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Customizing dependency updates
You can customize how {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} maintains your dependencies.
People with write permissions to a repository can configure {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} for the repository.
fpt ghec ghes
Version updates
Security updates
Pull requests
Customize updates

{% data reusables.dependabot.enterprise-enable-dependabot %}

About customizing dependency updates

After you've enabled version updates, you can customize how {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} maintains your dependencies by adding further options to the dependabot.yml file. For example, you could:

  • Specify which day of the week to open pull requests for version updates:
  • Set reviewers, assignees, and labels for each package manager: reviewers, assignees, and labels{%- ifversion dependabot-version-updates-groups %}
  • Create groups of dependencies (per package ecosystem), so that {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} updates the group of dependencies in a single pull request: groups{% endif %}
  • Define a versioning strategy for changes to each manifest file: versioning-strategy
  • Change the maximum number of open pull requests for version updates from the default of 5: open-pull-requests-limit
  • Open pull requests for version updates to target a specific branch, instead of the default branch: target-branch

For more information about the configuration options, see "AUTOTITLE."

When you update the dependabot.yml file in your repository, {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} runs an immediate check with the new configuration. Within minutes you will see an updated list of dependencies on the {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} tab, this may take longer if the repository has many dependencies. You may also see new pull requests for version updates. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

Impact of configuration changes on security updates

If you customize the dependabot.yml file, you may notice some changes to the pull requests raised for security updates. These pull requests are always triggered by a security advisory for a dependency, rather than by the {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} schedule. However, they inherit relevant configuration settings from the dependabot.yml file unless you specify a different target branch for version updates.

For an example, see "Setting custom labels" below.

{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% note %}

Note: If you use grouped security updates, the grouped pull requests will also inherit non-group configuration settings from the dependabot.yml file, and any group rules specified with applies-to: security-updates will apply. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

{% endnote %}{% endif %}

Modifying scheduling

When you set a daily update schedule, by default, {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} checks for new versions at 05:00 UTC. You can use schedule.time to specify an alternative time of day to check for updates (format: hh:mm).

The example dependabot.yml file below expands the npm configuration to specify when {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} should check for version updates to dependencies.

# `dependabot.yml` file with
# customized schedule for version updates

version: 2
  # Keep npm dependencies up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
    # Check the npm registry for updates at 2am UTC
      interval: "daily"
      time: "02:00"

Setting reviewers and assignees

By default, {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} raises pull requests without any reviewers or assignees.

You can use reviewers and assignees to specify reviewers and assignees for all pull requests raised for a package manager. When you specify a team, you must use the full team name, as if you were @mentioning the team (including the organization).

The example dependabot.yml file below changes the npm configuration so that all pull requests opened with version and security updates for npm will have two reviewers and one assignee.

# `dependabot.yml` file with
# reviews and an assignee for all npm pull requests

version: 2
  # Keep npm dependencies up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Raise all npm pull requests with reviewers
      - "my-org/team-name"
      - "octocat"
    # Raise all npm pull requests with an assignee
      - "user-name"

Setting custom labels

{% data reusables.dependabot.default-labels %}

You can use labels to override the default labels and specify alternative labels for all pull requests raised for a package manager. You can't create new labels in the dependabot.yml file, so the alternative labels must already exist in the repository.

The example dependabot.yml file below changes the npm configuration so that all pull requests opened with version and security updates for npm will have custom labels. It also changes the Docker configuration to check for version updates against a custom branch and to raise pull requests with custom labels against that custom branch. The changes to Docker will not affect security update pull requests because security updates are always made against the default branch.

{% note %}

Note: The new target-branch must contain a Dockerfile to update, otherwise this change will have the effect of disabling version updates for Docker.

{% endnote %}

# `dependabot.yml` file with
# customized npm configuration

version: 2
  # Keep npm dependencies up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Raise all npm pull requests with custom labels
      - "npm dependencies"
      - "triage-board"

    # Keep Docker dependencies up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Raise pull requests for Docker version updates
    # against the "develop" branch. The Docker configuration
    # no longer affects security update pull requests.
    target-branch: "develop"
    # Use custom labels on pull requests for Docker version updates
      - "Docker dependencies"
      - "triage-board"

{% ifversion dependabot-version-updates-groups %}

Grouping {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_updates %} into one pull request

{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-version-updates-groups-about %}

{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-version-updates-groups-semver %}

{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-version-updates-groups-match-first %}

{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-security-updates-groups-supported %}{% else %}{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-version-updates-groups-supported %}{% endif %}

You must configure groups per package ecosystem.

Example configurations for groups

{% data reusables.dependabot.dependabot-version-updates-groups-yaml-example %}

For more information about configuring dependency groups in the dependabot.yml file, see "AUTOTITLE."

{% endif %}

Ignoring specific dependencies for {% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_updates %}{% else %}{% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_version_updates %}{% endif %}

If you are not ready to adopt changes from dependencies in your project, you can configure {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} to ignore those dependencies when it opens pull requests for version updates{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %} and security updates{% endif %}. You can do this using one of the following methods.

  • Configure the ignore option for the dependency in your dependabot.yml file. You can use this to ignore updates for specific dependencies, versions, and types of updates. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."
  • Use @dependabot ignore comment commands on a {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} pull request for version updates{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %} and security updates{% endif %}. You can use comment commands to ignore updates for specific dependencies and versions. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

If you would like to un-ignore a dependency or ignore condition, you can delete the ignore conditions from the dependabot.yml file or reopen the pull request.

{% ifversion dependabot-version-updates-groups %}For pull requests for grouped {% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% else %}version {% endif %}updates, you can also use @dependabot unignore comment commands. The @dependabot unignore comment commands enable you to do the following by commenting on a {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} pull request:

  • Un-ignore a specific ignore condition
  • Un-ignore a specific dependency
  • Un-ignore all ignore conditions for all dependencies in a {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot %} pull request

{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% else %} {% note %}

Note: The @dependabot unignore comment commands only work on pull requests for grouped version updates.

{% endnote %} {% endif %}

For more information, see "[AUTOTITLE](/code-security/dependabot/working-with-dependabot/managing-pull-requests-for-dependency-updates#managing-dependabot-pull-requests-for-grouped-{% ifversion dependabot-grouped-security-updates-config %}{% else %}version-{% endif %}updates-with-comment-commands)."{% endif %}

More examples

For more examples, see "AUTOTITLE."