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team: SID
team: SID
team: staff-engineers
team: staff-engineers
team: team-engine
team: team-engine
team: team-enterprise
team: team-enterprise
team: team-experience
team: team-experience
team: webapp
team: webapp
Issue belongs to the WebApp team
team: workspace
team: workspace
Issue belongs to the Workspace team
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: deprecate/remove feature
type: deprecate/remove feature
We're about to remove a feature. If you want to object, now is the time :)
type: feature request
type: feature request
New feature or request
type: improvement
type: improvement
Improves an existing feature or existing code
type: incident
type: incident service is unstable
type: needs triage
type: needs triage
We've seen the issue but need to investigate to decide what type of issue it is
type: question
type: question
reporter has a general question
type: work item
type: work item
This issue pertains to something we have to do where the result is not code or a deployed feature
usability testing
usability testing
Tasks created from feedback in usability tests
user experience
user experience
user-interview (discovery)
user-interview (discovery)
Issues with direct links for interviewing users or customers