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178 lines (144 loc) · 8.75 KB

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178 lines (144 loc) · 8.75 KB

Treaty of Babel for Windows


I had zero luck with the included makefile, these are the steps I used to compile

This does edit 3 source files:

1st hotload.c I had to change line 56 (would not compile without changing)

int babel_hotload(char *tdir, char *cdir, load_treaty hdlr, void *tctx, void *cctx) to int main(char *tdir, char *cdir, load_treaty hdlr, void *tctx, void *cctx)

The other 2 files are treaty.h & babel.h, only updated the version info

Version 0.5, Treaty of Babel Revision 10 to Version 0.6, Treaty of Babel Revision 11

These commands will download the source files, install needed compilers, compile the perl files to exe and compile C files to EXE, place a zip file called with all the EXE files on the Desktop

Instructions start here

Start Powershell 5.1 TERMINAL as admin
Copy and paste the following

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module -Name tom42tools -Force -AllowClobber
Import-Module -Name tom42tools -Force

If ($env:ChocolateyInstall -eq $null){Install-Choco}
Switch-WindowsDefender -Disable
Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\Users\$env:UserName\" #Change if not using EVAL version
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "C:\Users\$env:UserName\" -DestinationPath "C:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6" #Change if not using EVAL version
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco install strawberryperl

$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6"

cpanm PAR::Packer #TAKES FOREVER
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6\extras"

pp -o ..\babel-cache.exe
pp -o ..\babel-infocom.exe
pp -o ..\babel-marry.exe
pp -o ..\babel-wed.exe

Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6"
choco install make mingw upx
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

(Get-Content treaty.h) -Replace 'Version 0.5', 'Version 0.6' | Set-Content treaty.h
(Get-Content treaty.h) -Replace '#define TREATY_COMPLIANCE "Treaty of Babel revision 10"', '#define TREATY_COMPLIANCE "Treaty of Babel revision 11"' | Set-Content treaty.h
(Get-Content treaty.h) -Replace '#define TREATY_VERSION "r10"', '#define TREATY_VERSION "r11"' | Set-Content treaty.h
(Get-Content babel.h) -Replace '#define BABEL_VERSION "0.5"', '#define BABEL_VERSION "0.6"' | Set-Content babel.h
Copy-Item babel_handler.h extras/babel_handler.h
Copy-Item ifiction.h extras/ifiction.h
Copy-Item treaty.h extras/treaty.h
Copy-Item babel_handler.h babel-get/babel_handler.h
Copy-Item ifiction.h babel-get/ifiction.h
Copy-Item treaty.h babel-get/treaty.h

gcc -c adrift.c
gcc -c advsys.c
gcc -c agt.c
gcc -c alan.c
gcc -c babel.c
gcc -c babel_handler.c
gcc -c babel_ifiction_functions.c
gcc -c babel_multi_functions.c
gcc -c babel_story_functions.c
gcc -c blorb.c
gcc -c executable.c
gcc -c glulx.c
gcc -c html.c
gcc -c hugo.c
gcc -c ifiction.c
gcc -c level9.c
gcc -c magscrolls.c
gcc -c md5.c
gcc -c misc.c
gcc -c register.c
gcc -c register_ifiction.c
gcc -c tads.c
gcc -c tads2.c
gcc -c tads3.c
gcc -c zcode.c

ar cr adrift.a adrift.o
ar cr advsys.a advsys.o
ar cr agt.a agt.o
ar cr alan.a alan.o
ar cr babel.a babel.o
ar cr babel_handler.a babel_handler.o
ar cr babel_ifiction_functions.a babel_ifiction_functions.o
ar cr babel_multi_functions.a babel_multi_functions.o
ar cr babel_story_functions.a babel_story_functions.o
ar cr blorb.a blorb.o
ar cr executable.a executable.o
ar cr glulx.a glulx.o
ar cr html.a html.o
ar cr hugo.a hugo.o
ar cr ifiction.a ifiction.o
ar cr level9.a level9.o
ar cr magscrolls.a magscrolls.o
ar cr md5.a md5.o
ar cr misc.a misc.o
ar cr register.a register.o
ar cr register_ifiction.a register_ifiction.o
ar cr tads.a tads.o
ar cr tads2.a tads2.o
ar cr tads3.a tads3.o
ar cr zcode.a zcode.o

ar -r babel_functions.a babel_story_functions.o babel_ifiction_functions.o babel_multi_functions.o
gcc -o babel babel.o babel_functions.a ifiction.a babel.a babel_handler.a md5.a blorb.a misc.a register_ifiction.a register.a executable.a zcode.a glulx.a tads2.a tads3.a hugo.a alan.a adrift.a level9.a agt.a magscrolls.a advsys.a html.a tads.a
Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6\extras"
(Get-Content hotload.c) -Replace 'int babel_hotload', 'int main' | Set-Content hotload.c

gcc -c babel-list.c
gcc -c hotload.c
gcc -c ifiction-aggregate.c
gcc -c ifiction-xtract.c
gcc -c simple-marry.c

ar cr babel-list.a babel-list.o
ar cr hotload.a hotload.o
ar cr ifiction-aggregate.a ifiction-aggregate.o
ar cr ifiction-xtract.a ifiction-xtract.o
ar cr simple-marry.a simple-marry.o

gcc -o ..\ifiction-xtract ifiction-xtract.o ..\ifiction.a ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\register_ifiction.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\alan.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\executable.a ..\blorb.a ..\tads.a
gcc -o ..\ifiction-aggregate ifiction-aggregate.o ..\ifiction.a ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\register_ifiction.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\alan.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\executable.a ..\blorb.a ..\tads.a
gcc -o ..\simple-marry simple-marry.o ..\ifiction.a ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\register_ifiction.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\alan.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\executable.a ..\blorb.a ..\tads.a
gcc -o ..\babel-list babel-list.o ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\alan.a ..\blorb.a ..\executable.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\ifiction.a ..\tads.a ..\register_ifiction.a
gcc -o ..\hotload hotload.o ..\ifiction.a ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\register_ifiction.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\alan.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\executable.a ..\blorb.a ..\tads.a

Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6\babel-get"

gcc -c babel-get.c
gcc -c get_dir.c
gcc -c get_ifiction.c
gcc -c get_story.c
gcc -c get_url.c

ar cr babel-get.a babel-get.o
ar cr get_dir.a get_dir.o
ar cr get_ifiction.a get_ifiction.o
ar cr get_story.a get_story.o
ar cr get_url.a get_url.o

gcc -o ..\babel-get babel-get.o get_dir.a get_ifiction.a get_story.a get_url.a ..\ifiction.a ..\babel_handler.a ..\misc.a ..\register_ifiction.a ..\md5.a ..\register.a ..\glulx.a ..\html.a ..\hugo.a ..\magscrolls.a ..\tads2.a ..\tads3.a ..\zcode.a ..\agt.a ..\level9.a ..\alan.a ..\adrift.a ..\advsys.a ..\executable.a ..\blorb.a ..\tads.a

Set-Location -Path "c:\Users\$env:UserName\babel-0.6"
upx -9 *.exe
Compress-Archive -Path *.exe -DestinationPath "C:\Users\$env:UserName\Desktop\" #Change if not using EVAL version
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false
Switch-WindowsDefender -Enable

Or just run this in a Powershell 5.1 TERMINAL as admin
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))