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A modern Swift library for controlling LIFX smart lights

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A modern Swift library for controlling LIFX smart lights.

Currently in alpha and supports parts of the LAN protocol, but not the LIFX Cloud yet.


Use Swift Package Manager to add this repository to your Xcode project.


Basic usage

import Lifx

let client = try! LifxLanClient()

func example() {
    //To control a device with a known address
    let device = LifxDevice(macAddress: MacAddr("D0:73:D5:15:00:00"), ipAddress: "")

    //Turn the light on
    client.setPower(true, for: device)

    //Set the color to red
    client.setColor(.red, for: device)
    //Set a custom color and brightness level
    client.setColor(HSBK(hue: 240/360, saturation: 1.0, brightness: 0.75), for: device)

    //Set the color to white with a specific color temperature
    client.setColor(HSBK(brightness: 1.0, colorTemperature: .coolDaylight), for: device)


Discovery example

import Lifx

class Example: LifxLanClientDelegate {
    let client: LifxLanClient
    init() throws {
        client = try LifxLanClient()
        client.delegate = self
    func lifxClient(_ client: LifxLanClient, didAdd device: LifxDevice) {
        print("Discovered device \(device)")
    func lifxClient(_ client: LifxLanClient, didUpdate device: LifxDevice) {
        if let label = device.label, let location = device.location {
            print("Device \(device) is named \(label) and located at \(location)")

SwiftUI example

The library can provide its discovery state as an ObservableObject, and supports two-way dynamic state updates. If you modify a property on a LifxDevice object, it will affect the real light, and vice versa.

import Lifx
import SwiftUI

struct ExampleView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var lifx: LifxState
    var body: some View {
        List(lifx.devices) { device in
            PowerSwitch(device: device)

struct PowerSwitch: View {
    @ObservedObject var device: LifxDevice
    var isOn: Binding<Bool> {
        Binding(get: {
            return self.device.powerOn == true
        }, set: {
            self.device.powerOn = $0
    var body: some View {
        Toggle(isOn: isOn) {
            Text(device.label ?? device.ipAddress)
            .disabled(device.powerOn == nil)

You would instantiate the above view hierarchy like this (eg. in your AppDelegate):

let client = try! LifxLanClient()

let view = ExampleView()



A modern Swift library for controlling LIFX smart lights






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