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Detroit - Intro to HTML & CSS Curriculum Changes
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Erika Carlson committed Feb 7, 2013
1 parent a32e925 commit dba8f39
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Showing 30 changed files with 631 additions and 240 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions Detroit Curriculum Notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Over the past 4 months we've been working with the base curriculum and
have discussed and made changes to the content of the slides. We've
re-ordered a few things and provided more examples. Our students take
home a copy of the slides and find it helpful to have these examples
and definitions handy at home.

Class 1:
- Added dino pic
- Added intro to Sublime text 2, where we remove tab completion and
auto complete to help the students learn to write code by hand. This
could be moved around where the instructor feels fit. We have our TAs
walk around and help everyone and have been experimenting with doing it
before class even starts.
- Added example of folder structure with image
- Added example of site we'll be building today. Students liked having
a visual of the final product.
- Modified the text of the element explanation due to student feedback.
- Added a visual breakdown of an HTML tag
- Added more content to the attribute / value area to help clarify
- Added example of old doctype, noted that it's case-insensitive
- Added extended definition to the head and body tags
- Added exercise to code out html template with the base tags.
- Modified explanation of nesting
- Added visual example of paragraphs
- Added visual example of headings
- Moved Lists to later
- Added exercise to add content to site
- Added section to talk about link attributes (e-mail and target)
- Added section about relative vs. absolute links
- Moved lists to after images. Students were having a hard time getting
the hang of this right away
- Added visual example of lists
- Added section on comments
- Added visual example of tables
- Added visual example of character codes
- Changed transition to linear

Class 2:
- Added visual representation of CSS rule
- Added names of colors
- Changed transition to linear

Class 3:
- Added example of what they would be making in class today
- Moved inline and block from first class to this class. Students
didn't understand the relation of it so early since they weren't
learning any CSS
- Added visual example of Inline & Block
- Separated out Div & span
- Added section about just div with examples of attributes being IDs
and classes
- Added exercise to have students break out page into divs from the
beginning. We found that teaching them this was the easiest for them to
- Had students add spans to text to show how to 'highlight code' as if
with a highlighter.
- Moved pseudo classes
- Added new images for box model
- Added visual example of padding. We use the "Imagine this is a photo
hanging on your wall. The content is your photo, the padding is your
mat or the space between the photo and the frame. The border is the
frame. The margin is the space between the picture frames" They relate
to it.
- Added note that padding adds to width of box
- Added visual example of margin
- Added visual example of border
- Added section on width
- Added section on height
- Changed transition to linear

Class 4:
- Added smaller images of for static positioning. On the big screen
they weren't line breaking
- Modified explanation of relative positioning.
- Modified explanation of absolute positioning
- Added concrete example of absolute positioning. Up until this point
students weren't understanding what was happening with positioning.
Using the example of a caption over the image was easy for them to
relate to and is something they see every day.
- Modified explanation of z-index
- Added exercise to have students add a caption to their images
- Modified explanation of floating
- Added visual examples of floating
- Modified explanation of clearing
- Changed transition to linear

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