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Simple JS library helper for FontAwesome


Download FontAwesome.js from GitHub or install via bower:

$ bower install FontAwesome.js

Include the fa.js file (or fa.min.js) in your page.

<script src="fa.js"></script>

Finally include FontAwesome CSS in your page.

NOTE: You can to use FontAwesome.load() method to add on-the-fly FontAwesome CSS in your page

Basic Usage

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="fa.js"></script>
  <h1>Hello, FontAwesome.js!</h1>
    // Load FontAwesome CSS
    // Prepend "home" icon to h1 element


FontAwesome.js uses the same FontAwesome classes to change the look and the behavior of the icons (see

Option Description Allowed Values Default
size Size of icon lg, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x (none)
fixedWidth Fix a width of icon true, false false
border Add a border true, false false
pullLeft Pull icon to left true, false false
pullRight Pull icon to right true, false false
spin Spin animation true, false false
pulse Pulse animation true, false false
rotate Rotate the icon 90, 180, 270 (none)
flip Flip the icon horizontal, vertical (none)
url URL of FontAwesome - CDN URL
id Icon ID - (none)
classes Additional class - (none)
tag Default icon tag - i

Global options

Can you change the option globally using the FontAwesome.options object.

For example:

FontAwesome.options = {
  pullLeft: true,
  url: ''

FontAwesome.icon method

Can you override the global options with FontAwesome.icon method:

FontAwesome.icon('spinner', { spin: true })




Add on-the-fly FontAwesome CSS in your page



Apply a CSS style to icon (chainable method)

FontAwesome.icon('user').css({color: '#DDD'}).element; // <i class="fa fa-user" style="color:#DDD"></i>


Prepend the icon for all matches selector

FontAwesome.icon('user').prependTo('h1'); // <h1><i class="fa fa-user"></i>Title</h1>


Append the icon for all matches selector

FontAwesome.icon('user').appendTo('h1'); // <h1>Title<i class="fa fa-user"></i></h1>


.icon(icon, options)

Set the icon and options (chainable method)


.stack(icon, reverse)

.stack(icon, options)

.stack(icon, options, reverse)

Set the stack icon (chainable method)

FontAwesome.icon('terminal', { inverse: true }).stack('square', { size: 'lg'}, true);
<span class="fa-stack fa-lg">
  <i class="fa fa-square fa-stack-2x"></i>
  <i class="fa fa-terminal fa-inverse fa-stack-1x"></i>



FontAwesome.js options (see Options above)


Return a DOMElement of the icon (useful to use with another JS library - eg. jQuery)



Currently Supports: FF, Chrome, IE9+ and other modern and decent browsers

Copyright (C) 2016, Giuseppe Di Terlizzi