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116 lines (56 loc) · 2.33 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (56 loc) · 2.33 KB


Repo Contents

repoContent.getReadme(full_name, options)

Get the README

This method returns the preferred README for a repository.

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
options Object, Optional request options

repoContent.getContents(full_name, path, options)

Get contents

This method returns the contents of a file or directory in a repository.

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
path String, path of the file
options Object, Optional request options

repoContent.createFile(full_name, path, body, options)

Create a file

This method creates a new file in a repository

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
path String, path of the file
body Object, file create body
options Object, Optional request options

repoContent.updateFile(full_name, path, body, options)

Update a file

This method updates a file in a repository

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
path String, path of the file
body Object, file update body
options Object, Optional request options

repoContent.deleteFile(full_name, path, body, options)

Delete a file This method deletes a file in a repository

GitHub API

Parameter Description
full_name String, owner/repo name of repo
path String, path of the file
body Object, file delete body
options Object, Optional request options