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82 lines (58 loc) · 4.01 KB

spa-components - zero-dependency single-page app / progressive web app (PWA) JavaScript library

This module provides history and scroll position management and a simple XMLHttpRequest wrapper. Add a client-side router, to complete the basic plumbing of a single-page app.


  • manages the browser history stack, for script-initiated browsing, via spa.visit(), for browsing initiated via user clicks on anchor tags and the forward and back buttons, and for navigation via history.forward() and history.back().
  • manages scroll position, so moving forward or backward in the history stack shows pages scrolled to where you left them, even if the browser has scrolled back to the top of the page or completely re-initialized JavaScript.
  • enables you to make convenience HTTP request functions which wrap application-specific repetitive processing.
  • zero dependencies. When minified and gzipped together with zero-dependency client-side router, rlite, it makes a bundle of about 2K bytes.


// if we have already loaded and rendered one or more pages, and the browser is now 
// re-starting us, spa.init() returns an object containing previously-saved scrollx
// and scrolly values, so we can restore the scroll state, otherwise, it returns null.

	router: function(path) {},   // function to execute client-side routes
	logging: boolean             // send log messages via console.log()

spa.visit(path);                 // visit a page, pushing it onto the history stack

spa.replace(path);               // visit a page, replacing the current page in the history stack

spa.scrollTo(targetx, targety);  // call this to restore scroll position after spa.init(), if necessary

// httpReqFunc() makes convenience HTTP request functions of the form:
//     function(url, data) { }
// which close over your custom middleware and return a promise whose
// success and error results are XMLHttpRequest objects.
// middleware callbacks have the following form (and can be undefined):
//     function cb(xhr, method, url) { }
// reqCB - called before every request
// respSuccessCB, respFailureCB - called after a response is received and before the handler is called
// respAfterCB = called after the handler returns

spa.httpReqFunc(method, urlPrefix, reqCB, respSuccessCB, respFailureCB, respAfterCB);


The example directory contains example.js, which implements a minimal single-page app, with two pages, Home and About, with page navigation, history management, deep link handling, and server-controlled client version upgrades. It uses rlite for client-side routing.

Deep-link handling and automatic client version upgrades require server support. See example/server.go.

Example App Screen Shot

run the example

The example directory includes:

  • the example JavaScript file, example.js, and a minimal index.html
  • the example code bundled via browserify, ready to be run
  • a very simple server, which serves index.html and supports deep links.

To run the example:

# install golang from
cd example
go mod init server
go build
# visit  http://localhost:8000  in a web browser.
# navigate between the two available pages, home and about, to observe history management.
# type  http://localhost:8000/about  into your browser's location bar, to observe deep link handling.
# click the "ping" button to issue a REST API call to the back end.
# change the value of minRequiredClientVersion to 2 in server.go. rebuild and restart the server.
# now when you click the "ping" button, you should see the single-page app reload itself.


npm install git://


The click-handling code is a simplified version of the click handler in page.js.


This code has been in small-to-medium-scale production for several years.