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Right now, the is_..._feature_detected!("target-feature") macros exported by libstd are the only proper way in which Rust libraries and binaries can perform target-feature detection at run-time.

This RFC extends that support to #![no_std] libraries, by moving the target-feature detection macros to libcore. This enables all Rust libraries, including libcore, to perform target-feature detection at run-time.

The implementation proposed can be, as an extension, stabilized. This would allow #![no_std] binaries to provide their own target-feature-detection run-time and benefit from it as well.


Refresher on target features

You can safely skip this sub-section if you are familiar with compile-time and run-time target-feature detection in Rust.

A Rust target triple, like x86_64-apple-darwin, produce binaries that can run on all CPUs of the x86_64 family that support certain architecture "extensions". This particular target requires SSE3 vector extensions, and Rust will emits them whenever it deems fit. As a consequence, binaries compiled for this target can only on CPUs that support SSE3 extension. Other targets require different sets of extensions. For example, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu only requires SSE2 support, allowing binaries to run on CPUs that do not support SSE3. In Rust, we call x86_64 the target architecture "family", and extensions like SSE2 or SSE3 "target-features".

Many Rust applications compiled for x86_64-unknonw-linux-gnu do want to use SSE3 extensions when the CPU the binary runs on, and Rust allows enabling these extensions via the #[target_feature] function attribute. The behavior of a program that attempts to execute code that uses an extension that is not supported by the CPU in which the binary runs on is undefined, and the compiler generates machine code under the assumption that this does not happen. For such programs to be safe, they need to detect whether the CPU in which the binary runs on supports the particular features that they want to use, and only use them when the CPU actually supports them.

Currently, target-features can be detected:

  • at compile-time: using #[cfg(target_feature = literal)] to conditionally compile code.
  • at run-time: using the is_{target_arch}_feature_detected!(literal) macros from the standard library to query whether the system the binary runs on actually supports a feature or not.

Problem statement

The cfg(target_feature = "target_feature_literal") macro can be used by all Rust code, but is limited to the set of features that are unconditionally enabled for the target.

The architecture-specific is_{target_arch}_feature_detected!(target_feature_literal) macros require operating-system support and are therefore only exposed by the standard library; #![no_std] libraries, like liballoc and libcore are platform agnostic and cannot currently perform run-time feature detection.

That is, currently, libraries have to choose between being #![no_std]-compatible, or performing target-feature detection at run-time.

As a consequence, there are crates in re-implementing methods of libcore types like &str, [T], Iterator, etc. but with much better performance, by using target-feature detection at run-time.

One example is the is_sorted crate, which provides an implementation of Iterator::is_sorted, which performs 16x better for some inputs than the libcore implementation by using AVX when available. Another example include the memchr crate, as well as crates implementing algorithms to compute whether a [u8] is an ASCII string or an UTF-8 string, which end up being used every time a program calls String::from_utf8. By using AVX on x86, these perform on the ballpark of about 1.6x better than the libcore implementations, and could probably do better using AVX-512. Most Rust does not, however, benefit from these, because this code calls str::from_utf8 which is part of libcore which cannot use run-time target-feature detection..

This is a shame. Whether a library is #![no_std] or not is orthogonal to whether the final binary is able to perform run-time feature detection and most binaries using #![no_std] crates do end up linking libstd into the final binary. Simultaneously, #![no_std] binaries cannot use any library that performs run-time target-feature detection, even though it would be perfectly safe for the API to just return that no features are detected at run-time.

The goal of this RFC is to enable #![no_std] libraries and binaries to perform run-time feature detection.

Use cases

#![no_std] libraries and binaries are used in a wider-range of applications than #![std] libraries ones, and they might often want to perform run-time feature detection differently. Among others:

  • user-space applications: performing run-time feature detection often requires executing privileged CPU instructions that are illegal to execute from user-space code. User-space applications query the available target-feature set from the operating system. Often, they might also want to cache the result to avoid repeating system calls.

  • privileged applications: operating-system kernels, embedded applications, etc. are often able to execute privileged CPU instructions, and they have no "OS" they can query available features from. They are also often subjected to additional constraints. For example, they might not want to use certain features, like floating point or SIMD registers, to avoid saving them on context switches, or a feature cache that's modified at run-time, to allow them to run on read-only memory, e.g., on ROM. They are also limited on how to implement a feature cache, depending on the availability of atomic instructions, mutexes, thread local, and many of these applications are actually single-threaded, so they should be able to implement a cache without any synchronization at all.

  • cdylibs: dynamically-linked Rust libraries with a C ABI cannot often perform any sort of initialization at link-time. That is, they should be able to initialize their target-feature cache, if they have one, on first use.

Libraries use run-time feature detection to prove that some unsafe code is safe. So it is crucial that users can easily implement feature-detection run-times that are correct.

On top of these constraints, we impose the classical constraints on new Rust features. This must be a zero-cost abstraction, that all Rust code can just use, without any "but"s. Also, applications that do not perform any run-time feature detection should not pay any price for it. This includes no run-time or initialization overhead, no extra memory usage, and no code-size or binary size.

Guide-level explanation

Users can continue to perform run-time feature detection by using the stable is_{architecture}_feature_detected! macros. This RFC makes this macros available in libcore, such that #![no_std] libraries and binaries can use them.

As an extension, this RFC also allows users to provide their own target-feature detection run-time:

static TargetFeatureRT: impl core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime;

by using the #[target_feature_detection_runtime] attribute on a static variable of a type that implements the core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime trait (see definition below).

This is analogous to how the #[global_allocator] is currently defined in Rust programs.

For example, an embedded application running on aarch64, can implement a run-time as follows to detect some target-feature without caching them:

struct Runtime;
unsafe impl core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime for Runtime {
    fn is_feature_detected(feature: core::detect::TargetFeature) -> bool {
      // note: `TargetFeature` is a `#[non_exhaustive]` enum.
      use core::detect::TargetFeature;

      // note: `mrs` is a privileged instruction:
      match feature {
          Aes => {
              let aa64isar0: u64; // Instruction Set Attribute Register 0
              unsafe { asm!("mrs $0, ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1" : "=r"(aa64isar0)); }
              bits_shift(aa64isar0, 7, 4) >= 1
          Asimd => {
              let aa64pfr0: u64; // Processor Feature Register 0
              unsafe { asm!("mrs $0, ID_AA64PFR0_EL1" : "=r"(aa64pfr0)); }
              bits_shift(aa64pfr0, 23, 20) < 0xF
          // features that we don't detect are reported as "disabled":
          _ => false,

The initial user of this feature will be libstd itself, which will use it to implement its own target-feature detection run-time. When libstd is linked into the final binary, the target-feature detection macros will use this run-time to detect the available target-features.

This extension could be considered an "implementation-detail" of how to expose the feature-detection macros in libcore, and can be technically stabilized at a later time. That is, we could expose the feature-detection macros in libcore first, worrying about the details of how to make that configurable at a later time.

This RFC works these details out and proposes a concrete design for them.

Reference-level explanation

This RFC exports the target-feature detection macros from libcore, and introduces:

  • a new attribute: #[target_feature_detection_runtime],
  • a new trait: core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime,
  • a new enum: core::detect::TargetFeature, and
  • a new function: core::detect::is_target_feature_detected.

Stabilizing the usage of the target-feature detection macros from libcore could be done before stabilizing the rest of the APIs proposed here, and would allow all #![no_std] libraries including libcore to use run-time target-feature detection, and benefit from it if libstd is linked into the final binary.

The rest of the API could be initially left as unstable and remain only used by libstd. Stabilizing it would, however, allow #![no_std] binaries to benefit from proper target-feature detection as well.

Export target-feature detection macros from libcore

This RFC exports the feature-detection macros from libcore. Right now, the only stable feature-detection macro is is_x86_feature_detected!("target_feature_name").

If the rest of the API is stabilized, the semantics of these macros could be made more precise, by using the rest of the API proposed here in their specification:

/// Returns `true` if `cfg!(target_feature = target-feature-literal)` is 
/// `true`, and returns the value of `core::detect::is_feature_detected` 
/// for the target-feature otherwise.
/// If the target-feature is not a known target-feature for the current 
/// `architecture`, or the required `feature()` gate to use the feature 
/// is not enabled, the program is ill-formed, and a compile-time 
/// diagnostic is emitted.
is_{architecture}_feature_detected!(string-literal) -> bool;

The #[target_feature_detection_runtime] attribute

The #[target_feature_runtime] can be used to define a target-feature detection run-time by applying it to a static variable as follows:

static TargetFeatureRT: impl core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime;

Only one such definition is allowed per binary artifact (binary, cdylib, etc.), similarly to how only one #[global_allocator] or #[panic_handler] is allowed in the dependency graph.

The static variable must implement the core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime trait.

If no #[target_feature_detection_runtime] is provided anywhere in the dependency graph, Rust provides a default definition that always returns false (no feature is detected).

The standard library provides a target-feature detection run-time for some Rust targets, and attempting to provide a user-defined run-time for these targets is illegal, since that would result in two run-times being part of the dependency graph.

Being able to override the run-time provided by libstd could be pursued as an extension, but at the time of this writing no use cases for this feature have been found. This extension would work by only linking the libstd run-time if there is no run-time in the dependency graph, similarly to how #[global_allocator] currently works.

The core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime trait

The target-feature detection run-time must be a static variable of a type that implements the core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime trait:

unsafe trait core::detect::TargetFeatureRuntime {
    /// Returns `true` if the `feature` is known to be supported by the 
    /// current thread of execution and `false` otherwise.
    fn is_target_feature_detected(feature: core::detect::TargetFeature) 
        -> bool;

This trait is unsafe to implement, and a correct implementation is required for soundness of safe Rust code. In particular, the trait method shall only return that a feature is supported by the current thread of execution if this is actually the case. An incorrect implementation of this trait could cause "safe" Rust code to have undefined behavior.

Note that the TargetFeature enum (see below) is #[non_exhaustive], that is, matching on this enum is required to handle unknown enum variants, and it is always correct to return that unknown features are not available at run-time.

The core::detect::TargetFeature enum

A #[non_exhaustive] enum is added to the core::detect module:

#[non_exhaustive] enum TargetFeature { ... }

Unresolved question: should this enum be in core::arch::{arch} ?

The variants of this enum are architecture-specific, and adding new variants to the enum is a forward-compatible change.

Each enum variant is named as a target-feature of the target, where the target-feature strings accepted by the run-time feature detection macros are mapped to variants by capitalizing their first letter.

For example, is_x86_feature_detected!("avx") corresponds to TargetFeature::Avx. Variants corresponding to unstable target-features are gated behind their feature flag. For example, using TargetFeature::Avx512f requires enabling feature(avx512_target_feature).

The core::detect::is_target_feature_detected function

Finally, the following function is added to libcore:

/// Returns `true` if the `feature` is known to be supported by the 
/// current thread of execution and `false` otherwise.
fn is_target_feature_detected(feature: core::detect::TargetFeature) -> bool;

This function calls the TargetFeatureRuntime::is_target_feature_detected method.


This increases the complexity of the implementation, adding another "singleton" run-time component.

Rationale and alternatives


This approach satisfies all considered use-cases:

  • libcore, liballoc and other #![no_std] libraries and applications can just use the run-time feature detection macros to use extra CPU features, when available. This will happen automatically if a meaningful run-time is linked, but will not introduce unsoundness if no run-time is available, since all features are then reported as disabled.

  • user-space applications: can implement run-times that query the operating system for features, or use CPU instructions for those architectures in which they are not privileged. They can cache the results in various ways, or disable target-feature detection completely if they so desired, e.g., by providing a run-time that always returns false. By default, libstd will provide a run-time that's meaningful for user-space, such that these applications don't have to do anything, and such that their #![no_std] dependencies like libcore can perform run-time feature detection.

  • privileged applications: OS kernels and embedded applications can provide a run-time that satisfies their use case and constraints.

  • cdylibs: dynamic libraries linked against the standard library get by default the libstd run-time. If these are #![no_std], but have access to system APIs, e.g., via libc, they might be able to just include the libstd run-time from, without having to depend on libstd itself. Otherwise, they can use their knowledge of the target they are running on to implement their own run-time.

Implementing a run-time requires an unsafe trait impl, making it clear that care must be taken. The API requires run-times to just return false on unknown features, making them conservative in such a way that prevents unsoundness in safe Rust code. If a run-time doesn't support a feature, safe Rust might panic, or run slower, but it will not try to run code that requires an unsupported feature.

If a program never performs any run-time feature detection, all detection-related code is dead. LTO should be able to remove this code, but if this were to fail, users can always define a dummy run-time that always returns false, and has no caches, etc.

The run-time feature-detection API dispatches calls to the run-time only when necessary. If the default run-time isn't "the best" along some axis for some application, this RFC allows the application to replace them with a better one. With this RFC, there is no reason not to use the run-time feature detection macros.


The main alternative is that we don't have to stabilize everything at the same time. We could implement this as proposed, but only stabilize using the target-feature detection macros via libcore. This would mean that initially, #![no_std] binaries won't be able to implement their own run-times, but that would unlock using the macros on all #![no_std] libraries, and these macros would do something meaningful if libstd is linked into the final binary.

libcore pulls target-features approach

We could provide a "cache" in libcore, and an API for users or only for the standard library, to initialize this cache externally, e.g., during the standard library initialization routine.

This runs into problems with cdylibs, where these routines might not be called automatically, potentially requiring C code to have to manually call into libstd initialization routines. It also runs into problems with often imposing a cost on users, e.g., due to a cache in libcore, even though users might never use it. This would be limiting, if e.g. having a cache in read-write memory prevents libcore from being compiled to a read-only binary. We would need to feature gate this functionality to avoid these issues.

It isn't cross-domain either, e.g., an OS kernel would need to disable this functionality, and wouldn't be able to provide their own. So while they could use libraries that would do run-time feature detection, no meaningful detection would be performed.

Prior art

This feature is very similar to #[global_allocator] and #[panic_handler]. Since a default implementation is provided if the user does not provide one, this is a backward compatible change.

This feature does not exist in any programming languages I know. Clang and GCC do have a feature-detection run-time, which is not configurable, nor does it work for all users.

Unresolved questions

  • We could implement this RFC, without making any APIs public, by just moving the feature-detection macros to libcore. That would allow #![no_std] libraries to use them, and they will do something meaninful if libstd is linked. #![no_std] binaries won't be able to provide their own run-time, but the APIs for this (the trait, enum, and #[target_feature_detection_runtime] attribute) could be stabilized at a later time.

  • Should the API use a TargetFeature enum or be stringly-typed like the macros and use string literals?

  • Since the TargetFeature enum is architecture-specific, should it live in core::arch::{target_arch}::TargetFeature ?

  • How does it fit with the Roadmap? Does it fit with the Roadmap at all? Would it fit with any future Roadmap?

  • Should the libstd run-time be overridable? For example, by only providing it if no other crate in the dependency graph provides a runtime ? This would be a forward-compatible extension, but no use case considered requires it.

Future possibilities

None. After this RFC, the run-time feature detection part of the Rust language should be complete.