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TerraCare Logo

Bringing Our Best for a Sustainable Future.

TerraCare is all about caring for the world. It's a platform where you can track your efforts, such as cleanups and tree planting, while discovering ways to protect the environment and living sustainably with nature. Find nearby events, earn rewards, and connect with others who share your passion for the planet.

⚠️  Problem Statement

"Recent summers see new record high temperatures each year, and I sense that spring and fall have become shorter."

"The government doesn't prioritize environmental issues and lacks incentives for encouraging the purchase of environmentally friendly products."

These were the common responses to a survey titled "Survey on the Awareness of Environmental Issues Among the General Public" conducted by The Asahi Glass Foundation in 2023.

2023 was the planet's warmest year on record, according to an analysis by scientists from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

Climate Change is causing a lot of environmental problems for our planet. While we are aware of it, we often lack the resources or motivation to come together and tackle these environmental issues. It's difficult for us to find local activities where we can collaborate to reduce the impact of these problems, and also we don't receive any sort of rewards or recognition for our efforts. Keeping track of our own impact and staying connected to a supportive community is also challenging and inconvenient. Moreover, finding one's way through eco-friendly products without incentives presents a challenge in making environmentally beneficial choices that are also financially viable for us.

📝  Pre-App Development Survey

🔍  User Preferences

We asked our fellow university students, friends, and family what they thought about the main features of our idea. So far, we have received 91 responses.

Here are our findings:

🎥  Demo Video

Watch TerraCare's demo on:

🎯  UN's Sustainable Development Goals in Focus


Target Indicator 11.6.2: TerraCare will help people to work together to improve air quality in their own cities.

Individuals who are passionate about the environment, our app allows them to team up with others to cleanup or plant trees where they're needed most. Users can post about an area for cleaning up/tree planting and specify if they need volunteers. Nearby users will receive a notification asking if they want to participate.

TerraCare tracks the collective impact of every user's clean up/tree planting efforts, showcasing the number of places cleaned/trees planted, the estimated carbon sequestered, and the improved air quality in those areas. This transparency will motivate individuals and communities to sustain their efforts and celebrate their achievements.


Target Indicator 12.8.1: Our objective is to ensure universal awareness of sustainable living practices by 2030.

Through our app, we seek to educate individuals on sustainable habits like reducing waste and energy consumption, adopting responsible consumption practices, and making environmentally friendly product choices. We aspire to establish a community platform where users can connect with like-minded individuals, exchange eco-friendly tips and experiences, and participate in discussions about challenges and solutions related to sustainable living.

Encouraging individuals to take action, change their behavior, and promoting lifelong learning and knowledge sharing are central objectives within our environmentally focused community.


Target Indicator 13.2.2 & 13.3.1: We all know that climate change is a significant problem that requires collective action.

With TerraCare, we aim to address this by providing a platform for users to track their environmental efforts, such as participating in cleanups and planting trees. We believe these activities are among the simplest yet most impactful ways for individuals to collectively mitigate the effects of climate change.

In addition to these features, our objective is to inform individuals about the science behind climate change, its wide-ranging impacts, and the possible solutions available.

⚙️  Features

🚀  Initial Features

  • Enables users to share pictures or videos of areas needing cleanup.
  • Users can request volunteers to assist with cleanups.
  • Alerts (areas that need attention) are posted on the app.
  • Nearby active users receive timely notifications about cleanup alerts.
  • Discussion forum for coordinating cleanup details.
  • Share photos of cleanup results on the app.
  • Admin panel to verify completed cleanups.
  • Users earn reward points for participating in cleanups.
  • TerraBoard leaderboard showcases the users with most cleanups.
  • Points can be redeemed for eco-friendly products from sustainable companies.
  • Users can track the number of cleanups they have done and the impact they have made.

🚀  Upcoming Features

  • Junkman Feature
  • AI Environmental Chatbot

👨🏻‍💻  Our Tech Stack

Flutter | Dart | Firebase | Google Maps Platform | Google Cloud Platform |

🚧  App is Under-Construction

🏃‍♀️  Getting Started

Download TerraCare from our GitHub repository.

📝  Prerequisites

Before getting started, you have:

  • the Flutter SDK installed.
  • installed VS Code on your system.
  • installed the Dart and Flutter extensions for VS Code.
  • an Android Emulator or a Physical Device ready.

🛠️  Installation

  1. Clone the TerraCare repository from GitHub:

  2. Open the Project Folder in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, go to the command palette (View > Command Palette) and type "Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor". This will check if everything is set up correctly on your system.

  4. In VS Code, navigate to the main.dart file and click the "Run" button. This action will initiate the app either on the emulator or your physical device.

🙌  Acknowledgments

  • All the people who answered our survey and gave valuable suggestions.

🌍  TerraTeam

DHA Suffa University

DHA Suffa University

DHA Suffa University

DHA Suffa University