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Texlive Docker Container

This is a set of containers over TeXLive that are automatically build using GitLab and pushed into a public docker hub repo.

Types of containers

All versions of the containers are based on ubuntu:rolling (see the tags for the published list).

Vanilla Containers

These containers are the installation of the TeXLive script over docker.

Custom Containers

Other containers that are tunned to writing papers, proposal, and other academic documents need more specialized tools over TeXLive for a productive flow. The provided images (that work for me and my team) are below.

Containers Usage

In the examples below the image adnrv/texlive can be change by adding the tag :tag to the name (see available images).

See available tex binaries

docker run --rm adnrv/texlive ls -lah /opt/texbin/

Build tex documents


docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home adnrv/texlive pdflatex document.tex

or any other engine, such as xelatex or lualatex. In case you want to pass your user and group that can be achieved with

docker run --rm -it --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$(pwd)":/home adnrv/texlive pdflatex document.tex

Build Images

In case you want to build the images you can

docker build -t texlive:tag -f tag.Dockerfile .

where the tag refers to the type of the you.Dockerfile want to build.

Extend the Images

If you need some software of extra packages you can customize your own images using these ones as base.

You need to create a Dockerfile like the following

FROM adnrv/texlive:tag

# Minted + Pygments
RUN tlmgr update --self && \
    tlmgr install minted

Note that when using tlmgr to avoid crashes on updates, doing a update --self is useful before using the command.