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An endpoint is a persistent service launched by the user on a compute system to serve as a conduit for executing functions on that computer. funcX supports a range of target systems, enabling an endpoint to be deployed on a laptop, the login node of a campus cluster, a cloud instance, or a Kubernetes cluster, for example.

The endpoint requires outbound network connectivity. That is, it must be able to connect to funcX at

The funcX endpoint is available on (and thus available via pip). However, we strongly recommend installing the funcX endpoint into an isolated virtual environment. Pipx automatically manages package-specific virtual environments for command line applications, so install funcX endpoint via:

$ python3 -m pipx install funcx_endpoint


Please note that the funcX endpoint is only supported on Linux.

After installing the funcX endpoint, use the funcx-endpoint command to manage existing endpoints.

First time setup

You will be required to authenticate the first time you run funcx-endpoint. If you have authenticated previously, the endpoint will cache access tokens in the local configuration file.

funcX requires authentication in order to associate endpoints with users and ensure only authorized users can run tasks on that endpoint. As part of this step, we request access to your identity and Globus Groups.

To get started, you will first want to configure a new endpoint.

$ funcx-endpoint configure

Once you've run this command, a directory will be created at $HOME/.funcx and a set of default configuration files will be generated.

You can also set up auto-completion for the funcx-endpoint commands in your shell, by using the command

$ funcx-endpoint --install-completion [zsh bash fish ...]

Configuring an Endpoint

funcX endpoints act as gateways to diverse computational resources, including clusters, clouds, supercomputers, and even your laptop. To make the best use of your resources, the endpoint must be configured to match the capabilities of the resource on which it is deployed.

funcX provides a Python class-based configuration model that allows you to specify the shape of the resources (number of nodes, number of cores per worker, walltime, etc.) as well as allowing you to place limits on how funcX may scale the resources in response to changing workload demands.

To generate the appropriate directories and default configuration template, run the following command:

$ funcx-endpoint configure <ENDPOINT_NAME>

This command will create a profile for your endpoint in $HOME/.funcx/<ENDPOINT_NAME>/ and will instantiate a file. This file should be updated with the appropriate configurations for the computational system you are targeting before you start the endpoint. funcX is configured using a :class:`~funcx_endpoint.endpoint.utils.config.Config` object. funcX uses Parsl to manage resources. For more information, see the :class:`~funcx_endpoint.endpoint.utils.config.Config` class documentation and the Parsl documentation .


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, a default endpoint named "default" is configured.

Starting an Endpoint

To start a new endpoint run the following command:

$ funcx-endpoint start <ENDPOINT_NAME>


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, a default endpoint named "default" is started.

Starting an endpoint will perform a registration process with funcX. The registration process provides funcX with information regarding the endpoint. The endpoint also establishes an outbound connection to RabbitMQ to retrieve tasks, send results, and communicate command information. Thus, the funcX endpoint requires outbound access to the funcX services over HTTPS (port 443) and AMQPS (port 5671).

Once started, the endpoint uses a daemon process to run in the background.


If the endpoint was not stopped correctly previously (e.g., after a computer restart when the endpoint was running), the endpoint directory will be cleaned up to allow a fresh start


Only the owner of an endpoint is authorized to start an endpoint. Thus if you register an endpoint using one identity and try to start an endpoint owned by another identity, it will fail.

To start an endpoint using a client identity, rather than as a user, you can export the FUNCX_SDK_CLIENT_ID and FUNCX_SDK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. This is explained in detail in :ref:`client credentials with funcxclients`.

Stopping an Endpoint

To stop an endpoint, run the following command:

$ funcx-endpoint stop <ENDPOINT_NAME>

If the endpoint is not running and was stopped correctly previously, this command does nothing.

If the endpoint is not running but was not stopped correctly previously (e.g., after a computer restart when the endpoint was running), this command will clean up the endpoint directory such that the endpoint can be started cleanly again.


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, the default endpoint is stopped.


Run the funcx-endpoint stop command twice to ensure that the endpoint is shutdown.

Listing Endpoints

To list available endpoints on the current system, run:

$ funcx-endpoint list
| Endpoint Name |   Status    |             Endpoint ID              |
| default       | Active      | 1e999502-b434-49a2-a2e0-d925383d2dd4 |
| KNL_test      | Inactive    | 8c01d13c-cfc1-42d9-96d2-52c51784ea16 |
| gpu_cluster   | Initialized | None                                 |

Endpoints can be the following states:

  • Initialized: The endpoint has been created, but not started following configuration and is not registered with the funcx service.
  • Running: The endpoint is active and available for executing functions.
  • Stopped: The endpoint was stopped by the user. It is not running and therefore, cannot service any functions. It can be started again without issues.
  • Disconnected: The endpoint disconnected unexpectedly. It is not running and therefore, cannot service any functions. Starting this endpoint will first invoke necessary endpoint cleanup, since it was not stopped correctly previously.

Container behaviors and routing

The funcX endpoint can run functions using independent Python processes or optionally inside containers. funcX supports various container technologies (e.g., docker and singularity) and different routing mechanisms for different use cases.

Raw worker processes (worker_mode=no_container):

  • Hard routing: All worker processes are of the same type "RAW". It this case, the funcx endpoint simply routes tasks to any available worker processes. This is the default mode of a funcx endpoint.
  • Soft routing: It is the same as hard routing.

Kubernetes (docker):

  • Hard routing: Both the manager and the worker are deployed within a pod and thus the manager cannot change the type of worker container. In this case, a set of managers are deployed with specific container images and the funcx endpoint simply routes tasks to corresponding managers (matching their types).
  • Soft routing: NOT SUPPORTED.

Native container support (docker, singularity, shifter):

  • Hard routing: In this case, each manager (on a compute node) can only launch worker containers of a specific type and thus each manager can serve only one type of function.
  • Soft routing: When receiving a task for a specific container type, the funcx endpoint attempts to send the task to a manager that has a suitable warm container to minimize the total number of container cold starts. If there are not any warmed containers in any connected managers, the funcX endpoint chooses one manager randomly to dispatch the task.

Example configurations