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This module is part of the GNOME C++ bindings effort

General information

The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries. It is only a required dependency for building the C++ bindings from the version control repository. An installation of mm-common is not required for building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode.

Release archives of mm-common include the Doxygen tag file for the GNU C++ Library reference documentation. It is covered by the same licence as the source code it was extracted from. More information is available at

Web site

Download location

Discussion on GNOME's discourse forum

Git repository

Bugs can be reported to

Patches can be submitted to

Autotools or Meson?

mm-common can be built with Autotools or Meson. Autotools support may be dropped in the future.

The files that mm-common installs and mm-common-prepare copies to other modules are useful in modules that are built with Autotools. The files that mm-common installs and mm-common-get copies to other modules are useful in modules that are built with Meson.

The files in the skeletonmm directory show the start of a project that will use Meson.

Skeleton C++ binding module

When creating a new C++ binding module based on mm-common, the easiest way to get started is to copy the skeletonmm directory shipped with mm-common. It contains the build support files required for a C++ binding module using Meson, gmmproc and glibmm.

In order to create a new binding project from the copied skeleton directory, any files which have skeleton in the filename must be renamed. References to the project name or author in the files need to be substituted with the actual name and author of the new binding.

mm-common overview

See for an overview of the files shipped with mm-common.