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reactions.listForCommitComment(full_name, id, options)

List reactions for a commit comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id String, id of the commit
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.createForCommitComment(full_name, id, body, options)

Create reaction for a commit comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id String, id of the commit
body Object, body of the reaction
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.listForIssue(full_name, number, options)

List reactions for an issue

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
number Number, number of the issue
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.createForIssue(full_name, number, body, options)

Create reaction for an issue

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
number Number, number of the issue
body Object, body of the reaction
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.listForIssueComment(full_name, id, options)

List reactions for an issue comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id Number, id of the issue comment
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.createForIssueComment(full_name, id, body, options)

Create reaction for an issue comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id Number, id of the issue comment
body Object, body of the reaction
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.listForPullRequestReviewComment(full_name, id, options)

List reactions for a pull request review comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id Number, id of the pull request comment
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.createForPullRequestReviewComment(full_name, id, body, options)

Create reaction for a pull request review comment

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
id Number, id of the pull request comment
body Object, body of the reaction
options Object, Optional request options

reactions.deleteById(id, options)

Delete a reaction

GitHub API

Parameter Description
id Number, id of reaction
options Object, Optional request options