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Giseldo edited this page Feb 1, 2020 · 12 revisions
  • Make a BPMN diagram following this examples with this symbols. For this purpose you can use BPMN IO or Bizagi Modeler. This project don't have a BPMN Modeler bundled.

  • Download (or save) the BPMN file that you have created in a folder in your computer.

  • Install in your enviroment or try the on-line version available at BTA chatbot.

  • Load the BPMN file downloaded and convert it into a AIML File.
    For this purpose this project come with a brand new BPMN to AIML converter and a AIML 2.0 chatbot (both are in the same project). There is a button in this chatbot that load the BPMN diagram in memory, convert it into a AIML file, and load the AIML file in the chatbot Knowledge base. This chatbot is based in a old code base of the excelent chatbot framework program-y.

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