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Releases: go-playground/validator

Release 9.3.4

14 Feb 07:26
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What was fixed?

no issues with validator, just updating test.

  • Updated failing test for new translation error message.
  • Updated benchmarks with my new dev machine at the same time.

Release 9.3.3

01 Feb 23:56
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What was fixed?

Release 9.3.2

23 Dec 02:51
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What was fixed?

Corrected Namespace issue when a field within an array or map of structs causes an error, see #266

Thanks @cbandy for reporting!

Release 9.3.1

07 Dec 01:55
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What was fixed?

structonly did not behave as expected when not accompanied by a struct validation thanks @thessem for reporting in #264 😄

Release 9.3.0

30 Nov 13:44
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What was added?

  • added alphaunicode and alphanumunicode validations which are basically just unicode variants of the alpha and alphanum validations that were ASCII only.

relates to #261

Release 9.2.2

16 Nov 01:41
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What was fixed

update cached fields to be stored in array instead of map for #260 thanks @jonmchan for reporting

  • errors now always print out in order for tests
  • performance enhancement from array vs map is nice too ;)
benchmark                                                       old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkFieldSuccess-8                                         101           100           -0.99%
BenchmarkFieldSuccessParallel-8                                 33.2          33.7          +1.51%
BenchmarkFieldFailure-8                                         323           332           +2.79%
BenchmarkFieldFailureParallel-8                                 112           113           +0.89%
BenchmarkFieldDiveSuccess-8                                     719           714           -0.70%
BenchmarkFieldDiveSuccessParallel-8                             230           225           -2.17%
BenchmarkFieldDiveFailure-8                                     1001          987           -1.40%
BenchmarkFieldDiveFailureParallel-8                             323           317           -1.86%
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccess-8                               263           264           +0.38%
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8                       82.6          81.4          -1.45%
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailure-8                               327           328           +0.31%
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailureParallel-8                       116           116           +0.00%
BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccess-8                                    871           878           +0.80%
BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccessParallel-8                            394           402           +2.03%
BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailure-8                                    568           569           +0.18%
BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailureParallel-8                            397           401           +1.01%
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccess-8                         332           267           -19.58%
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccessParallel-8                 105           82.4          -21.52%
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailure-8                         637           557           -12.56%
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailureParallel-8                 260           226           -13.08%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccess-8                        525           452           -13.90%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8                155           144           -7.10%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailure-8                        828           738           -10.87%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailureParallel-8                345           285           -17.39%
BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccess-8                                744           664           -10.75%
BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccessParallel-8                        274           257           -6.20%
BenchmarkStructFilteredFailure-8                                595           517           -13.11%
BenchmarkStructFilteredFailureParallel-8                        250           195           -22.00%
BenchmarkStructPartialSuccess-8                                 674           608           -9.79%
BenchmarkStructPartialSuccessParallel-8                         256           225           -12.11%
BenchmarkStructPartialFailure-8                                 928           848           -8.62%
BenchmarkStructPartialFailureParallel-8                         399           360           -9.77%
BenchmarkStructExceptSuccess-8                                  1076          934           -13.20%
BenchmarkStructExceptSuccessParallel-8                          237           200           -15.61%
BenchmarkStructExceptFailure-8                                  873           787           -9.85%
BenchmarkStructExceptFailureParallel-8                          365           333           -8.77%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccess-8                        539           489           -9.28%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8                201           168           -16.42%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailure-8                        788           709           -10.03%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailureParallel-8                322           299           -7.14%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccess-8             795           683           -14.09%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8     241           211           -12.45%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailure-8             1110          940           -15.32%
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailureParallel-8     399           333           -16.54%
BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccess-8                                  367           285           -22.34%
BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccessParallel-8                          108           91.0          -15.74%
BenchmarkStructSimpleFailure-8                                  776           698           -10.05%
BenchmarkStructSimpleFailureParallel-8                          307           284           -7.49%
BenchmarkStructComplexSuccess-8                                 2224          1622          -27.07%
BenchmarkStructComplexSuccessParallel-8                         718           526           -26.74%
BenchmarkStructComplexFailure-8                                 5350          4717          -11.83%
BenchmarkStructComplexFailureParallel-8                         2097          1853          -11.64%

Release 9.2.1

28 Sep 15:03
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What was fixed?

The required tag was not correctly validating pointer fields like the old v8 exists tag ( see issue #142 ) was and so that bug has been corrected. thanks @codepushr for reporting

  • added required tag to the restricted tags that cannot be overridden because of it's dual functionality with pointers ( thought it already was, my mistake )

Release 9.2.0

25 Sep 17:56
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What's new?

Added StructFiltered(s interface{}, fn FilterFunc) function to allow for better filtering of fields besides StructPartial or StructExcept for #255

thanks @jawher for the idea

Release 9.1.3

22 Sep 23:09
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What was fixed?

Explicitly qualify universal-translator imports; thanks @jawher

Release 9.1.2

19 Sep 15:37
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What was fixed?

  • accidentally cut a release before changes were pushed, fix release for v9.1.1; apologies for the noise.