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Employee Training And Development: The Secret To An Organization’s Success

GlobalHunt India edited this page Nov 13, 2018 · 1 revision

Since employees are the backbone of an organization, the way it utilizes their talent and involves them into further training and development programs greatly influences its own growth. A competent training and development program not only helps an organization to earn more profit, but also makes the employees feel valued and motivated, thus creating a more conducive work environment.

China Gorman, CEO at Great Place to Work, says, “As companies grow and the war for talent intensifies, it is increasingly important that training and development programs are not only competitive but are supporting the organization on its definite strategic path.”

Some of main benefits of the offering training and development programs are:

To the employees

  1. It motivates the employees to give their best at work.

  2. It improves the productivity and efficiency of the employees.

  3. It helps to boost the morale of the employees and keep them more satisfied.

  4. It helps the employees to overcome their weaknesses and gain more confidence.

  5. It enhances the creativity of the employees and helps them to think out of the box.

  6. It improves the quality of the work.

  7. It encourages the employees to be more co-operative and communicative, thus creating a friendly environment.

  8. It helps the employees to adapt to new changes and face the challenges with enthusiasm.

To the organization

  1. As the employees become more competent, it helps the organization to establish a good reputation in the market.

  2. Since the productivity increases, the overall profit of the company increases.

  3. Constant training helps to establish a consistency in the quality of work done by the employees. This in turn helps the organizations to adhere to their quality standards.

  4. There is a marked reduction in the employee turnover, as the employees feel more valued.

  5. Over a period of time, the company is able to create a team of extremely talented and skillful people.

  6. Discussing about the importance of training and development programs, Edward Hess, an author and a professor of business administration, says, “Companies that learn fastest and adapt well to changing environments perform the best over time.”

So, let us look at some of the most preferred training and development programs chosen by the organizations.

On-the-job training

Learning while working is one of the most common practices in the organizations. This gives the employees an exact idea of how a work is done in the real world and what challenges need to be faced. However, this kind of training might be stressful at times and is not suitable for everyone.


Most of the employees feel that having a mentor or a senior to support them at work helps them to learn better and remain confident.

As this is a one-on-one communication, it might work even better for the employees who do not feel comfortable in a group.


Simulation is the most expensive form of training, as it helps the employees to learn by imitating the real-world experiences.

Instructor-led classroom training

The only advantage of this training is that a large number of people can be trained on a similar topic at one time. However, since these kinds of trainings are less interactive, they might seem monotonous and less advantageous.

Programmed self-instructions

This training encourages the people to learn with the help of a previously designed course. It helps the employees to gain deeper knowledge on a particular subject.

Case studies and role play

Case study and role plays allow the employees to gain knowledge of the real world by reading about the experience of others and by imitating the real-life challenges. This helps the employees to develop problem-solving skills and teaches them to work in teams.

Systemic job rotation and transfers

Job rotation and transfers give the employees an opportunity to experiment with different kinds of work and develop their skills and abilities in various fields.

Sometimes there’s a controversy among the employers that training and development program takes away a lot of important time of the employees and obstructs them from doing their work, but looking at the benefits in the long run, these efforts seem to be completely justifiable.

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