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se0g1/cve-2018-1002101: test/e2e/scalability/density.go; 367 LoC #8

githubvet opened this issue Jan 9, 2021 · 0 comments


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Found a possible issue in se0g1/cve-2018-1002101 at test/e2e/scalability/density.go

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for _, testArg := range densityTests {
	feature := "ManualPerformance"
	switch testArg.podsPerNode {
	case 30:
		if isCanonical(&testArg) {
			feature = "Performance"
	case 95:
		feature = "HighDensityPerformance"

	name := fmt.Sprintf("[Feature:%s] should allow starting %d pods per node using %v with %v secrets, %v configmaps and %v daemons",
	if testArg.quotas {
		name += " with quotas"
	itArg := testArg
	It(name, func() {
		nodePrepPhase := testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(100, "node preparation")
		defer nodePrepPhase.End()
		nodePreparer := framework.NewE2ETestNodePreparer(
			[]testutils.CountToStrategy{{Count: nodeCount, Strategy: &testutils.TrivialNodePrepareStrategy{}}},
		defer nodePreparer.CleanupNodes()

		podsPerNode := itArg.podsPerNode
		if podsPerNode == 30 {
			f.AddonResourceConstraints = func() map[string]framework.ResourceConstraint { return density30AddonResourceVerifier(nodeCount) }()
		totalPods = (podsPerNode - itArg.daemonsPerNode) * nodeCount
		fileHndl, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf(framework.TestContext.OutputDir+"/%s/pod_states.csv", uuid))
		defer fileHndl.Close()

		// nodeCountPerNamespace and CreateNamespaces are defined in load.go
		numberOfCollections := (nodeCount + nodeCountPerNamespace - 1) / nodeCountPerNamespace
		namespaces, err := CreateNamespaces(f, numberOfCollections, fmt.Sprintf("density-%v", testArg.podsPerNode), testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(200, "namespace creation"))
		if itArg.quotas {
			framework.ExpectNoError(CreateQuotas(f, namespaces, totalPods+nodeCount, testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(210, "quota creation")))

		configs := make([]testutils.RunObjectConfig, numberOfCollections)
		secretConfigs := make([]*testutils.SecretConfig, 0, numberOfCollections*itArg.secretsPerPod)
		configMapConfigs := make([]*testutils.ConfigMapConfig, 0, numberOfCollections*itArg.configMapsPerPod)
		// Since all RCs are created at the same time, timeout for each config
		// has to assume that it will be run at the very end.
		podThroughput := 20
		timeout := time.Duration(totalPods/podThroughput)*time.Second + 3*time.Minute
		// createClients is defined in load.go
		clients, internalClients, scalesClients, err := createClients(numberOfCollections)
		for i := 0; i < numberOfCollections; i++ {
			nsName := namespaces[i].Name
			secretNames := []string{}
			for j := 0; j < itArg.secretsPerPod; j++ {
				secretName := fmt.Sprintf("density-secret-%v-%v", i, j)
				secretConfigs = append(secretConfigs, &testutils.SecretConfig{
					Content:   map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
					Client:    clients[i],
					Name:      secretName,
					Namespace: nsName,
					LogFunc:   framework.Logf,
				secretNames = append(secretNames, secretName)
			configMapNames := []string{}
			for j := 0; j < itArg.configMapsPerPod; j++ {
				configMapName := fmt.Sprintf("density-configmap-%v-%v", i, j)
				configMapConfigs = append(configMapConfigs, &testutils.ConfigMapConfig{
					Content:   map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
					Client:    clients[i],
					Name:      configMapName,
					Namespace: nsName,
					LogFunc:   framework.Logf,
				configMapNames = append(configMapNames, configMapName)
			name := fmt.Sprintf("density%v-%v-%v", totalPods, i, uuid)
			baseConfig := &testutils.RCConfig{
				Client:               clients[i],
				InternalClient:       internalClients[i],
				ScalesGetter:         scalesClients[i],
				Image:                framework.GetPauseImageName(f.ClientSet),
				Name:                 name,
				Namespace:            nsName,
				Labels:               map[string]string{"type": "densityPod"},
				PollInterval:         DensityPollInterval,
				Timeout:              timeout,
				PodStatusFile:        fileHndl,
				Replicas:             (totalPods + numberOfCollections - 1) / numberOfCollections,
				CpuRequest:           nodeCpuCapacity / 100,
				MemRequest:           nodeMemCapacity / 100,
				MaxContainerFailures: &MaxContainerFailures,
				Silent:               true,
				LogFunc:              framework.Logf,
				SecretNames:          secretNames,
				ConfigMapNames:       configMapNames,
			switch itArg.kind {
			case api.Kind("ReplicationController"):
				configs[i] = baseConfig
			case extensions.Kind("ReplicaSet"):
				configs[i] = &testutils.ReplicaSetConfig{RCConfig: *baseConfig}
			case extensions.Kind("Deployment"):
				configs[i] = &testutils.DeploymentConfig{RCConfig: *baseConfig}
			case batch.Kind("Job"):
				configs[i] = &testutils.JobConfig{RCConfig: *baseConfig}
				framework.Failf("Unsupported kind: %v", itArg.kind)

		// Single client is running out of http2 connections in delete phase, hence we need more.
		clients, internalClients, _, err = createClients(2)

		dConfig := DensityTestConfig{
			ClientSets:         clients,
			InternalClientsets: internalClients,
			Configs:            configs,
			PodCount:           totalPods,
			PollInterval:       DensityPollInterval,
			kind:               itArg.kind,
			SecretConfigs:      secretConfigs,
			ConfigMapConfigs:   configMapConfigs,

		for i := 0; i < itArg.daemonsPerNode; i++ {
			dConfig.DaemonConfigs = append(dConfig.DaemonConfigs,
					Client:    f.ClientSet,
					Name:      fmt.Sprintf("density-daemon-%v", i),
					Namespace: f.Namespace.Name,
					LogFunc:   framework.Logf,
		e2eStartupTime = runDensityTest(dConfig, testPhaseDurations)
		if itArg.runLatencyTest {
			By("Scheduling additional Pods to measure startup latencies")

			createTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)
			nodeNames := make(map[string]string, 0)
			scheduleTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)
			runTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)
			watchTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)

			var mutex sync.Mutex
			checkPod := func(p *v1.Pod) {
				defer mutex.Unlock()
				defer GinkgoRecover()

				if p.Status.Phase == v1.PodRunning {
					if _, found := watchTimes[p.Name]; !found {
						watchTimes[p.Name] = metav1.Now()
						createTimes[p.Name] = p.CreationTimestamp
						nodeNames[p.Name] = p.Spec.NodeName
						var startTime metav1.Time
						for _, cs := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
							if cs.State.Running != nil {
								if startTime.Before(&cs.State.Running.StartedAt) {
									startTime = cs.State.Running.StartedAt
						if startTime != metav1.NewTime(time.Time{}) {
							runTimes[p.Name] = startTime
						} else {
							framework.Failf("Pod %v is reported to be running, but none of its containers is", p.Name)

			additionalPodsPrefix = "density-latency-pod"
			stopCh := make(chan struct{})

			latencyPodStores := make([]cache.Store, len(namespaces))
			for i := 0; i < len(namespaces); i++ {
				nsName := namespaces[i].Name
				latencyPodsStore, controller := cache.NewInformer(
						ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
							options.LabelSelector = labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"type": additionalPodsPrefix}).String()
							obj, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(nsName).List(options)
							return runtime.Object(obj), err
						WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
							options.LabelSelector = labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"type": additionalPodsPrefix}).String()
							return c.CoreV1().Pods(nsName).Watch(options)
						AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
							p, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)
							if !ok {
								framework.Logf("Failed to cast observed object to *v1.Pod.")
							go checkPod(p)
						UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
							p, ok := newObj.(*v1.Pod)
							if !ok {
								framework.Logf("Failed to cast observed object to *v1.Pod.")
							go checkPod(p)
				latencyPodStores[i] = latencyPodsStore

				go controller.Run(stopCh)

			// Create some additional pods with throughput ~5 pods/sec.
			latencyPodStartupPhase := testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(800, "latency pods creation")
			defer latencyPodStartupPhase.End()
			var wg sync.WaitGroup
			// Explicitly set requests here.
			// Thanks to it we trigger increasing priority function by scheduling
			// a pod to a node, which in turn will result in spreading latency pods
			// more evenly between nodes.
			cpuRequest := *resource.NewMilliQuantity(nodeCpuCapacity/5, resource.DecimalSI)
			memRequest := *resource.NewQuantity(nodeMemCapacity/5, resource.DecimalSI)
			if podsPerNode > 30 {
				// This is to make them schedulable on high-density tests
				// (e.g. 100 pods/node kubemark).
				cpuRequest = *resource.NewMilliQuantity(0, resource.DecimalSI)
				memRequest = *resource.NewQuantity(0, resource.DecimalSI)
			rcNameToNsMap := map[string]string{}
			for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
				name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
				nsName := namespaces[i%len(namespaces)].Name
				rcNameToNsMap[name] = nsName
				go createRunningPodFromRC(&wg, c, name, nsName, framework.GetPauseImageName(f.ClientSet), additionalPodsPrefix, cpuRequest, memRequest)
				time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)

			latencyMeasurementPhase := testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(810, "pod startup latencies measurement")
			defer latencyMeasurementPhase.End()
			By("Waiting for all Pods begin observed by the watch...")
			waitTimeout := 10 * time.Minute
			for start := time.Now(); len(watchTimes) < nodeCount; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
				if time.Since(start) < waitTimeout {
					framework.Failf("Timeout reached waiting for all Pods being observed by the watch.")

			nodeToLatencyPods := make(map[string]int)
			for i := range latencyPodStores {
				for _, item := range latencyPodStores[i].List() {
					pod := item.(*v1.Pod)
				for node, count := range nodeToLatencyPods {
					if count > 1 {
						framework.Logf("%d latency pods scheduled on %s", count, node)

			for i := 0; i < len(namespaces); i++ {
				nsName := namespaces[i].Name
				selector := fields.Set{
					"involvedObject.kind":      "Pod",
					"involvedObject.namespace": nsName,
					"source":                   v1.DefaultSchedulerName,
				options := metav1.ListOptions{FieldSelector: selector}
				schedEvents, err := c.CoreV1().Events(nsName).List(options)
				for k := range createTimes {
					for _, event := range schedEvents.Items {
						if event.InvolvedObject.Name == k {
							scheduleTimes[k] = event.FirstTimestamp

			scheduleLag := make([]framework.PodLatencyData, 0)
			startupLag := make([]framework.PodLatencyData, 0)
			watchLag := make([]framework.PodLatencyData, 0)
			schedToWatchLag := make([]framework.PodLatencyData, 0)
			e2eLag := make([]framework.PodLatencyData, 0)

			for name, create := range createTimes {
				sched, ok := scheduleTimes[name]
				if !ok {
					framework.Logf("Failed to find schedule time for %v", name)
				run, ok := runTimes[name]
				if !ok {
					framework.Logf("Failed to find run time for %v", name)
				watch, ok := watchTimes[name]
				if !ok {
					framework.Logf("Failed to find watch time for %v", name)
				node, ok := nodeNames[name]
				if !ok {
					framework.Logf("Failed to find node for %v", name)

				scheduleLag = append(scheduleLag, framework.PodLatencyData{Name: name, Node: node, Latency: sched.Time.Sub(create.Time)})
				startupLag = append(startupLag, framework.PodLatencyData{Name: name, Node: node, Latency: run.Time.Sub(sched.Time)})
				watchLag = append(watchLag, framework.PodLatencyData{Name: name, Node: node, Latency: watch.Time.Sub(run.Time)})
				schedToWatchLag = append(schedToWatchLag, framework.PodLatencyData{Name: name, Node: node, Latency: watch.Time.Sub(sched.Time)})
				e2eLag = append(e2eLag, framework.PodLatencyData{Name: name, Node: node, Latency: watch.Time.Sub(create.Time)})


			framework.PrintLatencies(scheduleLag, "worst schedule latencies")
			framework.PrintLatencies(startupLag, "worst run-after-schedule latencies")
			framework.PrintLatencies(watchLag, "worst watch latencies")
			framework.PrintLatencies(schedToWatchLag, "worst scheduled-to-end total latencies")
			framework.PrintLatencies(e2eLag, "worst e2e total latencies")

			// Test whether e2e pod startup time is acceptable.
			podStartupLatency := &framework.PodStartupLatency{Latency: framework.ExtractLatencyMetrics(e2eLag)}
			f.TestSummaries = append(f.TestSummaries, podStartupLatency)

			framework.LogSuspiciousLatency(startupLag, e2eLag, nodeCount, c)

			By("Removing additional replication controllers")
			podDeletionPhase := testPhaseDurations.StartPhase(820, "latency pods deletion")
			defer podDeletionPhase.End()
			deleteRC := func(i int) {
				defer GinkgoRecover()
				name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
				framework.ExpectNoError(framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(c, rcNameToNsMap[name], name))
			workqueue.Parallelize(25, nodeCount, deleteRC)
		cleanupDensityTest(dConfig, testPhaseDurations)
Click here to show extra information the analyzer produced.
No path was found through the callgraph that could lead to a function which writes a pointer argument.

No path was found through the callgraph that could lead to a function which passes a pointer to third-party code.

root signature {isCanonical 1} was not found in the callgraph; reference was passed directly to third-party code

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commit ID: 08eb5fb80339f2738e62ab25142bde16debd4a60

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