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Webhook events for the GitHub Marketplace API
A {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} app receives information about changes to a user's plan from the Marketplace purchase event webhook. A Marketplace purchase event is triggered when a user purchases, cancels, or changes their payment plan.
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Webhook events

{% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-apps-not-actions %}

For more information about the {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} webhook payload, see "AUTOTITLE."

Webhooks POST requests have special headers. See "AUTOTITLE" for more details. GitHub doesn't resend failed delivery attempts. Ensure your app can receive all webhook payloads sent by GitHub. For information about how to create and disable {% data variables.product.prodname_marketplace %} webhooks, see "AUTOTITLE" and "AUTOTITLE."

Cancellations and downgrades take effect on the first day of the next billing cycle. Events for downgrades and cancellations are sent when the new plan takes effect at the beginning of the next billing cycle. Events for new purchases and upgrades begin immediately. Use the effective_date in the webhook payload to determine when a change will begin.

{% data reusables.marketplace.marketplace-malicious-behavior %}