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164 lines (119 loc) · 7.21 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (119 loc) · 7.21 KB




  • change default value of k8s_controller_manager_sa_csr_cn from service-accounts to k8s-service-accounts
  • change default value of k8s_interface from tap0 to eth0
  • change default values of ca_etcd_csr_cn, etcd_peer_csr_cn and etcd_client_csr_cn_prefix
  • change default value of k8s_apiserver_csr_cn from kubernetes to kube-apiserver


  • remove tests directory
  • add namespace to meta/main.yml
  • update Github workflow
  • add important note to k8s_apiserver_csr_cn variable
  • .ansible-lint: remove role-name
  • remove vars directory
  • remove handlers directory
  • remove files directory


  • remove requirements.yml
  • fix ansible-lint issues
  • use Ubuntu 22.04 for some VMs
  • change IPs from to
  • remove etcd_cert_hosts variable from group_vars (use default setting)
  • remove role_name_check
  • extend verify.yml
  • Molecule: rename role harden-linux to harden_linux


  • BREAKING: meta/main.yml: change role_name from kubernetes-ca to kubernetes_ca. This is a requirement since quite some time for Ansible Galaxy. But the requirement was introduced after this role already existed for quite some time. So please update the name of the role in your playbook accordingly!
  • rename githubixx.kubernetes-ca to githubixx.kubernetes_ca
  • molecule/default/requirements.yml: remove githubixx.kubernetes_ca
  • meta/main.yml: added role_name
  • added support for Ubuntu 22.04
  • removed support for Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 (reached EOL)


  • add Molecule test
  • add .ansible-lint
  • add '.yamllint`
  • add Github workflow
  • increase min_ansible_version from 2.8 to 2.9
  • rename internal variable workerHost to worker_host
  • rename internal variable etcdHosts to etcd_hosts
  • rename internal variable k8sApiHosts to k8s_api_hosts
  • fix ansible-lint issues (use Ansible FQDN module names)


  • splitted etcd profiles in server, peer and client. This makes it possible to have separate certificate files for etcd. E.g. the TLS parameters for etcd now looks like this:

Before this change cert-file, key-file, peer-cert-file and peer-key-file used the same certificate files.

This change makes it also possible to create certificate files for etcd clients like Traefik, Cilium and so on to use the same TLS enabled etcd server. As kube-apiserver is also an etcd client this change also introduced separate certificate files e.g.:

  • add localhost to etcd_cert_hosts and k8s_apiserver_cert_hosts variables
  • rename etcd_csr_* variables to etcd_server_csr_*
  • introduce etcd_peer_csr_* variables (see README for more information)
  • introduce etcd_client_csr_* variables (see README for more information)
  • introduce etcd_additional_clients variable (see README for more information)
  • add Ubuntu 20.04 as supported platform
  • increase minimum required Ansible version to 2.8

no changes

  • deleted old tags not compatible with Ansible Galaxy:

These versions are outdated anyways.


  • introduced a few new variables: k8s_ca_conf_directory_perm, k8s_ca_file_perm, k8s_ca_controller_nodes_group, k8s_ca_etcd_nodes_group, k8s_ca_worker_nodes_group. Values were previously hard coded. They can be adjusted now.
  • added kubernetes.default.svc.cluster to k8s_apiserver_cert_hosts
  • removed worker hostnames and IPs from kube-apiserver certificate. They are not needed here.
  • better formatting of shell scripts in .yaml files.
  • gather facts of K8s hosts as first task


  • use correct semantic versioning as described in semver. Needed for Ansible Galaxy importer as it now insists on using semantic versioning.
  • moved changelog entries to separate file
  • make Ansible linter happy
  • no major changes but decided to start a new major release as versioning scheme changed quite heavily


  • support Ubuntu 18.04

  • Remove PeerVPN dependency when generating certificates (use k8s_interface variable instead of peervpn_conf_interface). When generating certificates previously the values of peervpn_conf_interface variables were used and added to the certificate. Now instead k8s_interface variable is used. For almost all people that change shouldn't have any effect because the values of both variables should have been the same. If not check if the generated certificates are ok for you. The reason for this change is to allow the usage of a different VPN solution like WireGuard e.g.

  • always gather facts as first task

  • update README


  • Implemented changes needed for Kubernetes v1.10.x.
  • Renamed certificate files cert-kube-proxy* -> cert-k8s-proxy* to be in pair with the other certificate file names
  • Added k8s_controller_manager_csr_* variables for kube-controller-manager client certificate
  • Added k8s_scheduler_csr_* variables for kube-scheduler client certificate


  • No changes. Just added Git tag for Kubernetes v1.9.8 to be in pair with controller and worker roles.


  • No changes. Just added Git tag for Kubernetes v1.9.3 to be in pair with controller and worker roles.


  • Changed default of k8s_ca_conf_directory to {{ '~/k8s/certs' | expanduser }}. By default this will expand to user's LOCAL $HOME (the user that run's ansible-playbook) plus /k8s/certs. That means if the user's $HOME directory is e.g. /home/da_user then k8s_ca_conf_directory will have a value of /home/da_user/k8s/certs. As the user normally has write access to his $HOME directory we don't rely on the parent directory permission if we deploy the role without root permissions. If you defined this variable with a different value before this change then you don't need to bother about this change.


  • include worker node names/ips into CSR (certificate signing request) for kube-apiserver certificate


  • renamed cfssl_* variables to k8s_ca_*
  • change defaults for key algos and sizes to match settings in Kubernetes the not so hard way with Ansible - Certificate authority (CA)
  • added admin client certificate
  • added kubelet client certificates used in Kubernetes 1.7/1.8
  • added kube-proxy client certificate used in Kubernetes 1.7/1.8
  • Hostname,FQDN,internal IP and PeerVPN IP of all controller hosts are added automatically to Kubernetes API server certificate now
  • Hostname,FQDN,internal IP and PeerVPN IP for every worker host certificate is added automatically to the worker certificate


  • Initial Ansible role.