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212 lines (137 loc) · 6.12 KB


File metadata and controls

212 lines (137 loc) · 6.12 KB

Webpack Configuration

Webpack handles asset compilation (Sass, CoffeeScript, etc). It also manages loading via JavaScript require, Sass @import, and CSS url().

First, require the dependencies:

webpack = require('webpack')
fs      = require('fs')
path    = require('path')
_       = require('lodash')

Define an empty configuration:

module.exports = {}

Entry bundles, i.e. package source paths. See docs.

entries = module.exports.entry =
  "main"            : "./src/scripts/main.litcoffee"
  "styles"          : "./src/styles/styles.scss"
  "vendor/es5-shim" : "./bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js"
  "vendor/es5-sham" : "./bower_components/es5-shim/es5-sham.js"

Define compiled distribution output directory:

outputDir = path.join(__dirname, "dist", "assets")


Define how files should be loaded (required) based on the extension.


Process CoffeeScript and JSX.

jsLoaders = ["jsx"]
scriptModLoaders = [
  { test: /\.coffee$/   , loaders: jsLoaders.concat(["coffee"]) }
  { test: /\.litcoffee$/, loaders: jsLoaders.concat(["coffee?literate"]) }
  { test: /\.js$/       , loaders: jsLoaders }


Process Sass and use Autoprefixer.

cssLoaders = ['style', 'css', 'autoprefixer-loader?browsers=last 2 versions']
styleModLoaders = [
  { test: /\.scss$/, loaders: cssLoaders.concat([
      "sass?precision=10&outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap=true&includePaths[]=" + path.resolve(__dirname, './bower_components')]) }
  { test: /\.css$/ , loaders: cssLoaders }

Static assets

Embed data-URLs into CSS and JS for small images and .woff fonts:

staticModLoaders = [
  { test: /\.gif$/  , loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/gif" }
  { test: /\.jpg$/  , loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/jpg" }
  { test: /\.png$/  , loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/png" }
  { test: /\.woff$/ , loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff" }
  { test: /\.woff2$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff2" }
  { test: /\.ttf$/  , loader: "file?mimetype=application/" }
  { test: /\.eot$/  , loader: "file?mimetype=application/x-font-ttf" }
  { test: /\.svg$/  , loader: "file?mimetype=image/svg+xml" }

Output CSS to .css files

ExtractTextPlugin is an experimental plugin to output CSS in .css and not as .js files with embedded CSS strings.

Require the plugin:

ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin")

Set styleModLoaders to use the plugin:

styleModLoaders = (e) ->
  { test: e.test, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(e.loaders.slice(1).join('!')) }

Create an instance of the extractTextPlugin:

extractTextPlugin = new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].css", allChunks: true)

Define macro variables

DefinePlugin defines variables to be substituted in the assets (a la macro).

Define __PRODUCTION__: false variable (set to true on useProductionSettings()):

definePlugin = new webpack.DefinePlugin(
  __PRODUCTION__: JSON.stringify(false)

Generate a manifest

Generate a manifest mapping logical paths to actual paths:

generateManifestPlugin = (compiler) ->
  @plugin 'done', (stats) ->
    stats = stats.toJson()

Set target path extension to .css for style assets, because we use ExtractTextPlugin:

    assetStats = stats.assetsByChunkName
    setCssExt = (p) -> p.replace(/\.js$/, '.css')
    for entryName, entryPath of assetStats when /\.(?:scss|sass|css)$/.test(entries[entryName])
      if _.isArray(entryPath)
        assetStats[entryName] = (p) -> setCssExt(p)
        assetStats[entryName] = setCssExt(entryPath)

Write asset-ref -> asset-hash manifest to outputDir/stats.json

    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputDir, "asset-stats.json"), JSON.stringify(stats.assetsByChunkName, null, 2))

Other options

_.merge module.exports,

Set compilation target to "web". See docs.

  target: "web"

Set development options by default:

  cache: true
  debug: true
  # We are watching in Gulp, so tell webpack not to watch
  watch: false
  # watchDelay: 300
  devtool: 'source-map'

Output options:

    path         : outputDir
    publicPath   : "/assets/"
    filename     : "[name].js"
    chunkFilename: "[name].[id].[chunkhash].js"

Look for required files in bower and node

    modulesDirectories: [

Define how modules should be loaded based on path extension:

    loaders: styleModLoaders.concat(scriptModLoaders).concat(staticModLoaders)

Define the plugins:

  plugins: [

Production overrides

Export a method that applies production settings (used in gulpfile):

  mergeProductionConfig: (addHashes = true) ->

Production plugins:

Set __PRODUCTION__ to true in the DefinePlugin instance:

    definePlugin.definitions.__PRODUCTION__ = JSON.stringify(true)

Add content hashes to the output filenames:

    _.merge @,
        filename: "[name]-[hash].js"

Tell ExtractTextPlugin to append hashes:

    extractTextPlugin.filename = '[name]-[hash].css'

Disable development settings:

    _.merge @,
      debug: false
      watch: false
      devtool: null

Turn on production optimizations:

      plugins: @plugins.concat [

Order the modules and chunks by occurrence. This saves space, because often referenced modules and chunks get smaller ids.

        new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(true)

Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS:

        new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()


Learn more about optimization plugins shipped with Webpack.