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File metadata and controls

187 lines (141 loc) · 4.74 KB

Creating a boilerplate with boiler

if not, set $GOPATH/bin in $PATH to be easier to use any cli tool installed from go

Getting the tool:

go get

Creating a boiler plate structure

mkdir my-boilerplate
mkdir my-boilerplate/.boiler

Add the following to my-boilerplate/.boiler/config.yml

description: My plate project
vars:  # Optionally request information to user while initializing
  - {name: author, question: What is your name}                           # Random vars for example purpose
  - {name: thing, question: What is the thing name, default: beepboop}            

Add a simple file to be processed trough templates: file: my-boilerplate/

echo "hello {{.author}}, I'm {{.thing}}"

Tree should be something like this:

├── .boiler
│   └── config.yml

Consuming the boilerplate:

bp create location/my-boilerplate proj1

where location should be the folder where your boilerplate is

Result should look like:

Loading boilerplate from my-boilerplate/
My plate project
What is your name [author] ()? me
What is the thing name [thing] (beepboop)?
Generating project...
Created project: proj1 proj1


├── .boiler
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── user.yml

Executing and checking results

$ . proj1/
Hello me I'm beepboop

Adding a generator:

in config.yml we add the generator field with the list of generators, Generators can be added/edited in on going projects by changing proper .boiler/config.yml in each project We can even create .boiler/config.yml in existing projects with required generators/templates

Create the templates folder

mkdir my-template/.boiler/templates

We will add a template file inside our my-boilerplate my-template/.boiler/templates/

# copyright (C) {{.author}} {{.time.Format "2006"}}

echo "I'm a controller I do {{.action}}"

lets add a generator named controller

description: My plate project
vars:  # Optionally request information to user while initializing
  - {name: author, question: What is your name}  
  - {name: thing, question: What is the thing name, default: beepboop}            # Random vars for example purpose
# New generators field here:
  controller:                                                           # A generator named controller
    aliases: [c]                                                        # It will work as 'bp add controller' or 'bp add c'
    files:                                                              # File list one or several files, can also be a directory
      - {source:, target: "{{.name}}"}             # It will look for inside .boiler/templates folder
    vars:                                                               # vars list
      - {name: action, question: What is the action, flag: "action,a" }  # Similar to init vars but here we optionally add flag field

After generating other project with the new config.yml we can see descriptions from newly created controller generator

$ bp create location/my-boilerplate proj2
$ cd proj 2
$ bp add
Add a file based on boilerplate generator

  bp add [file] [flags]
  bp add [command]

  add, a

Available Commands:

  -h, --help   help for add

Use "bp add [command] --help" for more information about a command.

$ bp add controller -h
  bp add controller [name] [flags]

  controller, c

  -a, --action string   What is the action
  -h, --help            help for controller

Lets generate a new unit within proj2 folder:

bp add controller mycontroller1
What's the action [action] ()? things
Generating file:

Can also be generated with flags, which bp will not ask if flags are present:

$ bp add c mycontroller2 --action "other things"
Generating file:


$ .
I'm a controller I do things
$ .
I'm a controller I do other things

Generated controller content:

# copyright (C) me 2017

echo "I'm a controller I do things"

Generator can have many files as it requires, target will be processed through template so if we add generator with a file that containts a target like "controllers/{{.author}}{{.name}}" and using bp add c control it will generate that file within controllers/

As a special case we can add a dot alias to this generator i.e. '.sh' this way we can pass a single parameter to bp bp add it will be the same as bp add controller