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171 lines (127 loc) · 5.88 KB

Create your own dialog manager

A dialog manager plugin is responsible for displaying text triggered by the say command and by selecting dialog choices when Escoria runs an ESCDialog </api/ESCDialog>.

In both cases, Escoria supports a "type" which results in different views.

In the current stock dialog addon, for example, there's a floating type and an avatar type. The floating type displays text floating over the character's sprite. The avatar type displays a dialog box with an avatar and the spoken text.


Dialog choosers also support a type; however, this isn't currently supported in the dialog statements of the ESC language.


The dialog plugin needs to register classes that extend the ESCDialogManager </api/ESCDialogManager>. This is done by adding the path to the .gd files of the classes to the Escoria project setting escoria/ui/dialog_managers.

This can be done in the following way:

extends EditorPlugin

const MANAGER_CLASS="res://addons/my_plugin/"

# Register ourselves after setup
func _enter_tree() -> void:
    call_deferred("_register") # 1

# Unregister ourselves
func _exit_tree() -> void:
    _unregister() # 2

# Add ourselves to the list of dialog managers
func _register():
    _unregister() # 3
    var dialog_managers: Array = ProjectSettings.get_setting(

# Remove ourselves from the list of dialog managers
func _unregister():
    var dialog_managers = ProjectSettings.get_setting(



# Register a new project setting if it hasn't been defined already
# #### Parameters
# - name: Name of the project setting
# - default: Default value
# - info: Property info for the setting
func _register_setting(name: String, default, info: Dictionary):
    if not ProjectSettings.has_setting(name):
        ) = name

This script, which can be used as the main plugin file, does the following:

  • 1: When the plugin enters the tree (is enabled), it calls the register function when the engine is idle. This is done to allow Escoria to start first so the plugin can be sure that the project setting has been initialized.
  • 2: When the plugin exits the tree (is disabled), it unregisters the dialog manager to clean up after itself
  • 3: For safety reasons, the plugin unregisters the dialog manager (if it exists) before registering it by adding it to the list found in the project setting escoria/ui/dialog_managers

The dialog manager class

The dialog manager needs to extend ESCDialogManager </api/ESCDialogManager>, which defines the basic functions required for the dialog manager to work.

First, the dialog manager should return which types it supports:

  • has_type: Return whether the provided type is supported for displaying dialogs
  • has_chooser_type: Return whether the provided type is supported for displaying the dialog chooser

The dialog manager will be called by ESCDialogPlayer </api/ESCDialogPlayer> to either display a dialog line or to let the player choose a dialog option.

In the case where a line of dialog is to be displayed, the say method is called in the dialog manager. The following parameters are provided:

  • dialog_player: The dialog player node that the UI should use to display the text. The node is added as a child to the scene. This ensures a consistent look based on the user interface
  • global_id: The global ID of the item that the text should be displayed for
  • text: The text to display
  • type: The chosen type for the say command

The method must emit the say_finished signal when the text has finished being displayed.

In the case where the player chooses a dialog option, the choose method is called in the dialog manager. These parameters are provided:

  • dialog_player: The dialog player node that the UI should use to display the text. The node is added as a child to the scene. This ensures a consistent look based on the user interface
  • dialog: An ESCDialog </api/ESCDialog> object with details about the dialog and the dialog options to display

The method must emit the option_chosen signal when the player has chosen an option. The selected option (a ESCDialogOption </api/ESCDialogOption> ) should be provided as an argument to the signal.

Additionally, these functions need to be implemented:

  • speedup: Handles the player triggering the speeding up of the dialog, so the text being rendered should be displayed faster
  • interrupt: The event has been interrupted and the dialog should be interrupted immediately


The developer is completely free to implement the user interface for dialogs and the dialog chooser. The dialog UIs will be added to the game's user interface, so theming the dialog UI is up to the game's UI and is not required for the dialog addon.

The say and choose methods should take care of adding the UI to the supplied dialog_player node, as well as removing it again, so the scene tree is clean.

The player object can be retrieved from the ESCObjectManager </api/ESCObjectManager> to get additional information about it, e.g. its position in the room.