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pchaigno committed Jul 5, 2015
1 parent b0073d4 commit 849eb28
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Showing 2 changed files with 535 additions and 0 deletions.
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions samples/SourcePawn/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
// Checkpoint Manager
// (c) João Pedro Lopes, All right's reserved
// Feel free to change any line above, as long as you post the 'fix' / 'patch' at the forum
// and send a copy to
/* natives
native CreateCheckpoint(ownerid, chpid, Float:posX, Float:posY, Float:posZ, Float:size); // Creates a checkpoint
native SetCheckpointInterior(chpid, interiorid); // Changes the checkpoint interior
native SetCheckpointVirtualWorld(chpid, VirtualWorldID); // Changes the Checkpoint vWorld
native ToggleCheckpointActive(chpid, bool:active); // Deactivates / Activates the checkpoint
native ChangeCheckpointOwner(chpid, owner); // Change the checkpoint owner
native RemoveCheckpoint(chpid); // Removes the specified checkpoint
native StartCheckpointSeeking(); // Starts seeking for each individual
native StopCheckpointSeeking(); // Stops the system
native VerifyCheckpoint(playerid); // Place this at OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
// Function Forwards
forward public OnCheckpointEnter(playerid, checkpointid);
#pragma library CheckpointManager
#include <a_samp>
#define GLOBAL_OWNER_ID -1
enum _checkpointEnum{
_chp_populated, // Is this slot of the memory populated?
_chp_id, // The ID of the checkpoint
_chp_owner, // The ID of the player who this checkpoint is visible too
Float:_chp_posX, // The X position of this checkpoint
Float:_chp_posY, // The Y position of this checkpoint
Float:_chp_posZ, // The Z position of this checkpoint
Float:_chp_size, // The checkpoint size
Float:_chp_viewDistance, // The checkpoint view distance
bool:_chp_active, // Is this checkpoint active?
_chp_interior_id, // The interior id of this checkpoint
_chp_world_id // The world id of this checkpoint
new _checkpoints[MAX_CHECKPOINTS][_checkpointEnum];
new _p_VisibleCheckpoint[MAX_PLAYERS];
new _chp_manager_timer_id;
new _totalCheckpoints;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new checkpoint with some initial data
stock CreateCheckpoint(__ownerid, __chpid, Float:__posX, Float:__posY, Float:__posZ, Float:__size){
// Max checkpoint reached?
if(_totalCheckpoints == MAX_CHECKPOINTS) return 0;
// First checkpoint? Setting everything to unpopulated
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) _p_VisibleCheckpoint[i] = -1;
for(new i; i < MAX_CHECKPOINTS; i++){
_checkpoints[i][_chp_populated] = false;
// Sending the Initialization Info
printf("[Checkpoint Manager : Version 0.1.1b] System Initialized...", __chpid);
// Getting the first open slot
new _slot;
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_CHECKPOINTS; i++){
_slot = i;
// Adding the new checkpoint
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_populated] = true;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_id] = __chpid;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_owner] = __ownerid;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posX] = __posX;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posY] = __posY;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posZ] = __posZ;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_size] = __size;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_viewDistance] = 50.0;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_active] = true;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_interior_id] = 0;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_world_id] = 0;
printf("[Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (%d) at slot %d", __chpid, _slot);
printf("Checkpoint Position: { %f, %f, %f }", _checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posX], _checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posY], _checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posZ]);
return 1;
stock SetCheckpointInterior(__chpid, __interiorid){
new _slot = __ChpSlotByID(__chpid);
if(_slot > -1){
// Valid slot?
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_interior_id] = __interiorid;
return 1;
return 0;
stock SetCheckpointVirtualWorld(__chpid, __virtual_world_id){
new _slot = __ChpSlotByID(__chpid);
if(_slot > -1){
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_world_id] = __virtual_world_id;
return 1;
return 0;
stock ToggleCheckpointActive(__chpid, bool:__active){
new _slot = __ChpSlotByID(__chpid);
if(_slot > -1){
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_active] = __active;
return 1;
return 0;
stock ChangeCheckpointOwner(__chpid, __owner){
new _slot = __ChpSlotByID(__chpid);
if(_slot > -1){
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_owner] = __owner;
return 1;
return 0;
stock RemoveCheckpoint(__chpid){
new _slot = __ChpSlotByID(__chpid);
if(_slot > -1){
// Deleting the checkpoint
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_populated] = false;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_id] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_owner] = 255;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posX] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posY] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_posZ] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_size] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_viewDistance] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_active] = false;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_interior_id] = -1;
_checkpoints[_slot][_chp_world_id] = -1;
printf("\n[Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint removed (ID: %d)", __chpid);
return 1;
return 0;
// Gets the checkpoint slot by id
stock __ChpSlotByID(__chpid){
for(new i; i < MAX_CHECKPOINTS; i++){
if(_checkpoints[i][_chp_id] == __chpid) return i;
return -1;
forward CheckpointSeeker();
stock StartCheckpointSeeking(){
_chp_manager_timer_id = SetTimer("CheckpointSeeker", CHECKPOINT_SEEKER_DELAY, 1);
return 1;
stock StopCheckpointSeeking(){
return 1;
public CheckpointSeeker(){
new Float:__posX, Float:__posY, Float:__posZ;
new __interior;
new __virtualWorld;
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
GetPlayerPos(i, Float:__posX, Float:__posY, Float:__posZ);
// Is the player near a checkpoint?
if(_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i] > -1)
// If the player is no longer near that point
if(__posX < (_checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_posX] - _checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_viewDistance])
|| __posX > (_checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_posX] + _checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_viewDistance])
|| __posY < (_checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_posY] - _checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_viewDistance])
|| __posY > (_checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_posY] + _checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i]][_chp_viewDistance])){
_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i] = -1;
// Getting the player Interior and virtual world
__interior = GetPlayerInterior(i);
__virtualWorld = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i);
// Looking for a new checkpoint
for(new j = 0; j < MAX_CHECKPOINTS; j++){
if(!_checkpoints[j][_chp_populated]) continue;
if((_checkpoints[j][_chp_owner] != i) && (_checkpoints[j][_chp_owner] != -1)) continue;
if(_checkpoints[j][_chp_interior_id] != __interior) continue;
if(_checkpoints[j][_chp_world_id] != __virtualWorld) continue;
if(__posX > (_checkpoints[j][_chp_posX] - _checkpoints[j][_chp_viewDistance])
&& __posX < (_checkpoints[j][_chp_posX] + _checkpoints[j][_chp_viewDistance])
&& __posY > (_checkpoints[j][_chp_posY] - _checkpoints[j][_chp_viewDistance])
&& __posY < (_checkpoints[j][_chp_posY] + _checkpoints[j][_chp_viewDistance])){
SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, _checkpoints[j][_chp_posX], _checkpoints[j][_chp_posY], _checkpoints[j][_chp_posZ], _checkpoints[j][_chp_size]);
_p_VisibleCheckpoint[i] = j;
return 1;
stock VerifyCheckpoint(__playerid){
if(_p_VisibleCheckpoint[__playerid] >= 0){
OnCheckpointEnter(__playerid, _checkpoints[_p_VisibleCheckpoint[__playerid]][_chp_id]);
return 1;
return 0;

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