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32 lines (24 loc) · 1.21 KB

File metadata and controls

32 lines (24 loc) · 1.21 KB

Sanitization Rules

Gollum uses the Sanitize gem for HTML sanitization.

See lib/gollum.rb for actual settings.


a, abbr, acronym, address, area, b, big, blockquote, br, button, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, del, dfn, dir, div, dl, dt, em, fieldset, font, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, input, ins, kbd, label, legend, li, map, menu, ol, optgroup, option, p, pre, q, s, samp, select, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, tr, tt, u, ul, var


abbr, accept, accept-charset, accesskey, action, align, alt, axis, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, char, charoff, charset, checked, cite, class, clear, cols, colspan, color, compact, coords, datetime, dir, disabled, enctype, for, frame, headers, height, href, hreflang, hspace, id, ismap, label, lang, longdesc, maxlength, media, method, multiple, name, nohref, noshade, nowrap, prompt, readonly, rel, rev, rows, rowspan, rules, scope, selected, shape, size, span, src, start, summary, tabindex, target, title, type, usemap, valign, value, vspace, width


a href: http, https, mailto img src: http, https