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File metadata and controls

366 lines (288 loc) · 13.4 KB


report-converter is a Python tool which can be used to create a CodeChecker report directory from the given code analyzer output which can be stored to a CodeChecker server.

Table of Contents

Install guide

# Create a Python virtualenv and set it as your environment.
make venv
source $PWD/venv/bin/activate

# Build and install report-converter package.
make package


usage: report-converter [-h] -o OUTPUT_DIR -t TYPE [--meta [META [META ...]]]
                        [--filename FILENAME] [-c] [-v]

Creates a CodeChecker report directory from the given code analyzer output
which can be stored to a CodeChecker web server.

positional arguments:
  file                  Code analyzer output result file which will be parsed
                        and used to generate a CodeChecker report directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output OUTPUT_DIR
                        This directory will be used to generate CodeChecker
                        report directory files.
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Specify the format of the code analyzer output.
                        Currently supported output types are: asan, clang-
                        tidy, cppcheck, eslint, fbinfer, golint, msan,
                        pyflakes, pylint, spotbugs, tsan, tslint, ubsan.
  --meta [META [META ...]]
                        Metadata information which will be stored alongside the
                        run when the created report directory will be stored
                        to a running CodeChecker server. It has the following
                        format: key=value. Valid key values are:
                        analyzer_command, analyzer_version.
  --filename FILENAME   This option can be used to override the default plist
                        file name output of this tool. This tool can produce
                        multiple plist files on the given code analyzer output
                        result file. The problem is if we run this tool
                        multiple times on the same directory, it may override
                        some plist files. To prevent this we can generate a
                        unique hash into the plist file names with this
                        option. For example: '{source_file}_{analyzer}_xxxxx'.
                        {source_file} and {analyzer} are special values which
                        will be replaced with the current analyzer and source
                        file name where the bug was found.
  -c, --clean           Delete files stored in the output directory.
  -v, --verbose         Set verbosity level.

Supported analyzers:
  asan - AddressSanitizer,
  clang-tidy - Clang Tidy,
  cppcheck - Cppcheck,
  eslint - ESLint,
  fbinfer - Facebook Infer,
  golint - Golint,
  msan - MemorySanitizer,
  pyflakes - Pyflakes,
  pylint - Pylint,
  spotbugs - spotbugs,
  tsan - ThreadSanitizer,
  tslint - TSLint,
  ubsan - UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer,


  • Compile with -g and -fno-omit-frame-pointer to get proper debug information in your binary.
  • Run your program with environment variable UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1.
  • Set the UBSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH environment variable to point to the llvm-symbolizer binary (or make sure llvm-symbolizer is in your $PATH).
  • Run the report-converter converter from the directory where your binary is because the output of the UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer will contain relative paths.
# Compile your program.
clang++ -fsanitize=undefined -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer ubsanitizer.cpp

# Run your program and redirect the output to a file.
UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1 \
UBSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-symbolizer \
./a.out > ubsan.output 2>&1

# Generate plist files from the output.
report-converter -t ubsan -o ./ubsan_results ubsan.output
  • Compile with -g and -fno-omit-frame-pointer to get proper debug information in your binary.
  • Set the ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH environment variable to point to the llvm-symbolizer binary (or make sure llvm-symbolizer is in your $PATH).
# Compile your program.
clang++ -fsanitize=address -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer asan.cpp

# Run your program and redirect the output to a file.
ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-symbolizer \
./a.out > asan.output 2>&1

# Generate plist files from the output.
report-converter -t asan -o ./asan_results asan.output
  • Compile with -g and -fno-omit-frame-pointer to get proper debug information in your binary.
  • Set the MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH environment variable to point to the llvm-symbolizer binary (or make sure llvm-symbolizer is in your $PATH).
# Compile your program.
clang++ -fsanitize=memory -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer msan.cpp

# Run your program and redirect the output to a file.
MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-symbolizer \
./a.out > msan.output 2>&1

# Generate plist files from the output.
report-converter -t msan -o ./msan_results msan.output
  • Compile with -g to get proper debug information in your binary.
# Compile your program.
clang++ -fsanitize=thread -g tsan.cpp

# Run your program and redirect the output to a file.
./a.out > tsan.output 2>&1

# Generate plist files from the output.
report-converter -t tsan -o ./tsan_results tsan.output

Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ code.

The recommended way of running the Cppcheck tool is to use a JSON Compilation Database file.

The following example shows how to log the compilation commands with CodeChecker, run CppCheck and store the results found by CppCheck to the CodeChecker database.

# Collect the compilation commands with absolute path conversion.
# Absolute path conversion is required so the reports generated by Cppcheck can
# be stored.
CC_LOGGER_ABS_PATH=1 CodeChecker log -o compile_command.json -b "make"

# Create a directory for the reports.
mkdir cppcheck_reports

# Run Cppcheck by using the generated compile command database.
cppcheck --project=compile_command.json --plist-output=./cppcheck_reports

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of Cppcheck. It will generate a unique report identifier
report-converter -t cppcheck -o ./codechecker_cppcheck_reports ./cppcheck_reports

# Store the Cppcheck reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_cppcheck_reports -n cppcheck


  • The missing unique report identifiers will be generated by the report-converter tool.
  • Analysis related information can not be stored since it is not collected by CppCheck: analysis statistics, analysis duration, cppcheck command etc.

For more information about logging checkout the log section in the user guide.

Spotbugs is a static analysis tool for Java code.

The recommended way of running the Spotbugs tool is to generate an xml output file with messages (-xml:withMessages).

The following example shows you how to run SpotBugs and store the results found by SpotBugs to the CodeChecker database.

# Run SpotBugs.
# Use the '-xml:withMessages' option to generate xml output.
spotbugs -xml:withMessages -output ./bugs.xml -textui /path/to/your/project

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of SpotBugs.
report-converter -t spotbugs -o ./codechecker_spotbugs_reports ./bugs.xml

# Store the SpotBugs reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_spotbugs_reports -n spotbugs

Facebook Infer is a static analysis tool developed by Facebook which supports multiple programming languages such as C/C++, Java etc.

The recommended way of running the Facebook Infer tool is to generate an infer-out directory which will contain a report.json file.

The following example shows you how to run Facebook Infer and store the results found by Infer to the CodeChecker database.

# Run Infer.
infer capture -- clang++ main.cpp
infer analyze

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of FB Infer.
report-converter -t fbinfer -o ./codechecker_fbinfer_reports ./infer-out

# Store the Infer reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_fbinfer_reports -n fbinfer

ESLint is a static analysis tool for JavaScript.

The recommended way of running the ESLint tool is to generate a json output file.

The following example shows you how to run ESLint and store the results found by ESLint to the CodeChecker database.

# Run ESLint.
eslint -o ./eslint_reports.json -f json /path/to/my/project

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of ESLint.
report-converter -t eslint -o ./codechecker_eslint_reports ./eslint_reports.json

# Store the ESLint reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_eslint_reports -n eslint

Pylint is a static analysis tool for Python.

The recommended way of running the Pylint tool is to generate a json output file.

The following example shows you how to run Pylint and store the results found by Pylint to the CodeChecker database.

# Run Pylint.
pylint -f json /path/to/my/project > ./pylint_reports.json

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of Pylint.
report-converter -t pylint -o ./codechecker_pylint_reports ./pylint_reports.json

# Store the Pylint reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_pylint_reports -n pylint

Pyflakes is a static analysis tool for Python code.

The recommended way of running Pyflakes is to redirect the output to a file and give this file to the report converter tool.

The following example shows you how to run Pyflakes and store the results found by Pyflakes to the CodeChecker database.

# Run Pyflakes.
pyflakes /path/to/your/project > ./pyflakes_reports.out

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of Pyflakes.
report-converter -t pyflakes -o ./codechecker_pyflakes_reports ./pyflakes_reports.out

# Store the Pyflakes reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_pyflakes_reports -n pyflakes

TSLint is a static analysis tool for TypeScript.

The recommended way of running the TSLint tool is to generate a json output file.

The following example shows you how to run TSLint and store the results found by TSLint to the CodeChecker database.

# Run TSLint.
tslint --format json /path/to/my/ts/file -o ./tslint_reports.json

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of TSLint.
report-converter -t tslint -o ./codechecker_tslint_reports ./tslint_reports.json

# Store the TSLint reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_tslint_reports -n tslint

Golint is a static analysis tool for Go code.

The recommended way of running Golint is to redirect the output to a file and give this file to the report converter tool.

The following example shows you how to run Golint and store the results found by Golint to the CodeChecker database.

# Run Golint.
golint /path/to/your/project > ./golint_reports.out

# Use 'report-converter' to create a CodeChecker report directory from the
# analyzer result of Golint.
report-converter -t golint -o ./codechecker_golint_reports ./golint_reports.out

# Store the Golint reports with CodeChecker.
CodeChecker store ./codechecker_golint_reports -n golint


The project is licensed under Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE.TXT for details.