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File metadata and controls

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Export, import and duplication is possible for all rules. These operations can be carried out globally from the main rules page or by batch from the search engines for the various rules via massive actions. These features are interesting for example in the context of switching of rules from a pre-production environment to a production environment.


export or import use a XML file format

Rules engine

GLPI contains a rules engine which enables a certain number of actions and associations to be carried out automatically.

This engine is used for both:

  • management rules:
    • assigning an asset to an entity
    • granting permissions to a user
    • assigning category to a software
    • routing tickets to entities
    • automatic actions when opening ticket
  • data dictionaries </modules/administration/dictionnaries> :
    • manufacturers
    • software
    • printers
    • types of assets
    • models of assets
    • operating system related fields

The engine behaves differently depending on the types of rules:

  • stop after first matching rule
  • apply all rules
  • apply rules and pass rule result to next rule

Rules can be disabled, for example when writing and testing new rules.


in general, it is recommended to test the rules well before using them and to make a backup before setting up each new rule. On the main form of a rule, a Test button opens an additional window that allows to see all the criteria and results of the rule.

The different rules

Rules for assigning a ticket opened via a mail collector

See Rules for assigning a ticket opened via a mail collector <collectors_rules>

Rules for assigning authorizations to a user

See Rules for assigning authorizations to a user </modules/administration/rules/userauthorizations>

Rules for assigning a category to software

Classification by category makes it easier to display and find software. This can be done automatically for any new software, or retroactively. The available criteria are the publisher, the name and the comment of the software. The only possible action is to assign software to a category. It is possible to replay the rules from the software list, using massive action Recalculate category.

Business rules for tickets

When opening or modifying a ticket, a mechanism allows to modify ticket attributes automatically.

See Business rules for tickets </modules/administration/rules/ticketbusinessrules>

Rules for inventory agent

The two menus below are only visible if you use an inventory agent for an automatic inventory of computers in GLPI.

  • rules for assigning an item to an entity
  • rules for importing and linking computers

See Rules for inventory agent </modules/administration/rules/inventorytools>

  • Transfer This menu allows you to define the inter-entity transfer profiles.

    Several actions are possible:

    • Preserve: the item will be transferred with the object;
    • Put in Trash Bin: the item will be placed in the recycle bin of the ceding entity;
    • Delete Permanently: the item will be deleted from the database;
    • Keep: the item will remain in the ceding entity;
    • Disconnect: the connection between element and object will be deleted
  • Blacklists Thanks to the GLPI blacklist mechanism, it is possible to exclude certain values ​​from processing by the rules engine. The types that can be taken into account are:

    • IP address;
    • MAC address;
    • serial number;
    • UUID;
    • email

    This allows, for example, to exclude certain IP addresses from the inventory agent (for example an IP or or not to create a ticket from a particular email address (for example daily backup of a server).

Create a rule

A rule is composed of a series of criteria. Depending on the option chosen (OR/ ND) one or all of the criteria must be verified to trigger an action list.

A preview mechanism allows you to test the rules being written before putting them into production.

Several criteria are available:

  • simple:
    • is
    • is not
    • contains
    • does not contain
    • starts with
    • ends with
    • under (for tree dropdowns, indicates to be this dropdown or one of the child dropdowns)
    • not under (for tree dropdowns, indicates not to be this dropdown or one of the child dropdowns))
  • complex:
    • regular expression match
    • regular expression does not match

Regular expressions (otherwise known as regex) return one or more results which can then be used by actions using the #x directive (where x is the number of the result of the regular expression).


Criteria : name matching regular expression /DESKTOP\_(.\*)/ If object is named DESKTOP_0001, then it will be possible to use 0001 in the actions of the rules using parameter #0