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File metadata and controls

117 lines (97 loc) · 6.55 KB


Configuration of the WebService/API can be done through a JavaScript, JSON or YAML config file and/or through Environment Variables. Environment variables always have priority!

The config file can be located anywhere on your local filesystem. Point the API to the file by using the -c or --configfile argument or the CONFIGFILE environment variable(see Startup commands below).

  • If you don't provide a config file or ENV vars, the API will use the default settings (see Default Settings below)!
    • Note that the defaults settings don't have entries for Elasticsearch and Kibana! You have to use a config file to point at ELK servers/clusters!!
  • JavaScript files need to export the settings (use module.exports = {...}).
  • All of the keys inside the env object can be overritten with Environment Variables (for example: the env.ES_HOST key in the config file matches ENV var ES_HOST)
  • All of the keys inside the params object are client-side defaults that the API will use in case the client does not send them in the POST body.

Startup commands

Install type Startup command (where {path} is the absolute path to the config file)
docker-compose $ CONFIGFILE={path} docker-compose up
git clone $ node ./server.js --configfile {path}
NPM global install $ timings --configfile {path}
Docker (stand-alone) $ docker run -d -v {path}:/src/.config.js -p {VM_port}:{Host_port} mverkerk/timings:{version}

NOTE: For non-docker installs, you may need elevated permissions to run the API on ports < 1024

Default settings

  env: {                          // Server-side settings
    ES_PROTOCOL: "http",            // Scheme used by the ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "http")
    ES_HOST: "",                    // Hostname of the ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "")
    ES_PORT: 9200,                  // Scheme used by the ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: 9200)
    ES_TIMEOUT: 5000,               // Timeout for ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: 5000)
    ES_VERSION: "",                 // The version of ElasticSearch (default: '5.6.2')
    ES_USER: "",                    // Username for Basic auth to ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "")
    ES_PASS: "",                    // Password for Basic auth to ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "")
    ES_SSL_CERT: "",                // Path to cert file for SSL auth to ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "")
    ES_SSL_KEY: "",                 // Path to key file for SSL auth toElasticSearch server/cluster (default: "")
    KB_HOST: "",                    // Hostname of the Kibana server/cluster (default: -copy value from ES_HOST-)
    KB_PORT: 5601,                  // Scheme used by the ElasticSearch server/cluster (default: 5601)
    KB_INDEX: "",                   // Name of the main Kibana index in ElasticSearch (default: ".kibana") - used for upgrades
    HTTP_PORT: 80                   // Port of the API server (default: 80)
  // API parameters
  params: {                       // Client-side parameters
    required: [                     // REQUIRED LOG parameters (have to start with 'log.')
      log.test_info,                  // Information about the test-step
      log.env_tester,                 // Environment of the test machine (i.e. `local`, `grid`, `saucelabs`, `iphone 7`, `galaxy-s6`, etc.),                       // The name of the test team (this is used to organize the Kibana dashboard)
      log.browser,                    // The browser used to perform the test (i.e. `Chrome`, `FireFox`, etc. - for API tests, use something like `api-curl`)
      log.env_target                  // Environment of the target application (i.e. `dev`, `test`, `prod`)
    defaults: {                     // DEFAULT parameters (will be used if they are not provided in the client's POST body)
      baseline: {                     // These settings are used to calculate the baseline
        days: 7,                        // Number of days to calculate the baseline for (default: 7)
        perc: 75,                       // Percentile to calculate (default: 75)
        padding: 1.2                    // Multiplier to calculate extra padding on top of the baseline (default: 1.2 = 20%)
      flags: {                        // These booleans determine the output and other actions to be performed
        assertBaseline: true,           // Whether or not to compare against baseline (default: true)
        debug: false,                   // Request extra debug info from the API (default: false)
        esTrace: false,                 // Request elasticsearch output from API (default: false)
        esCreate: false,                // Save results to elasticsearch (default: false)
        passOnFailedAssert: false       // Pass the test, even when the performance is above the threshold (default: false)

Additional Environment variables

In addition to the env parameters in the config file, the following environment variables can be used to control certain settings:

Variable Description Examples Default value
CONFIGFILE Path to custom config file "/etc/timings/perfconfig.js" if omitted, API will use <installation path>/.config.js
NODE_ENV The node environment "production", "test", "development" "development"
LOG_LEVEL The desired level of logging - used for console output and app log "info", "debug", "error" "info"
LOG_PATH Custom logging path "/var/logs/", "/home/user/logs" "<installation path>/logs/timings"
ES_UPGRADE Boolean to force installation of Kibana items "true" or "false" "false"

The "required" array

In your server config file, you can use the params.required array to enforce certain LOG keys. Example:

params: {
  required: [log.test_info,log.env_tester,,log.browser,log.env_target],

In the above example, the API will expect that the client's POST body includes a log object that looks like this:

  log: {
    test_info: "...",
    env_tester: "...",
    team: "...",
    browser: "...",
    env_target: "...",

TIP: use clients can use dynamic values to populate fields like browser and env_target from sources like process.env (node/javascript) or os.environ (python).

If any of the required keys are not provided, the API will return an error. Example:

    status: 422,
    message: "ValidationError: child 'log' fails because [child 'test_info' fails because ['test_info' is required]]"