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Globus Compute Executor

The Executor class, a subclass of Python's concurrent.futures.Executor, is the preferred approach to collecting results from the Globus Compute web services. Over polling (the historical approach) where the web service must be repeatedly queried for the status of tasks and results eventually collected in bulk, the Executor class instantiates an AMQPS connection that streams results directly -- and immediately -- as they arrive at the server. This is a far more efficient paradigm, simultaneously in terms of bytes over the wire, time spent waiting for results, and boilerplate code to check for results.

For most "simple" interactions with Globus Compute, this class will likely be the quickest and easiest avenue to submit tasks and acquire results. An example interaction:

from globus_compute_sdk import Executor

def double(x):
    return x * 2

tutorial_endpoint_id = '4b116d3c-1703-4f8f-9f6f-39921e5864df'
with Executor(endpoint_id=tutorial_endpoint_id) as gce:
    fut = gce.submit(double, 7)


This example is only a quick-reference, showing the basic mechanics of how to use the Executor class and submitting a single task. However, there are a number of details to observe. The first is that a Executor instance is associated with a specific endpoint. We use the "well-known" tutorial endpoint in this example, but that can point to any endpoint to which you have access.


A friendly FYI: the tutorial endpoint is public -- available for any (authenticated) user. You are welcome to use it, but please limit the size and number of functions you send to this endpoint. It is hosted on a small VM with limited CPU and memory, intentionally underpowered. Its primary intended purpose is for an introduction to the Globus Compute toolset.

This endpoint has been made public by the Globus Compute team for tutorial use, but endpoints created by users can not be shared publicly.

Second, the waiting -- or "blocking" -- for a result is automatic. The .submit() call returns a Future immediately; the actual HTTP call to the Globus Compute web-services will not have occurred yet, and neither will the task even been executed (remotely), much less a result received. The .result() call blocks ("waits") until all of that has completed, and the result has been received from the upstream services.

Third, Executor objects can be used as context managers (the with statement). Underneath the hood, the Executor class uses threads to implement the asynchronous interface -- a thread to coalesce and submit tasks, and a thread to watch for incoming results. The Executor logic cannot determine when it will no longer receive tasks (i.e., no more .submit() calls) and so cannot prematurely shutdown. Thus, it must be told, either explicitly with a call to .shutdown(), or implicitly when used as a context manager.

Multiple Function Invocations

Building on the asynchronous behavior of .submit(), we can easily create multiple tasks and wait for them all. The simplest case is a for-loop over submission and results. As an example, consider the Collatz conjecture, alternatively known as the 3n + 1 problem. The conjecture is that given a starting integer and two generation rules, the outcome sequence will always end with 1. The rules are:

  • If N_i is even, then N_{i+1} = N_i / 2
  • If N_i is odd, then N_{i+1} = 3 N_i + 1

To verify all of the sequences through 100, one brute-force approach is:

from globus_compute_sdk import Executor

def generate_collatz_sequence(N: int, sequence_limit = 10_000):
    seq = [N]
    while N != 1 and len(seq) < sequence_limit:
        if N % 2:
            N = 3 * N + 1
            N //= 2  # okay because guaranteed integer result
    return seq

ep_id = "<your_endpoint_id>"

generate_from = 1
generate_through = 100
futs, results, disproof_candidates = [], [], []
with Executor(endpoint_id=ep_id) as gce:
    for n in range(generate_from, generate_through + 1):
        futs.append(gce.submit(generate_collatz_sequence, n))
    print("Tasks all submitted; waiting for results")

# The futures were appended to the `futs` list in order, so one could wait
# for each result in turn to get a submission-ordered set of results:
for f in futs:
    r = f.result()
    if r[-1] != 1:
        # of course, given the conjecture, we don't expect this branch

print(f"All sequences generated (from {generate_from} to {generate_through})")
for res in results:

if disproof_candidates:
    print("Possible conjecture disproving integers:", disproof_candidates)

Checking the Status of a Result

Sometimes, it is desirable not to wait for a result, but just to check on the status. Futures make this simple with the .done() method:

future = gce.submit(generate_collatz_sequence, 1234567890)

# Use the .done() method to check the status of the function without
# blocking; this will return a Bool indicating whether the result is ready
print("Status: ", future.done())

Handling Exceptions

Assuming that a future will always have a result will lead to broken scripts. Exceptions happen, whether from a condition the task function does not handle or from an external execution error. To robustly handle task exceptions, wrap .result() calls in a try block. The following code has updated the sequence generator to throw an exception after sequence_limit steps rather than summarily return, and the specific number chosen starts a sequence that takes more than 100 steps to complete.

from globus_compute_sdk import Executor

def generate_collatz_sequence(N: int, sequence_limit=100):
    seq = [N]
    while N != 1 and len(seq) < sequence_limit:
        if N % 2:
            N = 3 * N + 1
            N //= 2  # okay because guaranteed integer result
    if N != 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Sequence not terminated in {sequence_limit} steps")
    return seq

with Executor(endpoint_id=ep_id) as gce:
    future = gce.submit(generate_collatz_sequence, 1234567890)

except Exception as exc:
    print(f"Oh no!  The task raised an exception: {exc})

Receiving Results Out of Order

So far, we've shown simple iteration through the list of Futures, but that's not generally the most performant approach for overall workflow completion. In the previous examples, a result may return early at the end of the list, but the script will not recognize it until it "gets there," waiting in the meantime for the other tasks to complete. (Task functions are not guaranteed to be scheduled in order, nor are they guaranteed to take the same amount of time to finish.) There are a number of ways to work with results as they arrive; this example uses concurrent.futures.as_completed:

import concurrent.futures

def double(x):
    return f"{x} -> {x * 2}"

def slow_double(x):
    import random, time
    time.sleep(x * random.random())
    return f"{x} -> {x * 2}"

with Executor(endpoint_id=endpoint_id) as gce:
    futs = [gce.submit(double, i) for i in range(10)]

    # The futures were appended to the `futs` list in order, so one could
    # wait for each result in turn to get an ordered set:
    print("Results:", [f.result() for f in futs])

    # But often acting on the results *as they arrive* is more desirable
    # as results are NOT guaranteed to arrive in the order they were
    # submitted.
    # NOTA BENE: handling results "as they arrive" must happen before the
    # executor is shutdown.  Since this executor was used in a `with`
    # statement, then to stream results, we must *stay* within the `with`
    # statement.  Otherwise, at the unindent, `.shutdown()` will be
    # implicitly invoked (with default arguments) and the script will not
    # continue until *all* of the futures complete.
    futs = [fx.submit(slow_double, i) for i in range(10, 20)]
    for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futs):
        print("Received:", f.result())

Reloading Tasks

Waiting for incoming results with the Executor requires an active connection -- which is often at odds with closing a laptop clamshell (e.g., heading home for the weekend). For longer running jobs like this, the Executor offers the .reload_tasks() method. This method will reach out to the Globus Compute web-services to collect all of the tasks associated with the .task_group_id, create a list of associated futures, finish (call .set_result()) any previously finished tasks, and watch the unfinished futures. Consider the following (contrived) example:

# execute initially as:
# $ python
#  ... this Task Group ID: <TG_UUID_STR>
#  ...
# Then run with the Task Group ID as an argument:
# $ python <TG_UUID_STR>

import os, signal, sys, time, typing as t
from globus_compute_sdk import Executor
from globus_compute_sdk.sdk.executor import ComputeFuture

task_group_id = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None

def task_kernel(num):
    return f"your Globus Compute logic result, from task: {num}"

with Executor(endpoint_id=ep_id) as gce:
    futures: t.Iterable[ComputeFuture]
    if task_group_id:
        print(f"Reloading tasks from Task Group ID: {task_group_id}")
        gce.task_group_id = task_group_id
        futures = gce.reload_tasks()

        # Save the task_group_id somewhere.  Perhaps in a file, or less
        # robustly "as mere text" on your console:
            "New session; creating Globus Compute tasks; if this script dies, rehydrate"
            f" futures with this Task Group ID: {gce.task_group_id}"
        num_tasks = 5
        futures = [gce.submit(task_kernel, i + 1) for i in range(num_tasks)]

        # Ensure all tasks have been sent upstream ...
        while gce.task_count_submitted < num_tasks:
            print(f"Tasks submitted upstream: {gce.task_count_submitted}")

        # ... before script death for [silly reason; did you lose power!?]
        bname = sys.argv[0]
        if sys.argv[0] != sys.orig_argv[0]:
            bname = f"{sys.orig_argv[0]} {bname}"

        print("Simulating unexpected process death!  Now reload the session")
        print("by rerunning this script with the task_group_id:\n")
        print(f"  {bname} {gce.task_group_id}\n")
        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
        exit(1)  # In case KILL takes split-second to process

# Get results:
results, exceptions = [], []
for f in futures:
    except Exception as exc:
print("Results:\n ", "\n  ".join(results))

For a slightly more advanced usage, one could manually submit a batch of tasks with the Client, and wait for the results at a future time. Submitting the results might look like:

from globus_compute_sdk import Client

def expensive_task(task_arg):
    import time
    time.sleep(3600 * 24)  # 24 hours
    return "All done!"

ep_id = "<endpoint_id>"
gcc = Client()

print(f"Task Group ID for later reloading: {gcc.session_task_group_id}")
fn_id = gcc.register_function(expensive_task)
batch = gcc.create_batch()
for task_i in range(10):
    batch.add(fn_id, ep_id, args=(task_i,))

And ~24 hours later, could reload the tasks with the executor to continue processing:

from globus_compute_sdk import Executor

ep_id = "<endpoint_id>"
tg_id = "Saved task group id from 'yesterday'"
with Executor(endpoint_id=ep_id, task_group_id=tg_id) as gce:
    futures = gce.reload_tasks()
    for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futs):
        print("Received:", f.result())