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A knowledge-enhanced tool for recognizing human clinical phenotype with deep-learning.

Build Status Python

What is PhenoBERT?

PhenoBERT is a method that uses advanced deep learning methods (i.e. convolutional neural networks and BERT) to identify clinical disease phenotypes from free text. Currently, only English text is supported. Compared with other methods in the expert-annotated test set, PhenoBERT has reached SOTA effect.

In GSC+(Lobo et al., 2017) dataset:

Method Precision Recall F1-score Set Similarity
NCBO Annotator 66.32 47.79 55.55 72.04
NeuralCR 70.52 63.98 67.09 78.34
Clinphen 49.82 37.99 43.11 56.29
MetaMapLite 62.43 46.67 53.41 66.02
Doc2hpo 68.93 44.98 54.44 69.19
PhenoBERT 75.42 66.18 70.50 82.39


Yuhao Feng, Lei Qi, Weidong Tian*; PhenoBERT: a knowledge-enhanced tool for recognizing human clinical phenotype with deep-learning. Coming soon

How to install PhenoBERT

You can use PhenoBERT on your local machine. Due to some inevitable reason, the web version of PhenoBERT is not yet available.

From Source

  1. Download total project from github.
git clone
  1. Enter the project main directory.
cd PhenoBERT
  1. Install dependencies in the current Python3 environment.

    Notice: we recommend using Python virtual environment to avoid confusion.

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Move the pretrained files into the corresponding folder.
# download files from Google Drive in advance
mv /path/to/download/embeddings/* phenobert/embeddings
mv /path/to/download/models/* phenobert/models

​ After step 4, file structure should like:

- phenobert/
    -- models/
         -- HPOModel_H/
         -- bert_model_max_triple.pkl
    -- embeddings/
         -- biobert_v1.1_pubmed/
         -- fasttext_pubmed.bin

Pretrained embeddings and models

We have prepared pre-trained fastText and BERT embeddings and model files with .pkl suffix on Google Drive for downloading.

click download link

Directory Name File Name Description
models/ HPOModel_H/ CNN hierarchical model file
bert_model_max_triple.pkl BERT model file
embeddings/ biobert_v1.1_pubmed/ BERT embedding obtained from BioBERT
fasttext_pubmed.bin fastText embedding trained on pubmed

Once the download is complete, please put it in the corresponding folder for PhenoBERT to load.

How to use PhenoBERT?

We provide three ways to use PhenoBERT. Due to this issue, all calls need to be in the phenobert/utils path.

cd phenobert/utils

Annotate corpus folder

The most common usage is recognizing human clinical disease phenotype from free text.

Giving a set of text files, PhenoBERT will then annotate each of the text files and generate an annotation file with the same name in the target folder.

Example use :

python -i DIR_IN -o DIR_OUT



 -i directory for storing text files
 -o directory for storing annotation files

 -p1 parameter for CNN model [0.8]
 -p2 parameter for CNN model [0.6]
 -p3 parameter for BERT model [0.9]
 -al flag for not filter overlapping concept
 -nb flag for not use BERT
 -t  cpu threads for calculation [10]

Related API

We also provide some APIs for other programs to integrate.

from api import *

Running the above code will import related functions and related models, and temporarily store them as global variables for quick and repeated calls. Or you can simply use Python interactive shell.

Currently we have integrated the following functions:

  1. annotate directly from String
print(annotate_text("I have a headache"))


9       17      headache        HP:0002315        1.0

Notice: use output = path/can redirect output to specified file

  1. get the approximate location of the disease
print(get_L1_HPO_term(["cardiac hypertrophy", "renal disease"]))


[['cardiac hypertrophy', {'HP:0001626'}], ['renal disease', {'HP:0000119'}]]
  1. get most similar HPO terms.
print(get_most_related_HPO_term(["cardiac hypertrophy", "renal disease"]))


[['cardiac hypertrophy', 'None'], ['renal disease', 'HP:0000112']]
  1. determine if two phrases match
print(is_phrase_match_BERT("cardiac hypertrophy", "Ventricular hypertrophy"))



GUI application

For users who are not comfortable with command line tools, we also provide GUI annotation applications.

Simply use


Then you will get a visual interactive interface as shown in the figure below, in which the yellow highlighted dialog box will display the running status.



We provide here two corpus with annotations used in the evaluation (phenobert/data), which are currently publicly available due to privacy processing.

Dataset Num Description
GSC+ 228 Contains 228 abstracts of biomedical literature (Lobo et al., 2017) in raw format
68_clinical 68 Clinical description of 68 real cases in the intellectual disability study (Anazi et al., 2017)
GeneReviews 10 Contains 10 GeneReviews clinical cases and annotations
val 30 Contains 30 disease research articles from the OMIM database to determine hyperparameters in our model

Train your own model

For the convenience of some users who cannot log in to Google Drive or who want to customize training process for their selves.

We provide the training Python script and training set used by PhenoBERT. Of course, the training set can be customized by the user to generate specific models for other purposes.

cd phenobert/utils

# produce trained models for CNN model

# produce trained models for BERT model