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File metadata and controls

307 lines (242 loc) · 11.3 KB


Templates in Globus Portal Framework are an extension of the Django Template system, consisting of a basic set of included templates to make starting a portal quick and easy. A list of all Globus Portal Framework templates can be found under the Github template repo.

Templates follow a strict directory layout, file paths must match exactly for templates to be rendered correctly. Ensure myportal above matches your project name, and your templates directory is created in the correct location. Globus Portal Framework templates match the following directory structure:


If you want to browse the original templates, you can find them by browsing the source template directory on github.

Customizing Search Results

Override search-results.html by creating the following file. Make sure the template directory matches exactly.


If no changes to the search page take effect, double check your TEMPLATES setting in your file. Ensure a template path is set, or add one with 'DIRS': [BASE_DIR / 'myportal' / 'templates'].

{# myportal/templates/globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html #}
  {% for result in search.search_results %}
  <div class="card my-3">
    <div class="card-header">
      <h3 class="search-title">
        <a href="{% url 'detail' globus_portal_framework.index result.subject %}">{{result.title|default:'Result'}}</a>
    <div class="card-body">
      <table class="table table-sm borderless">
          {% for item in result.search_highlights %}
          {% endfor %}
          {% for item in result.search_highlights %}
          {% if item.type == "date" %}
          <th>{{item.value | date:"DATETIME_FORMAT"}}</th>
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}

Reloading the page should result in empty search results. Don't worry, we will fix those in a minute!

Let's review some template context above:

  • myportal/templates/globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html -- is the path you need to override the base template. This tells Django to replace the existing template with the new search-results.html file
  • search.search_results -- is context provided by the search view. It contains information on the response from the Globus Search query
  • {% url 'detail' globus_portal_framework.index result.subject %} -- builds the detail page for viewing specific information about a search result
  • result (temp var) -- contains both raw search information, in addition to any fields defined in SEARCH_RESULTS.myportal.fields.
  • result.search_highlights -- is a field that doesn't exist yet, let's create it!

Now to fix search results to make them show up properly. The new field search_highlights is needed to pick relavent information to show on the search page. Add the following to your file:

import datetime
from typing import List, Mapping, Any

def search_highlights(result: List[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> List[Mapping[str, dict]]:
    """Prepare the most useful pieces of information for users on the search results page."""
    search_highlights = list()
    for name in ["author", "date", "tags"]:
        value = result[0].get(name)
        value_type = "str"

        # Parse a date if it's a date. All dates expected isoformat
        if name == "date":
            value = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(value)
            value_type = "date"
        elif name == "tags":
            value = ", ".join(value)

        # Add the value to the list
                "name": name,
                "title": name.capitalize(),
                "value": value,
                "type": value_type,
    return search_highlights

And add the new setting in

    "myportal": {
        "fields": [
          ("search_highlights", fields.search_highlights),

Search results will now look much nicer!

Customizing the Detail Page

Modifying the result detail page will be similar to adding search highlights above with some differences. The approach begins the same way, by creating a file that shadows the name of the original.

{% extends 'globus-portal-framework/v2/detail-overview.html' %}

{% block detail_search_content %}

<h3 class="text-center mb-5">General Info</h3>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-6">
    {% include 'globus-portal-framework/v2/components/detail-dc-metadata.html' %}
  <div class="col-md-6">
    {% include 'globus-portal-framework/v2/components/detail-general-metadata.html' %}

{% endblock %}

Make sure the filename is myportal/templates/globus-portal-framework/v2/detail-overview.html to override the detail-overview.html in DGPF. Let's review some differences in this template:

  • extends - This template builds on the existing template instead of replacing it

  • block - Tells Django to replace this specific content with our own

  • include - Include some additional templates to render some specific data

The dc and general project metadata templates help render commonly desired fields for the detail page. Their use is entierly optional. They require fields named dc and project_metadata respectively, see the following new fields below.

def dc(result):
    """Render metadata in datacite format, Must confrom to the datacite spec"""
    date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(result[0]['date'])
    return {
        "formats": ["text/plain"],
        "creators": [{"creatorName": result[0]['author']}],
        "contributors": [{"contributorName": result[0]['author']}],
        "subjects": [{"subject": s for s in result[0]['tags']}],
        "publicationYear": date.year,
        "publisher": "Organization",
        "dates": [{"date": date,
                  "dateType": "Created"}],
        "titles": [{"title": result[0]['title']}],
        "version": "1",
        "resourceType": {
            "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset",
            "resourceType": "Dataset"

def project_metadata(result):
    """Render any project-specific metadata for this project. Does not conform to
    a spec and can be of any type, although values should be generally human readable."""
    project_metadata_names = ['times_accessed', 'original_collection_name']
    return {k: v for k, v in result[0].items() if k in project_metadata_names}

Add the fields to

    "myportal": {
        "fields": [
            ("dc", fields.dc),
            ("project_metadata", fields.dc),

The Detail Page, will now be populated with the values above. You may also use the fields in your own snippets on that page:

<h3>Subject: {{dc.subject}}</h3>
    <th>Times Accessed</th>
    <th>Original Collection Name</th>

Advanced: Multiple Indices

If you have multiple search indices and want to re-use the same search views with different templates, you can set the template_override_dir for a given index.

    'myportal': {
        'template_override_dir': 'myportal',

You need to create a directory for the template_override_dir name you choose, and place all of your templates within that directory. Your structure should look like this:

          myportal/  # <-- Create this folder, move all index-specific templates under it

For any views where multi-index templates are supported, Globus Portal Framework will first attempt to find the index specific template, then will back-off to the 'standard' template without your project prefix. For example, if you define two templates:

1. "myportal/templates/myportal/globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html" 1. "myportal/templates/globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html"

The first template takes priority. If the first does not exist, it will use the second as a fallback. This allows the for defining more general functionality which can be used across many indices, and only overrided when needed.

Use the "index_template" templatetag to enable this behavior.

{# Include at the top of the page #}
{% load index_template %}

{# Use this to check for a 'template override' for this search index #}
{% index_template 'globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html' as it_search_results %}
{% include it_search_results %}

The index_template tag will attempt to find the current index and load the template templates/<current_index>/globus-portal-framework/v2/components/search-results.html if one exists.

You can always view the DGPF template source for a reference.