, :, (latIndex - 1, latIndex), (lonIndex - 1, lonIndex)]
windVs = windData.variables[self.translator['v_wind']][timeIndex, :, (latIndex - 1, latIndex), (lonIndex - 1, lonIndex)]
# Get geopotential data from file
geopotentials = windData.variables[self.translator['geopotential_height']][timeIndex, :, (latIndex - 1, latIndex), (lonIndex - 1, lonIndex)]
g0 = 1
g0 = self.g
geopotentials = windData.variables[self.translator['geopotential']][timeIndex, :, (latIndex - 1, latIndex), (lonIndex - 1, lonIndex)]

f_x1_y1 = windUs[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex-1]
f_x1_y2 = windUs[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex]
f_x2_y1 = windUs[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex-1]
f_x2_y2 = windUs[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex]
# print('AAA - Start Interpolation')

f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
f_x_y = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2
# Determine wind u component with bilinear interpolation
windU = []
# Bilinear interpolation
x, y =, lon
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]
f_x1_y1 = windUs[:, 0, 0]
f_x1_y2 = windUs[:, 0, 1]
f_x2_y1 = windUs[:, 1, 0]
f_x2_y2 = windUs[:, 1, 1]
f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
windU = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2
# Determine wind v component with bilinear interpolation
windV = []
for i in range(len(levels)):
# Bilinear interpolation based on
x, y =, self.lon%360
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]

f_x1_y1 = windVs[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex-1]
f_x1_y2 = windVs[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex]
f_x2_y1 = windVs[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex-1]
f_x2_y2 = windVs[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex]

f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
f_x_y = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2
x, y =, lon
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]
f_x1_y1 = windVs[:, 0, 0]
f_x1_y2 = windVs[:, 0, 1]
f_x2_y1 = windVs[:, 1, 0]
f_x2_y2 = windVs[:, 1, 1]
f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
windV = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2
# Determine height with bilinear interpolation
height = []
for i in range(len(levels)):
# Bilinear interpolation based on
x, y =, self.lon%360
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]

f_x1_y1 = geopotentials[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex-1]/g0
f_x1_y2 = geopotentials[timeIndex, i, latIndex-1, lonIndex]/g0
f_x2_y1 = geopotentials[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex-1]/g0
f_x2_y2 = geopotentials[timeIndex, i, latIndex, lonIndex]/g0
x, y =, lon
x1, y1 = lats[latIndex-1], lons[lonIndex-1]
x2, y2 = lats[latIndex], lons[lonIndex]
f_x1_y1 = geopotentials[:, 0, 0]
f_x1_y2 = geopotentials[:, 0, 1]
f_x2_y1 = geopotentials[:, 1, 0]
f_x2_y2 = geopotentials[:, 1, 1]
f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
height = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2

# print('AAA - Almost Done')

f_x_y1 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y1 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y1
f_x_y2 = ((x2 - x)/(x2 - x1))*f_x1_y2 + ((x - x1)/(x2 - x1))*f_x2_y2
f_x_y = ((y2 - y)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y1 + ((y - y1)/(y2 - y1))*f_x_y2

# Convert wind data into functions
self.windVelocityX = Function(np.array([height, windU]).T,
'Height (m)', 'Wind Velocity X (m/s)',
self.windVelocityY = Function(np.array([height, windV]).T,
'Height (m)', 'Wind Velocity y (m/s)',
# Calculate wind heading and velocity magnitude
windHeading = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan2(windU, windV)%360
windSpeed = (np.array(windU)**2 + np.array(windV)**2)**0.5
self.windHeading = Function(np.array([height, windHeading]).T,
'Height (m)', 'Wind Heading (degrees)',
self.windSpeed = Function(np.array([height, windSpeed]).T,
'Height (m)', 'Wind Speed (m/s)',

# Store data
Expand Down

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