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pyP2Monitor is an attempt to communicate with a P2 froeling furnace using its serial port. It allows you to gather some data from the furnace and store them in an sqlite database for further analysis.
It allow you via a simple query syntax to generate charts using gnuplot.

For the moment only few part of the furnace's protocol is handled :

	- Connection
		. Initialisation
		. keep-alive
	- Data query

Some of the data receive from the furnace are decoded that allow you to monitor your heating activity.

Getting the sources :

	git clone git://

Dependencies :
	python-serial (module for serial port access)
	python-pysqlite2 (Sqlite3 interface)
	python-argparse (command line argument parsing)

	For pyP2DataReader :
		gnuplot ( ) gnuplot-x11


	* Little changes can be made to add the checksum failed storage into the sqlite db (same for session storage as it was for mysql)
	* Two's complement on a data
	* Add files output (done for csv)

Howto :

* Furnace monitor : ./pyP2_monitor

* Data reader : ./pyP2_dprocess

	examples :
		./pyP2_dprocess -d ./p2.db -q 'b=-26h,e=-24h,f=diff,n=5' -q 'b=-26h,e=-24h,f=diff,n=7'
		./pyP2_dprocess -d ./p2.db -q 'b=-26h,e=-24h,f=diff,n=5' -q 'b=-26h,e=-24h,f=diff,n=7' -q 'b=-30h,e=-28h,f=diff,n=7' -q 'b=-30h,e=-28h,f=diff,n=5'

* Documentation generation :
	Go into the pyP2Monitor directory and run : doxygen Doxygen.conf

* Cleaning the directory :
	Running ./ remove the doc folder and src/*.pyc

* Csv database dump :
	./pyP2_dprocess -d ./p2.db --csvdump /tmp/db_dump.csv

Data query syntax :
	A query is a list of couple field=value. List of allowed fields :
 		- b|begin=begin_date (special value "now" and "first")
		- e|end=end_date (special value "now" and "first")
		- t|time=numeric time length with unit suffix (s seconds, m minutes, h hours, d days)
		- f|format=diff|DATEFORMAT diff mean that ou will use relatives notation like now , first (the date of first data), 10m (10 min in future) or -1h ( 1 hour in the past) DATEFORMAT is a date format like date use ( man 1 date ) to specify end and begin dates 
		- d|data=data name
		- n|num=data number id (see pyP2_dprocess --list-field )
		- y|yaxe= Set the associated autoscale and y range (can be 1 for right y axe or 2 for the left y axe)
		- s|style=gnuplot graphic style (line, dots, pulse...)
		- sc|scale=graphic scale as a float value
		- a|add=integer to add at the graphics value
		- c|color=graphic color (with color name or in hex notation : #rrggbb )
		- l|label=graphic label
	example of query :
		"b=-10h,end=now,f=diff,n=10" for a graphic from the last 10 hours with data[10]

	when differents time ranges are specified for data the programm creates a proper date field in the right unit

Notes :

 * Log size estimation :
	If we log every bytes of a data frame, we have to log 106 Bytes + 32 bits (4Bytes) for the timestamp and a log every second. The number of logged data is 3600 * 24 * 365, and the size for a year of logs is (110 * 3600 * 24 * 365) ~ 3GB
	Here is a little array with the estimated size of logs in function of the log time in seconds

	|logtime	|   1s  |   2s  |   5s  |  10s  |  30s  |  1min |
	|size in a year	|  3GB  | 1.5GB | 660MB | 330MB | 110MB |  30MB |
	|size in a month| 275MB | 240MB |  55MB |  27MB | 10MB  |  5MB  |
	|size in a day	|  9MB  |  5MB  |  2MB  |  1MB  | 300KB | 150KB |

 * We do not receive a timestamp from the furnace but a date with every field encoded on 1 Byte in this order : sec|min|hour|day|month|day_of_week|year

 * Datas retrived from the furnace can be stored in ascii files or in sqlite3 db

 * Datas are stored in a SQLite3 db for simplicity, compatibility and portability.
 	1 Table store timestamp and data. Datas are stored into binary strings.

 * File format is [date data] with date in format : 2013/10/27_13:37:42 and data represented as a big hexadecimal number in upper case (here data is the full frame with header, size, data and checksum)

 * OBSOLETE : MYSQL Database data storage :
 	1 Table with two columns : timestamp and data. len(data) == 0 mean invalid timestamp. data are only the data part of the frame. We stored only valid data frame (or with invalid checksum)
	1 Table storing reading session with and identifier, a begin and end date, and a type (reading programm, data file, or unknow : ENUM('prog', 'file', 'unknow') )


 * Instead of sleeping after a write, we've set a timeout on the read. The experience show that once a frame is received we can send a frame directly.

* About initialisation stream
	Assuming that stream are in the form : [id] [label]
        MA : id = 4 + label
        MB : id = 4 + label
        MC : 8octets datas
        MD : 1 octet char ascii ( A|I|Z|B|P ) 6 octets d'id ? + label
        ME : 17octets data
        MF : 2octets id + label ?
        ML : 10 octets id + label ?
        MM : 4octets id + label
        MT : 1octet id + label
        MW : 2 octets id + label

* Notes about unknown and not processed stream :
 	RT : 5254 : Sans doute une demande de retransmission... exemple de trame reçues puis boucle dessus pendant l'init :
	Ra : 5261 : Bug après l'auth... exemple : 
		Send : '52610300FFF902AE' //Premier envoit
		Received frame :  4D45110054200000010000240022004E005303840286
		Sending : '4D4101010090'
		Received frame :  5261170100B54D45110054200000010000240022004E005303840286
		Sending : '5261010100B5'
		Received frame :  5261170100B54D45110054200000010000240022004E005303840286
		Sending : '5261010100B5'
		Received frame :  5261170100B54D45110054200000010000240022004E005303840286
		Sending : '5261010100B5'
		Received frame :  5261170100B54D45110054200000010000240022004E005303840286
		Visiblement envoyé en cas d'authentification superflu...


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