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Spring based WebApp Starter Kit(Boilerplate) Based on Java 8 And with very customizable and scalable structure.

A solid starting point for Building a new Start-Up that Based on Java as Backend solution.

Tested On / With || What are the tools of the trade

Jdk 1.8.0_91

Git 2.8.2

Maven 3.3.9

Tomcat 8.0.33

Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS


Spring xml Based Configuration

Multi Module Project

Dev and Prod Environments

DB upgrader scripts Engine

Spring framework 4.2.5

Spring MVC Rest API

Spring Security 4.1

Spring Data Jpa 1.10.1

Spring Data Redis 1.7.1

Jedis 2.8.1

Hibernate 5.1

MyBatis 3.4.0

Works with Mysql 5.7.12 vs Postgres 9.5.2 vs mariaDB 10.1.14

AWS / Google cloud / Azzure SDKs

SendGrid / MailChimp Sdks

codeCov and coveralls and travis CI integrations

Struts 2

Guava 19

Jackson 2.7.0

JooQ 3.8.0

lombok 1.16.8

sl4j 1.7.21

logback 1.1.7

SpringMock MVC 2.3.4

PowerMock 1.6.5

Mockito 1.10.19




What is the structure

How To Start


mvn clean install

How Can I contribute to this wonderfull project

Just clone it man...

and of course don't forget to push when you done.

What to do with the Complains

email to


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